Avoid Eating Raw Seafood (oysters) news item.

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beer monkey
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Avoid Eating Raw Seafood (oysters) news item.

Post by beer monkey » September 30, 2006, 4:23 am

Avoid raw seafood 30.9.06

People should avoid eating raw seafood, particularly oysters, as a potentially fatal disease has been spreading in the US, the Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned yesterday.

Secretary-general Phakdi Phothisiri said the FDA recently received a report from its US counterpart about cases of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp) infections found in New York and Washing-ton. He said consuming uncooked seafood contaminated with the bacteria, particularly if it was stored in poorly refrigerated containers, could produce tell-tale symptoms of severe diarrhoea, high fever and stomach numbness.

Deputy secretary-general Manit Arunakura said for people who were more vulnerable to Vp infections, such as those with liver problems or bodies too weak to get rid of invading organisms, the infection could be fatal.

Phakdi said anyone with kidney disorders, diabetes or HIV/Aids was also highly susceptible to catching a fatal infection by Vp or other organisms, such as salmonella and campylobacter.


Post by valentine » September 30, 2006, 7:25 am

Sounds like a new name for hepatitis A , been there done that and survived 20 years ago in Pattaya. :wink:

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Post by john2005 » September 30, 2006, 12:54 pm

Hmmm,you are asking for trouble if you eat oysters this far from the sea as you know they did not travel the hundreds of kilometres here in refrigeration.

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Post by bubbles » September 30, 2006, 1:17 pm

First tie I meet the inlaws Mum prepared a big feast for all the family I brought some lovely wines from Aussie, and yes it included some oysters well I was violently ill for 3 to 4 days thoughts passed through me maybe they tried to knock me off, only joking they where very embarrassed and could not do enough for me so no more oysters in Udon for me

Regards to all

PS can someone post the web address for stickman in Pattaya thanks

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