Cardinal George Pell

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by saint » April 7, 2020, 8:28 am

GT93 wrote:
April 7, 2020, 7:51 am
Australia's highest appellate court declares Pell not guilty!
You have got to be ----- me . [-( [-(

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by mickojak » April 7, 2020, 9:00 am

Yeah, I'm pissed off at that, but certainly not surprised.
Legal people, politicians, churches, all in bed together.
Lotta power between that lot

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by saint » April 7, 2020, 9:27 am

I hope the ***** dies of a long , lingering , painful decease , and when he finally meets his maker , he will be properly judged for the sick bastard he really is .
My sympathy to all Australians , if this is the state of your justice system . Utter disgrace .

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by jackspratt » April 7, 2020, 9:46 am

As it is highly unlikely you have read the High Court judgement, or even the summary saint - here it is for your edification. ... y/12128468

All those powerful legal people etc in bed together seem to be a particularly incompetent lot, seeing as it has taken them nearly three years, and 5 court cases, to finally "spring" Pell.

I have no idea whether he is guilty of the charges for which he was convicted, but 7 of the best legal minds in Australia unanimously agree there was insufficient evidence to dispel a reasonable doubt.

He has served 12 months in prison - which is probably fair enough for his egregious behaviour during the cover-up period from the 70s onwards.
Last edited by jackspratt on April 7, 2020, 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by glalt » April 7, 2020, 9:54 am

What would the Catholics expect as long as they forbid priests getting married (to women). Is it any wonder that being a priest attracts homosexuals? As a side note I was born and raised Catholic.

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by noosard » April 7, 2020, 10:56 am

Maybe the 12 good people thought there was sufficient evidence
The prosecution thought there was or wouldn't of pressed charges
George comes out smelling roses

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by Khun Paul » April 7, 2020, 11:02 am

Emasculate him and make him a monk, problem solved

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by jackspratt » April 7, 2020, 11:06 am

noosard wrote:
April 7, 2020, 10:56 am
Maybe the 12 good people thought there was sufficient evidence
The prosecution thought there was or wouldn't of pressed charges
George comes out smelling roses
Some of the 12 at his first trial must have had some doubt.

You can have all the evidence in the world, but it won't/shouldn't be enough if a reasonable doubt exists. That is the very basis of the English criminal justice system.

Pell will always smell, but never of roses.

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by noosard » April 7, 2020, 11:19 am

What I am getting at is not about this case but all that have juries
If the 12 good people make a verdict it should not be over turned because some other judges have the opinion that jury was wrong
or what is the point of juries

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by jackspratt » April 7, 2020, 11:23 am

The point of juries is that they are subject to the directions of the trial judge on points of law.

If those directions are inadequate, let's say on the subject of reasonable doubt, then the jury may not arrive at a safe verdict.

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by noosard » April 7, 2020, 11:32 am

So the trial judge was at fault

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by jackspratt » April 7, 2020, 11:34 am

I don't know - I haven't read the entire HC judgement.

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by fatbob » April 7, 2020, 11:37 am

They took the word from people who said this is what he normally doe's after Sunday Mass, not what he did on those days and not an eye witness account, just what he normally doe's as opposed to the word of the victim, they were over looked. If you have the money you can get away with murder.

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by TJ » April 7, 2020, 11:38 am

Many comments appear to indicate ignorance of facts related to the case. Such as:

At his trial, the accuser was the only witness who said it happened. There were over twenty witnesses who said it could not have happened.

A second accuser, who later died, said that it never happened.

In this Court, the respondent correctly noted that a number of the claimed improbabilities raise the same point. It remains that acceptance of A’s account of the first incident requires finding that: (i) contrary to the applicant’s practice, he did not stand on the steps of the Cathedral greeting congregants for ten minutes or longer; (ii) contrary to long-standing church practice, the applicant returned unaccompanied to the priests’ sacristy in his ceremonial vestments; (iii) from the time A and B re-entered the Cathedral, to the conclusion of the assaults, an interval of some five to six minutes, no other person entered the priests’ sacristy; and (iv) no persons observed, and took action to stop, two robed choristers leaving the procession and going back into the Cathedral. ... l-cleared/

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by GT93 » April 7, 2020, 12:50 pm

I can't stand Pell but I thought the case against him as I followed it looked a bit shaky for a beyond reasonable doubt verdict.
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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by pipoz4444 » April 7, 2020, 1:53 pm

saint wrote:
April 7, 2020, 8:28 am
GT93 wrote:
April 7, 2020, 7:51 am
Australia's highest appellate court declares Pell not guilty!
You have got to be ----- me . [-( [-(
My sentiment, exactly :-k :-k
That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by trekkertony » April 8, 2020, 4:05 am

George Pell's conviction has been quashed and rightly so, however as the leading catholic in Australia he will for ever more be guilty of shielding and moving paedophile priests around Australia and inflicting their filth on unsuspecting congregations.

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by saint » April 8, 2020, 8:09 am

He was only doing Gods work .
It looks like the same people or organisations that protected him then , and they knew what he was doing , are protecting him now .
The man is the lowest form of scum there is .

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by AlexO » April 8, 2020, 8:25 am

Yip, same as Scotland. Obviously 9 (nine) ladies all got together to tell wee fibs about slippery Salmond and his alleged liking for a wee feel at the hoot an any. The judiciary needs to be looking inwards methinks.

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Re: Cardinal George Pell

Post by GT93 » April 15, 2020, 1:46 am

The big arm wrestle about Pell has started in Oz. He's letting his media supporters such as Andrew Bolt interview him: ... w/12146594]
Cardinal George Pell says he believes "culture wars" and his conservative views on social issues contributed to him being prosecuted and jailed on child sexual abuse charges — convictions that were overturned by the nation's highest court last week.
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