Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

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Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by stattointhailand » May 25, 2021, 1:52 pm

and I didn't even know Matt Hancock went to school with the head of the Portugal Travel Industry :-$

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by Drunk Monkey » May 25, 2021, 2:06 pm

is that your best effort at a political dig at the Torys Statto ?? ](*,) :sleepy: .. go stand in the corner with Bruce and Ashley.

Best get used to Bojo and his excellent governmental team as without any effective opposition they aint going anywhere for years to come ... the faces may change but the policies wont .. Boris got Brexit done and the UK topside of the pandemic ..hes a hero and his popularity is increasing so could be PM for a decade.. marvelous news.

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by Khun Paul » May 25, 2021, 3:01 pm

I have been to Portugal a few times, excellent cuisine and wine , beaches not that bad either. Lovely drive through France and onwards to Portugal, that was then, need to fly now miss out on so much enjoymentand beautiful scenery

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by stattointhailand » May 25, 2021, 5:14 pm

Wonder how many hours Bojonco spent discussing if Oz & NZ should get onto the UK's Green travel list ....perhaps they expect Liz to negotiate "Free Travel" as part of her Free Trade agreement (cheap travel arranged for all the farmers put out of business?)
I suppose there is always a week or two in South Georgia available if you have a spare 5k after all its only 3 days travel each way (providing we still have control of the airport on the Falklands). I've heard it would make an ideal fishing base for all those British Fishermen currently twiddling their thumbs back in blighty

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by AlexO » May 25, 2021, 5:45 pm

Please explain why all our farmers are going to be out of business.
Did we not have previously a free trade agreement with Ireland, Germany, France et al when we were in the very expensive EU Dictatorship yet our farmers seemed to do alright, even then ones who were paid not to do anything. Is it that you are worried that the farmers have become so dependent on subsidies that they have failed to keep up with advances in modern farming?? Surely we can produce beef etc for the local market that is competitive with Aussie produced product and not having the cost of shipping half way round the world added to it.

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by stattointhailand » May 25, 2021, 6:43 pm

Yes it will really assist our farmers not having tariffs on all the beef/lamb etc they export to Australia/NZ whilst paying extra to send to the EU markets. After all France/Belgium/Holland etc are world leaders in lamb and beef production who produce so much they dont need to import, where as they hardly know what end of animal to feed down under so will be clamouring to get our produce

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by AlexO » May 25, 2021, 8:36 pm

stattointhailand wrote:
May 25, 2021, 6:43 pm
Yes it will really assist our farmers not having tariffs on all the beef/lamb etc they export to Australia/NZ whilst paying extra to send to the EU markets. After all France/Belgium/Holland etc are world leaders in lamb and beef production who produce so much they dont need to import, where as they hardly know what end of animal to feed down under so will be clamouring to get our produce
Have wee look at how much Irish beef, French lamb and German pork, Italian hams and sausages (and by products from the same Countries) was imported into the UK during the heady days of us being ruled by Brussels compared to how much we exported to those EU member states. If you really believe your final sentence about how bad farmers are in Aus/NZ go to any Country outwith the EU and have a look at where the premium beef and lamb comes from. Excluding the America's obviously. Even here in Thailand where does the premium beef come from????

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by stattointhailand » May 25, 2021, 9:50 pm

France ?

Thai-french Beef Short Rib A
Thai-french Beef Top Sirloin Steak

We know where the top lamb/beef comes from (apart from a bit of Hereford & Aberdeen) so what's the point of being able to sell our beef/lamb in Oz/Nz tarriff free? They aint gonna buy our stuff are they? The only ones where we HAD a market (small or large) now incurs tarriffs on everything we want to sell

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by tamada » May 25, 2021, 10:37 pm

The post-Portuguese vacation Covid surge that will imperil school reopening and re-shutter the pubs and gyms will be passed off by Matt Wanksock as, "Something we expected, budgeted and planned for and is thus totally manageable."

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by AlexO » May 25, 2021, 11:10 pm

stattointhailand wrote:
May 25, 2021, 9:50 pm
France ?

Thai-french Beef Short Rib A
Thai-french Beef Top Sirloin Steak

We know where the top lamb/beef comes from (apart from a bit of Hereford & Aberdeen) so what's the point of being able to sell our beef/lamb in Oz/Nz tarriff free? They aint gonna buy our stuff are they? The only ones where we HAD a market (small or large) now incurs tarriffs on everything we want to sell
Bred here (Thailand), not imported. Would rather have an Aussie any day. But why not sell Hereford/Aberdeen in the UK without the stupid minimum price enforced by the Dictatorship. I am old enough to remember reasonable priced NZ lamb etc before we abandoned our allies so Heath could get a new yacht.

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by stattointhailand » May 25, 2021, 11:49 pm

I'd really love to know what we are supposed to gain by giving Aussie/NZ access to our Beef/Lamb with a zero tariff?
It's certainly not to let us get access to Aussie Beef/Lamb cheaper, coz there is no current tariff on it anyway.
Canada have already said they want the same as we give the Aussies. and they no doubt will be the first in a long line that wont agree a deal unless it screws us as much as the Aussie deal. This govt have not managed to negotiate a single trade deal yet (every one so far is cut/paste EU deal) and agreeing this just so as they can say "we got a deal" is worse than barmy. Mind you Joe Gullible Public in UK seems to be prepared to accept all this b*llshit time and again, so perhaps the British public had better change from being Brits to being Mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed bullsh*t)

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by Barney » May 26, 2021, 4:34 am

Statts you seem to be bogged down with trade in meat etc.
I’m sure you are aware of the post brexit FTA between Britain and Australia being negotiated at the moment where both sides will have a win.
There is more at stake with this trade deal than something you just throw on the BBQ.

Have a play with google and you will see.

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by Khun Paul » May 26, 2021, 6:33 am

Barney wrote:
May 26, 2021, 4:34 am
Statts you seem to be bogged down with trade in meat etc.
I’m sure you are aware of the post brexit FTA between Britain and Australia being negotiated at the moment where both sides will have a win.
There is more at stake with this trade deal than something you just throw on the BBQ.

Have a play with google and you will see.

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That is called intelligence I think !

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by noosard » May 26, 2021, 7:08 am

Apart from how it effects the exchange rate here in Thailand who gives a toss
Should all be vegans

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by Drunk Monkey » May 26, 2021, 7:52 am

stattointhailand wrote:
May 25, 2021, 11:49 pm
I'd really love to know what we are supposed to gain by giving Aussie/NZ access to our Beef/Lamb with a zero tariff?
It's certainly not to let us get access to Aussie Beef/Lamb cheaper, coz there is no current tariff on it anyway.
Canada have already said they want the same as we give the Aussies. and they no doubt will be the first in a long line that wont agree a deal unless it screws us as much as the Aussie deal. This govt have not managed to negotiate a single trade deal yet (every one so far is cut/paste EU deal) and agreeing this just so as they can say "we got a deal" is worse than barmy. Mind you Joe Gullible Public in UK seems to be prepared to accept all this b*llshit time and again, so perhaps the British public had better change from being Brits to being Mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed bullsh*t)
70% of the UK population now support Brexit and the ""deal"" was always only done to big up Boris .. with his current popularity ratings going up after an excellent vaccine roll out and total lack of any credible opposition other than Diane Abbot rambling on about blackness , racism and how things are so terrible the Tory government have got it all sewn up ..

who gives a rats bottom about beef tarifs Statto its just another one of your anti Bojo N BREXIT rants .. btw you live in Udon ..where do you buy your beef ?? c2mu , Pan foods .. Thai french ?? .. OZZ and NZ BEEF here is excellent quality and cheaper than ever in some cases less expensive than Thai beef products.

Back to Portugal ... im told its a lovely place especially for keen golfers.... if people wanna go covid or not let them , their choice.

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by tamada » May 26, 2021, 8:05 am

^ Just don't bring it back... but they will because Bojo KNOWS the great British unwashed can't be trusted to behave themselves. The total absurdity of the "amber list" countries is a classic example of the Tories preferring the DIY approach to pandemic mitigation.

Anyway, later today, we are promised that his former partner in grand larceny is going to spill some beans. Cummings is going to point the big fat finger for last summer's second wave at the PM and his cabinet of self-serving and self-aggrandizing arseholes..

As my sister points out, "Bullies and gangsters. The government worried about the Indian variant while busily exporting it to holiday destinations. So generous of us."

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Re: Thousands of Brits book Portugal holidays

Post by rick » May 26, 2021, 2:13 pm

Portugal's current Covid infection rate is similar to the UK, so probably will not bring anything extra back, apart from a few trade deals, Brazilian variants for our Indian ones.......

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