Rather inflammatory words I do believe. I am surmising that sgt is misunderstanding of wazza's comments and has leapt prematurely. Aussie humour is an acquired taste and an apology is not needed as no harm is done. A simple misunderstanding and a reaction that is somewhat overboard, but no doubt down to cultural and Aussie/American humour, language differences and comprehension.sgt wrote:
waza, you owe me an apology. If I wanted smart ass remarks I would have asked for them. Your remarks about Pattaya are meant as an insult to my family. Your 3000 or whatever posts give you no right to smart ass somebody that is just asking for advice. I don't care if you have 3,000,000 post and are worth 10 times that much in US dollars, you are no better than me and I won't take condescending smart ass crap from anybody, never have never will.
Let me try to explain just a bit for all the rest of you that don't know diddly squat about me. If you are my friend you can give me all the hell you want, and they do. If I don't know you, you better come prepared to back up your crap.
Hoa Binh
Back on topic, sgt I fear that you will have much difficulty in acquiring funds without adequate securities, suitable credit rating and proof of financial stability. With respect, you are 65 years of age and have been a bankrupt which puts you in a high risk category in the lending of monies. Maybe look at other Financial Institutions, rather than the Banks, though be prepared to pay a higher interest rate. Often these other Financial Institutions are able to offer loans to previous defaulters, bankrupts, retirees and the like. I doubt that you will find much joy with the Thai Banks, nevertheless persistence does reap rewards so don't become disenchanted. Nobody wishes to see another person lose their home and I wish you the best in procuring the necessary funds. Good Luck Sir.