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Post by Doodoo » March 9, 2020, 11:51 pm

Today the Dow is on the down side also OIL

Dow 30 is down 6,4%
Oil is down 19.4%

Best to hold onto your hats ... c=fin-srch

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Post by parrot » March 10, 2020, 1:17 am

I'm not sure if Peter Lynch used the exact words, but I recall him saying in times such as these, 'fasten your seat belts'. Over the past 30+ years, I've known a variety of people who bailed at the worst possible time.......then never had the guts to get back into the markets. That advise has served me well.....even though there were times (Oct 88, 9/11, 2008) when the tightened seat belt made breathing a bit difficult.

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Post by GT93 » March 10, 2020, 2:49 am

Trump appears to be one of the keenest presidents ever to keep the stock market up. I'm expecting a frantic effort from the young fella (compared to Sleepy Biden) to talk it back up. The White House might even consider legislation compelling it to be at a certain level. There are some real loonys in there. :lol:
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Post by sometimewoodworker » March 10, 2020, 7:57 am

The Dow Closing at 7.79% down at 23,851 previous close 25,864

The wonderful Trump effect that has the US scramble to repair his actions and do what other countries do easily.
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Post by tamada » March 10, 2020, 10:41 am

When it comes to DJT's ability to "talk things up", to paraphrase Whistler from another thread, "All hat, no cattle."

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Post by GT93 » March 10, 2020, 12:09 pm

Whoops, loonies.

Yes, but it will be great fun watching the snake oil salesman try to talk the Dow up while the news is focusing (sadly) on Americans dying. The strange world of Donald Trump will come to the fore more and more.
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Post by sometimewoodworker » March 10, 2020, 12:45 pm

Trump is certainly correct about winning, he has won and managed to ensure a record for the biggest fall ever in the Dow a week and a half ago and has beaten that record again by ensuring an even bigger fall yesterday. So he is able to claim the 2 biggest falls in its history.

He may have made claiming a bigger fall very difficult, but shows no signs of stopping trying or of knowing how to actually say or do things to slow the fall.
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Post by semperfiguy » March 10, 2020, 1:44 pm

sometimewoodworker wrote:
March 10, 2020, 12:45 pm
Trump is certainly correct about winning, he has won and managed to ensure a record for the biggest fall ever in the Dow a week and a half ago and has beaten that record again by ensuring an even bigger fall yesterday. So he is able to claim the 2 biggest falls in its history.

He may have made claiming a bigger fall very difficult, but shows no signs of stopping trying or of knowing how to actually say or do things to slow the fall.

Come now my friend! There's no doubt that we can give President Trump credit for the huge gains in the market since his presidency, but you would have a hard time proving that he has done anything to cause this recent downturn. It's strictly Coronavirus panic related, and if you're going to play that game then you might as well blame him for the fall of markets worldwide. Nothing he can say or do at this point will change the direction of markets. People are making buy and sell decisions based on what they hear from all parts of the world, and with the internet and social media it's all "in your face" these days. As long as the mass media keep hyping the scare there will be continued selloffs. Lay off the CNN and you'll sleep better at nights!
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Post by jackspratt » March 10, 2020, 2:41 pm

semperfiguy wrote:
March 10, 2020, 1:44 pm
....... but you would have a hard time proving that he has done anything to cause this recent downturn. It's strictly Coronavirus panic related,.........
Careful there, sfg - you are contradicting the Bloated Orange Bullshiiter:
Donald J. Trump
Saudi Arabia and Russia are arguing over the price and flow of oil. That, and the Fake News, is the reason for the market drop! ... 1294382081
BTW, you are also contradicting yourself - is it CNN, or George Orwell's "rough men" (allegedly)? :-k
semperfiguy wrote:
March 10, 2020, 1:44 pm

Lay off the CNN and you'll sleep better at nights!

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Post by sometimewoodworker » March 10, 2020, 2:57 pm

semperfiguy wrote:
March 10, 2020, 1:44 pm

Come now my friend! There's no doubt that we can give President Trump credit for the huge gains in the market since his presidency, but you would have a hard time proving that he has done anything to cause this recent downturn.
It’s remarkably easy to see how Trump has managed to add significantly to the fall as his history of lying has eroded any trust in his word and belief in his abilities to do much if anything to reduce the effect of any measures that he is advocating such as his proposal to reduce payroll taxes so that people can got out to spend money, the exact opposite of medical advice on reducing the spread of infection. By lying about the severity of the scale of the infection. By ridiculous downplaying of the WHO death figures because he has a hunch that 3.4% is wrong and should really be far under 1%.

There are so many ways that listing all of them is a full time job

As to the “huge”, in fact not a very special, percentage increase he has been riding the coattails of the Obama recovery (a 70% rise) and funding the increase by adding an amazing amount to the US national debt. The bigger rise came after he put billions into the coffers of big businesses who responded by investing, not in increasing jobs, investment in equipment or pay, but by increasing their stock prices.

Do show exactly where the “huge” percentage gains are in the market. Here is a chart for you.
That looks remarkably like a modern smaller south sea bubble.

So credit for giving businesses money funded by future US taxpayers to jump the stock markets valuations of big corporations? Yes he can have that =D>
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