Osama Bin Laden killed

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by jimboLV » March 27, 2012, 8:27 pm

As far as I can tell the HISTORY Channel in the US has pretty much the same programming as the Asian one. I agree about the Mary Tyler Moore show. When I was younger I had a massive crush on her, mainly because I had a girlfriend when I was in college who looked and acted exactly like her. She was in high school, and her mother threatened to have me arrested for statutory rape when she found out I was not Jewish. But I digress, (as is this thread).

I am probably one of the few people on the planet who has never seen a full episode of M.A.S.H. I watched it for about ten minutes a few times and found it juvenile, not funny, and to have no redeeming social value. To my knowledge the History channel has never carried M.A.S.H. unless it was a documentary on the show. If it was, I would put it in the same category as the pawn shop shows.

But I still think they did an outstanding job on the Osama Bin Laden incident. There, now we're back on topic.

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by jackspratt » March 27, 2012, 8:34 pm

jimboLV wrote: But I still think they did an outstanding job on the Osama Bin Laden incident.
Based on your recommendation, I downloaded and watched today.

With the exception of the breathless hagiographic commentary from the moustached/bearded "expert", I thought it was quite good.

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by jimboLV » March 27, 2012, 8:59 pm

Have to admit you had me on that one, Jack. I had to look up "hagiographic". (Adulatory, gushing, gushy, fulsome.) I agree and I thought his comments in particular detracted from the whole piece. But he is typical of SOME of the people in his field that I have associated with in the past. Insufferable, and unable to let their accomplishments speak for themselves.

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Osama Bin Laden killed

Post by parrot » March 31, 2012, 2:15 pm

When you pull off something as complex as the Bin Laden raid, mission accomplished despite the odds, no American lives lost......I can understand how someone might choose to be hagiographic in their comments. (Yes, I had to look the word up as well....and even my auto spell checker puts a line of cherry Skittles underneath the word.)

I'm not much of a Rambo/Schwarzenegger movie kind of guy, but this was easily a documentary worthy of a heaping bowl of microwave popcorn and a glass of beer. And just when I was considering giving up my 15 year UBC contract! (I don't even want to know how much that is in dollars)

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