Been through your list and can see one Canadian (who was designing a super gun for Saddam Hussian) whose specification was it could hit targets in Israel. The rest were either murdering terrorists or leaders of the murdering terrorist organisations or people who had killed jewish people in the WW2 death camps.
I only wish the Brits had been half as clinical in dealing with the known IRA/PIRA murdering terrorists and their opposite members of the Loyalist gangs, it would have saved thousands of innocent lives.
The USA keep very quiet about its black ops same as Russia who have no qualms about poisoning critics of their regimes. But none of them can compare to the carnage carried out in the name of their unseen God by Black September, the PLO, Hezbollah, Taliban, Al Qaeda, Deash (ISIS) etc
Still fail to see why the Left of Centre supporters have become so anti sematic when the whole ethos of Israel and the Kibbutz system is based on the holy grail of equality and socialism so eagerly sought by most snowflakes.