Another Country Grounds The 737-MAX

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Re: Another Country Grounds The 737-MAX

Post by mech_401 » September 25, 2020, 11:47 am

indeed, the actual manufacturer, honeywell aerospace calls it " traffic collision & avoidance system" so apparently there are two names. which
i stated after your 1st bizarre interjection

what i'm not getting is your reasoning for multiple
smarmy interjections. when multiple sources show two names commonly used.
wouldn't T.A.C.A.S. be the correct acronym then?

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Udon Map
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Re: Another Country Grounds The 737-MAX

Post by Udon Map » September 25, 2020, 7:12 pm

mech_401 wrote:
September 25, 2020, 11:47 am
indeed, the actual manufacturer, honeywell aerospace calls it " traffic collision & avoidance system" so apparently there are two names. which i stated after your 1st bizarre interjection

what i'm not getting is your reasoning for multiple smarmy interjections. when multiple sources show two names commonly used. wouldn't T.A.C.A.S. be the correct acronym then?
How cool! I haven't been called smarmy in decades!!

Regardless of what we think that the acronym should be, Bendix (one of the manufacturers you mentioned) calls it Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System.

From the Bendix TCAS I Pilot's Guide:
TCAS (an acronym formed from the phrase Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System) is an airborne system used for detecting and tracking aircraft near your own aircraft. ... -Guide.pdf

In any case, I think that this horse is dead; so if you would like the last word, it's yours. I won't be responding further.

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Re: Another Country Grounds The 737-MAX

Post by mech_401 » September 25, 2020, 7:52 pm

and here's a link to website which shows it being called T.C.A.S. " traffic collision and avoidance system" by the manufacturer

maybe it's implied there are warnings-alerts-audibles in collision avoidance system,and i admitted different names were used . im not
getting why you're so fixated on this

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Re: Another Country Grounds The 737-MAX

Post by mech_401 » September 25, 2020, 8:21 pm

the wiki article on T.C.A.S. spells it out a little clearer on what this thing does, it's various modes
( and, right at top article indicates it's called different names) it's current generation. traffic advisories vs immediate collision avoidance etc
maybe commercial pilots have classes onthis stuff

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Re: Another Country Grounds The 737-MAX

Post by tamada » November 9, 2020, 7:49 pm

Anyone plan on flying American any time soon? Just in time for Thanksgiving too.

Can't get my head around this but either.

"European regulators have already declared the Max is safe to fly. What 's curious is that Boeing hasn't yet made the software changes that European regulators insisted was necessary."

Huh?! ... -everyone/

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Re: Another Country Grounds The 737-MAX

Post by Hoopoe » January 10, 2021, 4:39 am

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Re: Another Country Grounds The 737-MAX

Post by tamada » January 10, 2021, 5:54 am

A 26 year old variant that has none of the dodgy software of the MAX.

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Re: Another Country Grounds The 737-MAX

Post by pipoz4444 » April 12, 2021, 11:30 pm

The new version of the 737 MAX =; =; is on the way. So buy Boeing Shares immediately as the word is out and their Value will sky rocket, faster than Bitcoin :confused:

It has to be BOEING ... ture-push/

I think Dave Calhoun just "Poohed" his pants, because his Research Team forgot to copy him in on the email \:D/ \:D/ :-#

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Re: Another Country Grounds The 737-MAX

Post by vlad » April 13, 2021, 12:11 am

Be a brave man who steps on this.

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Re: Another Country Grounds The 737-MAX

Post by pipoz4444 » April 13, 2021, 11:07 am

If they can loose MH 370 travelling at at 879 kms per hour after eight hours, just imaging where this new plane, travelling at 10 times the speed will end up, if the pilot goes rogue. He will have them start searching the Moon?? \:D/

That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

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