House prices

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House prices

Post by sunny » August 9, 2010, 8:06 am

Is it me or are house prices expensive in Udon? I've been looking at new houses around estates near the ringroad and I'm really surprised at the prices. A 3 bed 2 storey house on a very small piece of land can set you back over 4 million :? :shock:
I would have thought house prices would be lower here compared to say Pattaya or Chiang Mai, but it seems to be the other way around.

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Re: House prices

Post by Prenders88 » August 9, 2010, 8:35 am

In the last 10 years I have been in Udon, I've seen massive changes.
Everyone seems to driving saloon cars now. I can remember seeing only a few 10 years ago.

You can have just the same lifestyle in Udon as you can in Pattaya and Chiang Mai, what was once only available in those two cities, you can now get here. Goods and services are on par with both.
A new luxury hotel opened up overlooking Nong Prajak, and Central looking to expand.

Just look at the shopping here, and a new Outlet Mall on the ring road opening in a couple of weeks.

I think 4 million is bit steep for a house, you can get much cheaper than that in Udon.
Brand new houses in Lake Garden are going for just under 3 million baht.

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Re: House prices

Post by wiking » August 9, 2010, 9:08 am

there are also some new estate with 3 beth- 2 bath startprice 1.4 or 1.7.

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Re: House prices

Post by douglas » August 9, 2010, 9:34 am

On ring road you see plenty of new houses advertised from 1.79MB upwards. A three bedroom bungalow, 2 bath rooms, inside the ring road, with a small garden, don't like stairs or gardens, cost me 980,000B in Dec. 2005. The price for the same basic property today is 1.6MB. A lot of this is from the 100% rise in the price of land last year. For the same type of property in Pattaya at that time, when I was looking to buy, was 45,000GBPs. over 300% more. can't see houses coming down in price as much as you say in Patts. This is comparing like with like. Not comparing a 3 bed bung. with the likes of a condo.
I must admit Pren. I am one that bought a saloon car, more comfort. I would need a step ladder for one of those other things. and a bugger to park. In five years only had to use one, for what it was designed for, once. Borrowed wifes brothers one just cost me some fuel. It seems people are not worried about who has the biggest one. Meaning car of course.

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