Your extreme liberal bias really shows through KD,to denigrate one form of media,while applauding another when you know their is an agenda behind each,surprises me.Videos are clipped an edited to give the impression the presenter wants,Including your ''hero'' MM.Taking legimate mistakes and twisting them into so-called facts to support assumptions made to fit ones agenda,does not make one a ''hero''!KHONDAHM wrote:After viewing the videos - especially the footage about the murderous helicopter attacks that was hidden from the public by the Bush administration among other blatant war crimes - I challenge ANYONE on this board to re-justify their case against the undeniable need for Wikileaks.RLTrader wrote:Great find KHONDAHM. Thanks. This will not be seen on any U.S. tv, thats for sure, but it should be.
Indeed, the very fact that Wikileaks is garnering more news time than the information being exposed is proof of the utter incompetence of traditional media to focus and inform the public in democracies around the world.
As a follow up to the movie, this is another great read. Out of the millions of people who could have stepped up, Michael Moore did step up. Both will go down in history as heroes for the world in my book: ... bail-money
IMO,If you have adversaries,you should have a right to ''secret planning'' in order to accomplish your goals.Even the right to withold information that might cause erosion of your popularity.This notion,the the people have a right to know every detail,about everything,is not reasonable or a viable way to conduct business.
Somewhere,in order to have effective and decisive leadership,people have to have trust and confidence that the leadership will do what they think best for the people in their defense,which is the primary function of gov't,defending the nation!