Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

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Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by rick » April 23, 2009, 7:01 pm

I lived for a year in Libya. Only problem was being arrested once, maybe for being improperly dressed (shirt with no sleeves); although never told why really; they just checked to see if i was a spy or not! Fortunately no torture, just lots of questions, out after 4 hours.

But have not had any bad experiences otherwise - even in UK (although my brother knows someone caught up in the bombings in London some time ago). Know a few Moslems, but not well. But on the TV you do see some nasty stuff, but as always, what you see is a few extremists who get too much publicity.

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Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by jackspratt » April 23, 2009, 7:28 pm

I worked on a number of occasions in Indonesia (Jakarta) had had some very good experiences with a number of Muslims, particularly around Blok M, and the Hotel Melawi :D

Also when recently in Perth I visited an Indonesian lady (Muslim) who previously worked in my office in Jakarta, and has now married a bule, and settled in Australia. She cooked a delicious meal, and also provided a delightful bottle of white wine.

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Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by virginprune » April 24, 2009, 6:24 am

We all have our own ideas about this topic...I'm not sure what the O/P was looking for...maybe other peoples predjudices, or possibly how they disguise them! I personally have limited social contact with people of the muslim faith. My eldest daughter became a practicing muslim about 10 years ago..when she started getting interested in she is quite devout, I suppose you could call her a born again imam, but she seems happy in her faith...the only other experience I have is when I visit my brother in Abu Dhabi...and I would generally proscribe to the fact that they are no different from anyone else...personally I have no faith in any sort of post life fantasy so cannot understand what all the fuss is about. However, a great many people do..and there will always be "the chosen few" who will latch onto anything for their own ends...oopps!...too much lager!!!


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Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by aznyron » April 24, 2009, 8:26 am

to quote Former Governor & U.S. Navy Seal and professional wrestler Jesse Ventura
organized religion is only for weak minded people and I agree with him.
You can believe in God or what ever name you want to put on him. but to let some
pastor of any religion lead you by the nose and tell you God told them to tell you
WOW how gullible can we get. now I do want to say I am a believer of higher power
whom I choose to call GOD

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Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by aznyron » April 24, 2009, 8:28 am

oh BTW GOD does NOT need your money only the scamming pastors do of any religion

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Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by cali4995 » April 24, 2009, 8:35 am

I'd have to agree with Tilokarat's earlier essay. :lol: It just seems to be the world today that
core values are disappearing. Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Atheist it doesn't even seem
important, when you meet folks who have an old-fashioned sense of fair play or just try to
live within a framework of some code of conduct you stop and take notice because it has
become such a rare thing anymore. Good and bad people from every walk of life about.

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Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by saint » April 24, 2009, 2:59 pm

cali4995 wrote:I'd have to agree with Tilokarat's earlier essay. :lol: It just seems to be the world today that
core values are disappearing. Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Atheist it doesn't even seem
important, when you meet folks who have an old-fashioned sense of fair play or just try to
live within a framework of some code of conduct you stop and take notice because it has
become such a rare thing anymore. Good and bad people from every walk of life about.
i dont agree with this statement , i would say that the vast majority of people have a sense of fair play , as you put it . not rare by any means . most try to live an honest life , this could be termed christian , but its more about being decent , than following any religious guidelines . back to the good experience with muslims thing , most of them are indeed law abiding good people , what used to get up my goat however was the fact that they moved to my country , no respect for british traditions and values , not even try to intergrate themselves into the community , expected to lead the life they had whilst in there home country . now its got so bad that everyone in authority bends over backwards to accomadate these people , and to be honest i think they overplay thier ethnic minority hand , and milk the system for everything they can , and the powers that be let them get away with it , and totaly ignore british peoples rights and frustrations , then they bleat on about racial tensions . people are not only p~ssed at the number of these people living in britain , but the fact that they appear to have more rights than that of a british national . how can that possible be right ???? my father and his father did not go to war to fight for my freedom only to see that freedom curtailed by mass immagration and a bunch of wishy washy politicaly correct liberals , sh~t scared of upsetting the muslims . [-X [-X [-X [-X i have had many a good curry in pakistani restaurants , so those were good muslim experiences . :D :D :D :D other than that nothing whatsoever .

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Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by aznyron » April 25, 2009, 5:27 pm

live & let live you clean your back yard & I will clean mine should be the philosophy of every one
but sadly there are those who want more and demand more but it not only linked to Muslims
we have a similar problem in the U.S it illegals coming up from mexico & central America as well as S/America the problem is these people are being exploited by greed because they have no recourse
and yes our politicians are bending over backwards namely to appease the chamber of commerce who
members hires most of them so it a losing battle and our uneducated unskilled workers can not find jobs
because they take them for 50% of the minimum wage

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Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by tauhidmd » April 26, 2009, 5:37 pm

guys! anyways are there any muslims over there @ UDON THANI!?


Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by laphanphon » April 26, 2009, 6:21 pm

yes, obviously, but since they aren't stamped on their forehead, "muslim", don't think any of us would notice. sure a few of the members' wives are muslim. though if requested, they are supposed to change faith to husband's, if different...........that's wierd, but hey, then the can eat pork. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by Kenn » April 27, 2009, 2:06 am

i know lots of Muslims, most are from the middle East, Iraqi, Jordanian, Egyptian, Turkish,etc... but also know a lot from Bosnia and India and prob that i dont even know are muslim... some i like , some i don't, i am a atheist who was raised Roman Catholic,

so i will hang out with anyone, i talk religion with them all the time, you don't have to push your beliefs on someone, sometimes it better to listen and learn..... besides i argue about too many other petty bull :censored:

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Re: Good experiences with Muslims from non Muslims

Post by cookie » May 13, 2009, 11:34 am

aznyron wrote:to quote Former Governor & U.S. Navy Seal and professional wrestler Jesse Ventura
organized religion is only for weak minded people and I agree with him.
You can believe in God or what ever name you want to put on him. but to let some
pastor of any religion lead you by the nose and tell you God told them to tell you
WOW how gullible can we get. now I do want to say I am a believer of higher power
whom I choose to call GOD

did you see the interview of your hero jesse ventura on larry individual live???
great stuff....

of course he defended Colin Powell against Cheney and Rush Limbaugh

Ventura's straight talk on how terrible of a President Bush was is .... :D :D :D :D :D

individual: Joining us now, Jesse Ventura, former wrestler, former governor of Minnesota, former Navy SEAL, the author of "Don't Start The Revolution Without Me." That book is now out in paper back. Welcome to have you back, Jesse. There you see the cover of the book. How's Obama doing?

JESSE VENTURA, FMR. GOV. OF MINNESOTA: Too early to tell, Larry, really. In my opinion, George Bush is the worst president in my lifetime.

individual: Have an opinion, will you?

VENTURA: I will. I will. And he's the worst president in my lifetime. So Barack Obama, President Obama inherited something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. You know? Two wars, an economy that's borderline depression. So it's far too early to judge him 100 days in. I think if you have me back about two years from now, I can give you a much better of how he's doing.
enjoy the interview here on youtube.
You will love it Ron... ... re=related ... re=related
Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One Hour, and I'll Have Him Confess to the Sharon Tate Murders[/quote]
:D :D :D :D :D
VENTURA: No, I live in Mexico now, Larry. So I do a lot of reading. I don't watch much TV. This year's reading, I covered Bush's life. I covered Guantanamo and a few other subjects. And I'm very disturbed about it.

I'm bothered over Guantanamo because it seems we have created our own Hanoi Hilton.
We can live with that? I have a problem. I will criticize President Obama on this level; it's a good thing I'm not president because I would prosecute every person that was involved in that torture. I would prosecute the people that did it. I would prosecute the people that ordered it. Because torture is against the law. individual: You were a Navy SEAL.

VENTURA: That's right. I was water boarded, so I know -- at SERE School, Survival Escape Resistance Evasion. It was a required school you had to go to prior to going into the combat zone, which in my era was Vietnam. All of us had to go there. We were all, in essence -- every one of us was water boarded. It is torture.
individual: A lot of things to go into, Jesse. What do you make of the Cheney/Limbaugh --

VENTURA: I don't have a lot of respect for Dick Cheney. Here's a guy who got five deferments from the Vietnam War. Clearly, he's a coward. He wouldn't go when it was his time to go. And now he is a chicken hawk. Now he is this big tough guy who wants this hardcore policy. And he's the guy that sanctioned all this torture by calling it enhanced interrogation.

individual: Do you think Rush Limbaugh's a better Republican than Colin Powell?

VENTURA: No, not at all. In fact, if you compare the two, let's look at Colin Powell, who's a war hero, who strapped it on for his country, and didn't run and hide.

individual: Twice.

VENTURA: And then you look at Dick Cheney who ran and hid. I have no respect for Dick Cheney. I have tremendous respect for General Powell.

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