Crypto-currencies: The future is now

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by Giggle » February 3, 2018, 12:06 pm

ytrewq wrote:
February 3, 2018, 5:13 am
The situation remains fluid.

Which makes a great case for doing a play-by-play. Unless, of course, YOU don't want to talk about it. [-(

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by jimjay » February 3, 2018, 6:29 pm

says it all...

speculation alarmists rejoice...

bitcoin dropping faster than a poofter's willy in a cold shower... ... 2008-crash
The economist credited with predicting the 2008 global financial crisis said a 12% fall in the value of bitcoin on Friday was the latest proof that the cryptocurrency was the biggest bubble in history and destined for a crash.

Nouriel Roubini, professor of economics at New York University, said bitcoin was “the mother of all bubbles” favoured by “charlatans and swindlers” as it fell below $8,000 (£5,600) early on Friday, marking a 30% drop since the beginning of the week as investors became increasingly twitchy about a clampdown on cryptocurrencies by regulators. Later it rallied, climbing back over $8,600 by 3pm (GMT).

Bitcoin has lost more than half its value since hitting a peak of near $20,000 in the week before Christmas. Dubbed “Dr Doom”, Roubini said the sharp fall was the beginning of a crash that would see the value of the digital currency plummet “all the way down to zero”.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by christian_2013 » February 5, 2018, 3:10 pm

If we look at Bitcoin 1 year ago it was $1,000usd per Bitcoin with the market correction now selling for $8,000usd per Bitcoin.
Now I am no mathematician but according to my calculation using a calculator as I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed that equates to an 800% gain in 12 months which is an above average rise in the value of Bitcoin since it's inception.
The annual average rise has been 500%/year now from an investment point of view unless of course you entered the market during the hype of the end of 2017 and bought at $20,000usd per Bitcoin then you would be pretty happy with your investment regardless.
I'm not pro bitcoin nor am I anti Bitcoin, but if you understood cryptocurrencies in general you would understand that regardless of the negative hype surrounding this new paradigm from the banking and governments sector, cryptocurrencies are exactly what the banking, governments and globalists want for the future.
Always consider what our governments tell us, and as governments and banking work together to enslave the population further the technology of blockchain is exactly what they want for the future enslavement of mankind.
How will that be achieved pretty obvious if you ask me without stepping in to conspiracy theories.
The whole future of technology is a surveillance system from SMART electricity meters to SMART Phones to SMART TV's to SMART Fridges to SMART Wallpaper to SMART Grid 5G systems that will run the internet of things to come. This includes SMART cash encrypted cashless societies are all surveillance tools cleverly disguised as conveniences for life.
One only has to look at social media now to know that this is another area of surveillance tools being used that surveys the populations of nations, not by a human being but by artificial intelligence programmed by algorithms.
As we are all aware when most of us for decades have said, I don't have nothing to hide then you have forfeited certain freedoms for the conveniences of technology.
Take a look at China now for example and those that have voiced descent towards the government are now locked out of the SMART grid some 7.5 million of them currently. What does that mean? When they go to buy a plane ticket for example they cannot, buying train tickets has been banned from this group of enemy combat tens, they cannot buy land, use bank accounts. Friends who telephone these people find that the ring tone has been changed so there friends know they have been blacklisted by the authorities and if they know what's good for them they should now avoid these people. Those shut out blacklisted from the system have no recourse to complain even after publicly apologizing as there is no-one to register complaint the system is run by AI and the inputted algorithm.
So for those that are pro cryptocurrencies you are correct there is a future in this technology and for those that are anti crypto currencies saying that there is no value in this technology or it's not backed by anything think again it's value should not be underestimated.
Only a few weeks ago a warrant was issued under the patriot act for domestic terrorism, how did they use the surveillance a SMART fridge.
I am grateful to be living in Thailand, the industry I worked in destroyed by globalism for the profits of the Ponzi central banking system, but don't ignore the fact that it's not happening here either, just a little slower than where most of us are from. When you fill in the forms at your Immigration office and it asks you for your social media pages you use, it's not because your friendly officer wants to connect with you and be friends on Facebook and twitter.
I sit on the fence with cryptocurrencies I use it, invest in it, but ultimately know what the future holds for it.
For as long as it lasts, like my previous job, until the transnational corporations instruct there corrupt puppets the governments to enact legislation making it illegal, I will continue to profit or lose from this technology which I can tell you with 100% assurance is not going away. But how the technology will fit in will change as it helps to make up to 85% of jobs now redundant in the future.
I can't see me using cryptocurrency to buy a bowl of noodles in the near future, but quite useful for foreign workers to use by remitting funds back to relatives in isolated locations instantly via there telephone and that's only one application. I am not afraid of the technology, but I am afraid of how the technology will be used against us.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by felixcat » February 5, 2018, 6:30 pm

Now, Christian seems to be sooo close to the reality here. I give him "1st Place" for his statement.Could probably hang out with him. :D . Just a bit to go to the "Smoking Gun". I think I will watch to see it you guys can figure it out, rather than tell you the "last chapter". Yes, it will be too late then, but if I told you now, the "commentors" would just trample on the truth, because "they can't handle the truth". \:D/
Here is a clue: all this "electricity" is not building fortunes for the masses. Rather its building something that will control you.
So, as I said before, take your profit, walk away. Play another one for a profit, but always walk away, don't get greedy.
"People buy gold for long term financial security. People buy bitcoin to speculate and get rich quick.".
And, the Tax Man is is Coming. I know its not fair..."they" allow false info to spread, show some people in fancy Maserattis, and everyones mouth drools." But, as with most everything, some have to profit, to perpetuate the "trap" for the others who follow for greed. Be the winner, know when to hold and fold. And DON'T get your info from MSM!!! They are the sellers of the trap. They play the "Good Cop, Bad Cop".
CoinBase US Tax Trap Sprung- Be aware! ... dSEkDxISSM

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by ytrewq » February 5, 2018, 8:31 pm

Bitcoin Newbies Are Getting Crushed While Old Timers Bemoan `Weak Hands’ ... ge-to-hodl

An FYI for the slower people: :roll:

Futures, the first vehicle to enable smart money to short crypto, became available when crypto peaked. It is insane to expect crypto to do anything other than go down from there. Smart money will close out their short positions - earning billions - and then drive the price back up and earn more billions. They could conceivably continue to run the table for awhile with a trading desk armed with just a few billion dollars, or even much less.

Fine by me. ;)

Anyone would be naive to think massive unregulated manipulation of the underlying asset is not happening. And if you do not understand how futures work, I'm not going to explain it. :roll:

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by felixcat » February 5, 2018, 11:25 pm

Guys, I hate to say this, but I have a bad "gut" feeling about this
ytrewq person. In fact, the word "Shill" pops up. In fact a "Wanna be Alex Jones" pops up.
Alex Jones is a "cointell" operative who tries to portray himself as one of us (the hard working, wanna make some money to help our families, kind of guy) but ultimately leads us into the lions den). Just go and click on his past posts, it screams, like a bull dog in your face, that he is pushing an adjenda. (spelling problem? Sue me)
I know alot of you like my posts, you email, call, or tell me to my face, and some "commentors" , well, you say what ever
comes out of you mouth, like a person waking from an all night bender, having had your face, literally, on The Pearly Throne, fresh in the morning. (Toilet, for those who didn't get it).
I'm just here to help anyone. Take it or leave it, its up to you. No Bull Dog in your face..unless you like to rape young children, then I will look to find "your face".

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by felixcat » February 6, 2018, 3:11 pm

The Dow just hit its biggest crash...did anyone see?
1,167.56 point drop....
Last Friday was a 666 point drop. It signaled that the "system" is coming dowm.
So what do we do?
Stock Market-down..cryptos-down, GOLD is up $100 since Dec 2017
If I had extra money, I know where I would put it.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by Giggle » February 7, 2018, 3:19 am

OMG! the Dow merely took back January's gains. So what.
Last edited by Giggle on February 7, 2018, 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by Stantheman » February 7, 2018, 4:44 am

The Dows up 567 points today, shame on the stock market for doing a short recovery

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by ytrewq » February 7, 2018, 6:12 am

Sure is good to know the traditional markets are not as volatile as new markets such as crypto. ROFLMAO! :lol:

[Umm...that was sarcasm. The Skippies of the board may have otherwise missed that.]

The thing is: ~60% of traditional trading volume these days are executed by quants (algorithms). They don't consider non-input info and, if past is an indication of future trends, quants may well comprise almost 90% of trading volume by 2028.

Recall the multiple relatively recent stock market flash crashes?

So, yeah. Put that into a "crypto is more volatile than the traditional markets" pipe and smoke it.


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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by jai yen yen » February 7, 2018, 6:53 am

It seems people that desperately want something to be true yell the loudest to make their point. Insecurity perhaps?

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by ytrewq » February 9, 2018, 6:01 am

The perfect environment for the rise of crypto is being set up now. Confidence in the financial system, markets, and fiat needs to be destroyed, or at least significantly eroded. Chaos and FUD needs to reign. When there is "blood in the streets", crypto shall rise to astonishing heights. It is in such an environment BTC could effortlessly top $50k regardless of whatever happens to adoption or usage. =D>

Why? Because it is widely accessible and easy to move in and out. That characteristic is the primary threat to governments. If Joe and Jane Doe can dump their domestic currency with a click or tap (as opposed to a regulated account), they are absolutely going to do it in such an environment. Hence, governments' efforts to attack the crypto exchanges and wage a FUD propaganda war in a futile attempt to prevent that scenario. However, by doing so, governments will encourage more people to also avoid exchanges altogether and simply trade using crypto.

Eventually, enough fiat will have been exchanged for crypto and enough people, institutions, entities, and small governments will have enough crypto reserves to avoid FIAT altogether. Capturing something like a 3% share of the global money supply is all that would be needed for BTC to top $1M per coin (presuming BTC maintains approximately its historical share of the crypto market).

Crypto momentum will build as faith in the status quo erodes. Maybe fast. Maybe slowly (my vote). These are not the only reasons, though. The other reasons are too complex for me to want to explain to the undereducated of an obscure forum. So just chew on the above easy to comprehend explanation.


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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by sometimewoodworker » February 13, 2018, 11:23 am

ytrewq wrote:
February 9, 2018, 6:01 am
Confidence in the financial system, markets, and fiat needs to be destroyed, or at least significantly eroded.
Why? Just so those who have Crypto-currency can profit, and the overwhelming majority of people, country's and businesses will be harmed?
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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » February 13, 2018, 7:25 pm

ytrewq wrote:
February 9, 2018, 6:01 am
The other reasons are too complex for me to want to explain to the undereducated of an obscure forum.
555 Yet you take the time to make a number of posts on this obscure forum. What does this say about you? Maybe you are not the elitist/chosen one you believe you are.
You only pass through this life once, you don't come back for an encore.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by ytrewq » February 20, 2018, 4:35 pm

BTC currently at $11,200 with multi-day uptrend.

Anyway, Blackrock just started talking it's book.

BlackRock Says Buy U.S. Stocks as Tax Plan Supercharges Earnings ... s-earnings

They want a quick OUT for their long positions. Could it be the cascading events I suspect will happen July-September may happen sooner??? That would be GREAT! Stay tuned! Crypto will moonshot again, if things play out as anticipated.


[insert greedy hands emoji here]

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by ytrewq » March 17, 2018, 3:36 am

Fewer Americans Hold Cryptocurrencies Than You Probably Think ... ably-think

As the article states, USA participation is TINY, and BTC is at $8k+ and spiked as high as $19k+ (mostly on South Korean and Japanese participation). Imagine when participation doubles or triples GLOBALLY.

When the Trump-created market crisis hits this year, there will be a panic rush to crypto as redemptions tank all other asset classes as per what happened in 2008. Because of its ease of access by Joe and Jane Doe, cryptos will spike to absurd new highs on the back of a panic + FOMO + HODL.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by rick » March 18, 2018, 10:35 am

South sea bubble here we come!

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by ytrewq » April 10, 2018, 7:13 am

Crypto still attracting smart talent from smart money.

Mike Novogratz Makes Goldman VP the COO of His Crypto Company ... chs-as-coo

Totally contradicting current hyperbole about a demise.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by glalt » April 10, 2018, 9:29 am

I was talking to a guy who loves Bitcoin. I was teasing him a bit and asked him if he was actually willing to pay $8,000 for this risky gamble. He said that of course he was and that this is the time to buy. Better him than me. As of right now, it is $6,700.

As for myself, I'll keep my baht and dollars under my mattress. (So to speak). For the past year or so, my cash is pretty much 50/50 between baht and dollars.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by ytrewq » April 19, 2018, 1:48 am

So, I was reading this

India Is Facing a Risky Cash Crunch ... -hit-banks

with much interest today (thinking of 1997 crash and reverberations), when suddenly, this followed:

IMF Warns of Rising Threats to Global Financial System ... -imf-warns

So, I checked into what Trump's Fed minions have to say:

Fed's Williams Says Inverted Yield Curve Powerful Recession Sign ... ssion-sign

Nope. Nothing to see here, they say. All is well, they say. Putin is certainly smiling as Trump's selling off the strategic oil reserves is having the desired affect:

Oil Rises Amid Shrinking U.S. Surplus as OPEC Prepares to Gather ... les-shrunk

Over in the Crypto world, despite the rampant media and government FUD campaign and headlines, the reality on the ground and buried in every story is that crypto continues to grow:

Many Bitcoin Miners Are at Risk of Turning Unprofitable ... mes-harder

It's not at all as if the genius(es?) who started Bitcoin could not have foreseen consolidation as a potential issue. The algorithm sorts out such issues by force, not committee. Without getting into the details, if big miners fail, the difficulty will adjust accordingly to allow smaller miners to jump back into production. BTC production remains relatively stable regardless of how much mining effort is employed or retired. Genius.

It's a good news day. More to come!

BTC currently $8,100+

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