US Marines quicken pace to leave Iraq

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US Marines quicken pace to leave Iraq

Post by WBU ALUM » April 12, 2009, 4:30 am

Is this the same AP that was writing all the articles about how the Iraqis want the US out? This article is anything but that. I'm not surprised that the people of Iraq are not feeling secure, but I am surprised that the AP published this article.

As Marines Exit Gathers Pace, Some Iraqis Fret
Symulski and Capt. Dallas Shaw, 39, of Fairfax, Va., listened to business leaders vent their worries at a North Ramadi council meeting.

The officers were peppered with questions about security measures and allegations that Iraqi security forces were stealing from their stores. They debated hiring their own security force, but Shaw shook his head. He told them they needed to deal with their police precinct commander.

"Very soon, there won't be any Marines coming here," he said.

The remark drew murmurs of dismay.

Kareem Arak, the council president, shook his head, telling Shaw: "We feel many bad things are coming."
I am beginning to sense that the current plan to leave may be too soon, but those with the daily briefings are paid to know what is best.

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Re: US Marines quicken pace to leave Iraq

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » April 12, 2009, 4:45 am

Yeah, well, since this is a political decision it does not matter too much what the Iraquis want. However, it does go some way to show that the U.S. and British presence in Iraq was more of a success than some pundits suggest.

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Re: US Marines quicken pace to leave Iraq

Post by westerby » April 12, 2009, 6:04 am

Well, I don't suppose the US can stay there for ever. Of course, you do realise it will all go to rat ---- after they've left.

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Re: US Marines quicken pace to leave Iraq

Post by cali4995 » April 12, 2009, 6:14 am

So what happens with the visiting 7,000 service men after Pattaya/Chonburi declared an
emergency zone? I heard tell they were marines? This is different from the navy right? :lol:

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