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Post by BKKSTAN » July 30, 2008, 9:58 am

I was reading something today that I have been hearing through the media quite a bit lately in regards to China and the Olympics!

That China is suppressing this,limiting that,dressing up the Olympics etc.etc. because they are worried about their image in the World and want to take this opportunity to show off on the World stage!

I think the mindset is completely wrong!!!

IMO,I think Chinas main concern is and has always been the impression that they make on their people incountry,not how the World views them!

The building of nationalistc pride,the suppression of demonstration,outlawing of religions connected to foreign thinking or influence,the limitations on the media etc. are all part of the control and manipulation of the people!

I don't think China cares a twit what anybody else thinks.They know that the bottomline is that nobody is going to mess with them,no matter what they do or don't do!

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