BT offers holidays for pay cuts

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BT offers holidays for pay cuts

Post by BobHelm » July 4, 2009, 11:46 am

Some interesting ideas from BT to reduce the wage bill without making people redundant.
Could certainly suit some people's circumstances & would be a win/win.
I applaud them for at least exploring alternatives rather than the normal response of "sack!!" and hope this achieves what they want & benefits some staff as well....

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Re: BT offers holidays for pay cuts

Post by Galee » July 4, 2009, 11:13 pm

I happen to know that there are thousands of BT staff who would welcome being made redundant as long as they received the redundancy packages that were on offer before. Morale is at an all time low.
I can't see this new incentive being any help. Yes, OK for the few that are financially stable and fancy a year off doing what they fancy, but spare a thought for the staff that are left behind and have extra work load to make up for the missing staff that are swanning around for a year. It could backfire if the remaining staff were to go sick with stress?

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