Is there a business that rents concrete forms? I need forms to build the base of my house and to buy all the lumber to make the forms would be a lot. Thinking there may be company that has forms already.
concrete forms
concrete forms
There are at least 2 stores that rent them out....along the ring road from Chris's Bar to Global.....but can't be more exact than that. They're on the outside lane of the ring road. I think Global also rents them out.
I'll do some Thai searching and see if I can find an address.
I'll do some Thai searching and see if I can find an address.
concrete forms
สาขาอุดรธานี โทร. 081-981-1230
They say they have 15 branches around the country....10 years experience. Website at
514 หมุ่ 3 ถ.มิตรภาพ(อุดร-ขอนแก่น) ต.ขอนกวาง อ.เมือง จ.อุดรธานี 41000 โทร.042-292552 มือถือ.081-9811230 อีเมลล์ (they look to be a few km south of the ring road on the way to Khonkaen).
สาขาอุดรธานี โทร. 081-981-1230
They say they have 15 branches around the country....10 years experience. Website at
514 หมุ่ 3 ถ.มิตรภาพ(อุดร-ขอนแก่น) ต.ขอนกวาง อ.เมือง จ.อุดรธานี 41000 โทร.042-292552 มือถือ.081-9811230 อีเมลล์ (they look to be a few km south of the ring road on the way to Khonkaen).
concrete forms
Just after Tool Pro towards Global, same side of the road, they also deliver.
- Posts: 331
- Joined: December 6, 2011, 11:42 am
concrete forms
Thanks! Groundwork done, pond cleaned out and getting ready for foundation.