Home Security

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Kudjap or Bust
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Home Security

Post by Kudjap or Bust » August 4, 2009, 10:19 am

What do you guys and gals do for home security, no I don't mean the Doberman in the garden or the snarling missus at the gate. Do you have home alarm systems.
I ask as currently we're looking at doing some rewiring, to add dedicated power outlets for a new back up/power outage genny. I thought while I had a sparky here he could run some new alarm cables and we could upgrade our old system, but whilst looking for new systems online I found some wireless home alarm systems, does anyone have any experience with these. One kit I found had a control panel with autodialler to call upto 10 (I think) preprogrammed numbers, 15 wireless window/door contact alarms, 6 wireless motion sensors, wireless panic button, a wired siren with strobe light and remote controls, think that was all, for less than £100, cheap, but does this mean cheap and nasty, any ideas.

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Re: Home Security

Post by mak » August 4, 2009, 11:22 am

Cannot help you with the security issue, but as a matter of interest what generator are you installing.

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Re: Home Security

Post by Jungle Dave » August 4, 2009, 6:17 pm

I have a dedicated PC (an old one I replaced) with a DVR card and six cameras - the DVR card can have 8 cameras total - all on motion sensor - I have four cameras outside and two inside. The cameras have IR so they can see quite well in the dark. All of this is on a large UPS that can run for a while when (or if) the power is cut. Works very well.

When we come home after being away for the day - or weekend, the first thing I do is open the program and check who has come by. Then the TW then goes to visit all those that have stopped by. Word is already out that I am wired to the hilt. I have been here in the Jungle for 7 years and the only thief we had was a neighbor kid who stole my camera while we were home. Needless to say we got it back. Check out the computer place in the Complex that has all the security cameras. They have the DVR cards, cables, etc - find an old PC - you do not need anything fancy since I am actually running Windows 2000 for the security program.

Total cost was about $600 for everything - except the PC - but I already had one - but if you do not figure about $1000 to get set up pretty well. A cheap price in my eyes.

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Re: Home Security

Post by fremmel » August 5, 2009, 8:57 am

Sounds like a great setup. I've thought about something like that but I have a complication because we have 2 pretty big German Shepherds, one 30+ KG and one 35+ KG. I've already had to disable the motion sensor light outside because they kept tripping it. They're outside dogs so I could go with motion sensor inside but outside the only thing I can think of is time lapse. How big are single images from the kind of cameras you're using?

Are you doing any auto-uploading to the internet in case they steal your computer?

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Re: Home Security

Post by jetdoc » August 5, 2009, 9:03 am

I'm using the "crossed fingers" method, not sure how good it is (so far so good) but it's very inexpensive. :D

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Re: Home Security

Post by Kudjap or Bust » August 5, 2009, 11:52 am

mak wrote:Cannot help you with the security issue, but as a matter of interest what generator are you installing.
Sorry haven't decided on the actual genny yet but it will be a decent size static unit to run lighting, refridgerator/freezer, fans and/or air con, TV etc during power outage, we're building a new outhouse for it. which will also be a new storage shed (gardening tools etc) and workshop with bench, somewhere for me to while away the hours on some project or other.

Regarding the wireless security system, I just ordered a control unit and a couple of door/window sensors, not expensive and if they're a bunch of junk not much of a loss. Will be interesting to see how good they are.

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Re: Home Security

Post by arjay » August 5, 2009, 1:43 pm

Kudjap, I have a couple of security lights outside, triggered by sensors (+ cats).

Inside, I have a couple of room security alarms fitted to the walls or ceilings of principal rooms, but only the battery operated type. They can be a bit of a hassle because the batteries expire and need replacing. Also, the siren is less powerful than the mains variety.

One plus is if any neighbours or other callers come in, they often see them and if ask, get told (security) alarms. As someone mentioned once before that if people then gossip, the word may get round that we have alarms, which may help deter potential burglars, :D or conversely lead them to think we have valuables, which we don't!! :oops:

In the UK we used to have a proper dedicated system, which included magnetic sensors on external doors and windows, infra red detectors on the landing and in downstairs rooms (set from a control box) and double security locks on front and back doors, with external roof height strobe, siren and back up battery. :razz: :yikes: :D

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Re: Home Security

Post by cali4995 » August 6, 2009, 3:21 pm

i was out for a drive with a friend the other day, looking at housing projects and the feeling
i came away with after viewing the "retaining walls" and "medieval security measures" was that
it resembled a prison? yet a prison for the occupants detracting markedly the appeal of the place.
i really think folks need to get back to nature. punji sticks and tiger traps......then the cameras :lol:

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Re: Home Security

Post by Prenders88 » August 6, 2009, 3:47 pm

I don't like looking through the security grills on the windows, the wife insists that without them we will be murdered in our bed.

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Re: Home Security

Post by Ter » August 6, 2009, 4:39 pm

Know what you mean Prenders,prisoner in you own home. Alarm is the way to go with auto dialer has to be hard wired as wireless is a waste of time and batteries plus you can interrupt the frequency on a passive infrared .
Next year there will be a company in Udon that do installs of Alarms and cctv plus a monitoring service.
Guess who :D

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Re: Home Security

Post by ULICK MC GEE » August 6, 2009, 4:48 pm

What i did for my 80 yr old dad was.
Alarm all window's,door's and any other mean's of access with fixed vibration detectors,no infa red or motion detector's inside house means you switch on alarm when you are home,move about freely as normal and if some one trie's window's or door's alarm activated.

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Re: Home Security

Post by arjay » August 6, 2009, 5:50 pm

Alarm is the way to go with auto dialer has to be hard wired as wireless is a waste of time and batteries plus you can interrupt the frequency on a passive infrared .
Next year there will be a company in Udon that do installs of Alarms and cctv plus a monitoring service.
Alarm all window's,door's and any other mean's of access with fixed vibration detectors,no infa red or motion detector's inside house means you switch on alarm when you are home,move about freely as normal and if some one tries window's or door's alarm activated
That sounds like a good idea and a good business to get into. Let's hope there will be some new companies doing this soon. ;) :D

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Re: Home Security

Post by tamada » September 5, 2009, 9:05 pm

I bought a Yale wireless alarm system online in the UK and had it hand-carried to Thailand. It's installed in my ex- rental property in Pattaya that was burgled 3 times. I will be getting one for the Udon mansion as there's been a few burglaries in the 'hood. Excellent system, about £200, easy to install and program. It auto dials up to 3 numbers when tripped.

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Re: Home Security

Post by parrot » September 6, 2009, 11:24 am

"Let's hope there will be some new companies doing this soon."

PWS security Outlet Co.,Ltd.

We' re in business Total security equipment in Thailand.
We 're a group of PWS (Product World Safety Co.,Ltd.: http://www.worldsafe.co.th).
We 're importer a complete line of security equipment.
This includes Safe Equipment, Fire Extinguisher, Office Furniture, Single and Multi-Channel RF Transmitters and Receivers, Single and Twin Photo beam Detectors, Curtain Sensors, Electromagnetic Locks, Gate Locks, Electric Door Strikes, Push Bars, Armored Door Cords, Electric Deadbolts, Shear Locks, Voice Dialers, CCTV Cameras,
CCTV Power Supplies, Power Chargers, Active and Passive Video Baluns, Timers and Relays, AC Adapters, Access Control Keypads, Push-to-Exit Plates, Alarm Control Panels, Pager Systems, Key Locks, Strobe Lights, Magnetic Contacts, Detectors and Switches, Sirens and Buzzers, a complete line of Vehicle Security Systems and Accessories,

29/23 Moo 2 Bang Bua Thong – Nonthaburi Road ,
Lumpo, Bang Bua Thong, Nonthaburi , Thailand 11110
Tel. 0-2525-8707 (Auto) Fax. 0-2525-8708

www.securityutlet.net Email: info@securityoutlet.net , pws@securityoutlet.net

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Re: Home Security

Post by tamada » October 17, 2009, 11:09 am

parrot wrote:"Let's hope there will be some new companies doing this soon."

PWS security Outlet Co.,Ltd.

We' re in business Total security equipment in Thailand.
We 're a group of PWS (Product World Safety Co.,Ltd.: http://www.worldsafe.co.th).
We 're importer a complete line of security equipment.
This includes Safe Equipment, Fire Extinguisher, Office Furniture, Single and Multi-Channel RF Transmitters and Receivers, Single and Twin Photo beam Detectors, Curtain Sensors, Electromagnetic Locks, Gate Locks, Electric Door Strikes, Push Bars, Armored Door Cords, Electric Deadbolts, Shear Locks, Voice Dialers, CCTV Cameras,
CCTV Power Supplies, Power Chargers, Active and Passive Video Baluns, Timers and Relays, AC Adapters, Access Control Keypads, Push-to-Exit Plates, Alarm Control Panels, Pager Systems, Key Locks, Strobe Lights, Magnetic Contacts, Detectors and Switches, Sirens and Buzzers, a complete line of Vehicle Security Systems and Accessories,

29/23 Moo 2 Bang Bua Thong – Nonthaburi Road ,
Lumpo, Bang Bua Thong, Nonthaburi , Thailand 11110
Tel. 0-2525-8707 (Auto) Fax. 0-2525-8708

http://www.securityutlet.net Email: info@securityoutlet.net , pws@securityoutlet.net
Their website indicates two Udon dealers:

Udorn Siam Furnishing 1979 (Udorn Thani)

U.K.C. Furniture (Udorn Thani)

Without phoning them up, does anyone know where these are located?

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Re: Home Security

Post by Khun Paul » October 18, 2009, 4:13 pm

personally always thought a large rottie or similar works even better, cheaper to run, maintainance low, does not ring a tel number . but scares the s*** out of most Thais.
Ringing numbers is Ok providing the person knows what tyo do, no sense in ring the police as their attendance time is low to non-existent here.

Also as Insurance here is a joke for many items cheaper to install a live in, person to cleaner etc: again maintainance low and speaks the local lingo.

Or you could have some geese, worked in Rome why not here, just athought, the eggs are tasty too !................lol

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Re: Home Security

Post by Ter » October 18, 2009, 5:27 pm

I would still go with the alarm KP as I would be afraid of someone poisoning the dog and it would be unfair IMO to cage the dog.
In the long run cctv and an alarm would work out cheaper IMO. :D

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Re: Home Security

Post by Khun Paul » October 19, 2009, 7:25 am

Point. my dogs ( 6) run free, no cages, the three biggest ( 65,45,40 kilo) don't eat uneless in their bowl, and where I live who the hell would hear the alarm anyway.

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Re: Home Security

Post by Ter » October 19, 2009, 12:58 pm

Point Taken KP, I am impressed that you have well trained dogs :D having six must work out expensive though ?
I have a cctv system that beams me the pictures to my phone of the perp in actual time can your dog do that ? :D
All said though I live in the sticks too and I have family near and good neighbours so auto dialling them from my alarm works as we found out while we where away. I guess it is down to choice in the end. ;)

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Re: Home Security

Post by Khun Paul » October 19, 2009, 9:39 pm

Oh too true, dogs are good, alrms can go wrong being on the recieving end on many an occasion when answering an alarm in blighty, in the end, cursory checks were done, no actual attendance as the alarms were constantly going off. As the electric supply here is pretty iffy, any system that requires electricity could be upset.

Six dogs no not that expensive, but the little ones bark and the big ones get up if they feel a need or called by the little ones. seems to work, no intruders ( touch wood) for 6 years, area surrounded by 8'wall with one gate, it would be brave man to hop over the wall at night or daytime and hope he/she does not meet the dogs, they all bite too.

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