The earth is doomed !

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The earth is doomed !

Post by izzix » February 27, 2009, 12:22 am

Doomsday: How 4C temperature rise this century will change world beyond recognition and threaten human survival

By Claire Bates
Last updated at 3:21 PM on 26th February 2009

Alligators bask off the English coast, the Saharan desert stretches far into Europe and just 10 per cent of humans are left on the planet.

Science fiction?

No, this is the doomsday scenario being predicted by scientists if global temperatures make a predicted rise of 4C in the next 100 years. Some fear it could happen as early as 2050.

Rivers from the Danube to the Rhine would be reduced to a trickle while melting glaciers and storm surges would drown coastal regions under two metres of water. More if parts of Antarctica were to melt.
Enlarge desert

Trying to prevent desertification. Some experts predict that by 2100 deserts would take over most of Africa and stretch into Europe

While 4C does not sound like very much, the New Scientist magazine, has said it could easily occur.

A report in 2007 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose conclusions are generally accepted as conservative, predicted a rise of between 2C and 6.4C this century.


* Antarctica glaciers melting at alarming rate, warn international team of scientists
* Faulty rocket brings Nasa's 'global warming' satellite down with a bump

In August of 2008 Bob Watson, former chair of the IPCC, warned that the world should prepare for 4C of warming.

As part of their research into the article the New Scientist spoke to leading climate experts from around the world to create a map of how our world might look 4C warmer.

Many were optimistic that humans would survive but would have to adapt to vastly altered circumstances. Vast numbers would have to migrate and there would have to be a world effort to redistribute resources.

As a huge swathe of desert started to spread out from the equator, humans would migrate north and south towards the poles, knocking down national boundaries.

'We need to look at the world afresh and see it in terms of where the resources are, and then plan population around that,' Peter Cox from the University of Exeter said.

Humans will become mostly vegetarian with most animals being eaten to extinction by desperate people.
Enlarge iceberg

A glaciers melt, sea levels are expected to rise by 2m this century

Large chunks of Earth's biodiversity would vanish because they could not adapt in such a short time.

In the world's oceans, numbers of fish would drop dramatically as acid levels rose because of decreasing plankton.

As the remaining fertile lands would be so precious people would have to live in compact high-rise cities to preserve space for food growing.

Scientists have put forward the prospect of energy being supplied for homes by a giant solar belt running across North Africa, the Middle East and the southern U.S. The New Scientist article also questioned the future of the humankind.

'I think they'll survive as a species all right, but the cull during this century is going to be huge,' former Nasa scientists James Lovelock said.

'The number remaining at the end of the century will probably be a billion or less.'

Workers install solar panels in France. Massive solar panel complexes stretching across countries could be built to provide for the world's energy needs

The last time the world experienced such temperature rises was 55 million years ago when large areas of frozen methane were released from the ocean and filled the atmosphere with carbon, warming the planet by 6C.

Unfortunately humans did not learn any survival lessons from the event as we only evolved a quarter of a million years ago.

Many experts hope our species will continue but warn we are not doing enough to try and prevent a catastrophe.

'In order to be safe, we would have to reduce our carbon emissions by 70 per cent by 2015. We are currently putting in 3 per cent more each year,' said Nobel prizewinning chemist Paul Crutzen.

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Re: The earth is doomed !

Post by Irish Alan » February 27, 2009, 1:34 am

So if we beat cancer and super malaria we are f**ked anyway. Thanks Izzix... =D> =D> =D>

Where did I put that rope?

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Re: The earth is doomed !

Post by old-timer » February 27, 2009, 1:59 am

Humans will become mostly vegetarian
yep - i'm off to the nearest rama bridge - together with my green polythene big c bag - to join eddie

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Re: The earth is doomed !

Post by wazza » February 27, 2009, 3:59 am


if u jump, dont forget the river has risen dramatically therefore you will end up only swimming.

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Re: The earth is doomed !

Post by BKKSTAN » February 27, 2009, 5:29 am

Well,I have faith that our children and their offspring will evolve with the times and the evolutionary process of the World!

Thw scaremongers have been screaming doomsday since recorded history,but they evolved!

Change is inevitable,it is the acceptance of change that makes life pleasant,the constant attempting to prevent it that causes the misery!

There is probably little doubt that the habits of the inhabitants of this Earth add to many changes in Nature ,including climate change,but they have selfishness as their central controlling factor,so they are part of nature or the natural evolutionary cycle also!

People are not going to give up their conveniences unless there is a more convenient process available!

So when the time is near,very near,some will use rope and some will jump on a spacecraft or teletransport! :wave: :wave: :wave:

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Re: The earth is doomed !

Post by nevket240 » February 27, 2009, 6:13 am ... print.html

it isn't just the Nips but the Indians & Russians as well who say it is a crock of nonsense. A fraud. The regressives are getting into panic mode as the groundswell in the world wide scientific community is growing bigger than the supposed sea level. ... -falsehood
Antarctica is NOT warming. Just more diddling of the data by Political Activists, NOT scientists. The Antarctic region was the last-man-standing since all the other frauds had been exposed. ... -titanoboa
and above where the tropics were 5C warmer than today. Come again AL. Life flourished. ... 2d53f00437
always save the best for last. Please Jack attack the facts this time. The facts are coming to you soon in your hip pocket and a massive increase in EcoMarxists ability to control EVERY aspect of your life. Can't you see that???

regards. happy reading. :guiness:

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Re: The earth is doomed !

Post by 747man » February 27, 2009, 10:34 am

Well I doubt VERY Much that I will still be around in 2050,and even IF I am I wont be swimming with the Aligators around the English coast 8-[ 8-[ :roll: :roll:

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Re: The earth is doomed !

Post by rickfarang » February 27, 2009, 2:18 pm

Its going to be hard to top this headline, izzix!

BTW, the earth is not doomed. It will be spinning and orbiting the Sun long after us humans have disappeared.

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Re: The earth is doomed !

Post by RLTrader » February 27, 2009, 5:19 pm

rickfarang wrote:Its going to be hard to top this headline, izzix!

BTW, the earth is not doomed. It will be spinning and orbiting the Sun long after us humans have disappeared.
and that date (after us humans have disappeared) has not changed in the past 38 years. 2050! :yikes:

Hmm, wonder why! :guiness: I drink to that.

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Re: The earth is doomed !

Post by rickfarang » February 27, 2009, 9:30 pm

So, what's so magical about the date 2050?

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Re: The earth is doomed !

Post by rick » March 2, 2009, 5:59 pm

I see we have the usual anti-global warming b*ll*cks provided by Nevket. Science is a discussion forum, the whole point is that different ideas can be put forward, and on the fringe there are always a few nutters. Even the USA is beginning to believe it.

Yes, global warming is a hypothesis - but as time goes by, more and more evidense is on the effects being real. Also, i do not see how titanoboa disproves global warming - the weather 60 million years ago has very little relevance. As in our weather from year to year, it varies. It is the TREND that is important. CO2 has been going up for a long time, it is possible to model it's warming affect. But weather is affected by many things - variations in the earths orbit, solar activity, El Nino/La Nina to start with. There are hundreds of inputs affecting weather, some random. So temperature does not go up every year. look at the trends and the effects of inputs to the system.

Ask the older Innuit if the world is warmer. if the tundra starts defrosting, the impact on global warming could be tremendous - and possibly make parts of the planet in the tropics practically uninhabitable. This could reult in billions of people trying to migrate to more habitable areas (Siberia and Canada?). So lets be careful.

I am no ecofreak - have no problem with sensible use of nuclear power, know that animals will become extinct. But i believe in longterm planning, not short term greed - something the financial markets have forgotten; thats a modern extinction event happening now - and it can happen very quickly. If nothing else, learning to use our resources carefully will benefit everyone. Alternative - dog eat dog in 50 years.

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