New machine eradicates flu

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New machine eradicates flu

Post by izzix » June 17, 2009, 12:51 am ... elid=48449

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36 Patents Worldwide on new British invention that destroys H1N1 Swine Flu virus in Minutes

* Submitted by: Rea-TMA Marketing
* Tuesday, 16 June 2009

British scientists have developed a unique air purifier, now patented in 36 jurisdictions around the world, which according to independent research can kill the viruses H1N1 Swine Flu and H5N1 Bird Flu within minutes in any room or other enclosed space. It is also effective against the MRSA ‘superbug’ and other airborne bacteria and viruses: Tri-Air Developments

The technology is not a filtration process: the unit uniquely combines three different methods of decontamination to simulate the natural purification properties of fresh air, creating the cleansing hydroxyl radicals that occur outdoors. The technology ‘scrubs’ the air clean of airborne viruses and bacteria, and is also effective against those on surfaces – which would help protect against hospital acquired infections and shield offices, homes and public spaces from flu virus.

The technology has been tested by the UK’s Health Protection Agency for its ability to kill both airborne and surface bacteria and viruses, and was shown to be 99.999 per cent effective in killing an airborne test Staphylococcus of the same genus as MRSA in less than two minutes. It significantly reduces airborne spores similar to C. difficile in one hour (reference: UK HPA Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response, Porton Down, Sep 24, 2007).

Air Purifier Technology

The Tri-Air Developments unit replicates the conditions of the natural outdoor purification process, rich in hydroxyl radicals, which easily destroy microbes including H5N1, H1N1, other flu and cold viruses as well as bacteria, both in the air and on surface contact. Hydroxyl radicals are found naturally in abundance in outdoor fresh air, with high concentrations in forested mountain areas.

The UK patent was granted in May 2007, and Tri-Air now has 36 jurisdictions in April 2009 patented around the world with others pending, along with a number of additional patents filed.

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