Robbery suspect left his address

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Robbery suspect left his address

Post by westerby » December 30, 2008, 7:46 pm

Source: BBC

Chicago police have arrested a man who allegedly robbed a bank using a threatening note written on the back of his own pay cheque.
Police say 40-year-old Thomas Infante walked into the bank and gave a staff member a note saying, "Be Quick...Give your cash or I'll shoot".
He got $400 (£270), but left behind half of his note as he fled.
Detectives found the rest of the slip - complete with his name and home address - outside the bank's front doors.
Mr Infante was later arrested at his home in Cary, Illinois. If convicted of bank robbery, he faces up to 20 years in prison.

I wonder how long he took to hatch that cunning plan.

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beer monkey
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Re: Robbery suspect left his address

Post by beer monkey » December 30, 2008, 8:22 pm

Police say 40-year-old Thomas Infante
Certainly had an infantile brain... #-o

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Irish Alan
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Re: Robbery suspect left his address

Post by Irish Alan » December 30, 2008, 11:21 pm

A bit like one a few years back... 2 brothers hitched their truck to an ATM... The bumper fell off and the would be robbers fled the scene... One small problem, their reg plate was still on the bumper so the police showed up at their door to give them back their bumper and arrest them. :mrgreen:

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