Large Stones to Help Retain Soil

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Large Stones to Help Retain Soil

Post by Hammerheads » June 11, 2015, 8:04 am

I'm looking for a source for some large stones to support a tapered soil bank on my land. This is not a large amount of soil which requires a retaining wall so a mixture of large and smaller size stones will do the job. If anyone can recommend a source like a quarry or recent large excavation or builders merchant then I'd be grateful. We're 10km west of UT

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Large Stones to Help Retain Soil

Post by Geoffrey » June 12, 2015, 7:57 am

How many cubic meters do you need? A 10-wheel truck load direct from the quarry is about 10-12 cubic meters. Any store that can supply crushed stone can also provide larger stone. It should actually be cheaper.
Holy Harp

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