Weed Killer

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Weed Killer

Post by Asiaphile » September 19, 2011, 1:58 pm

I want to clear out a strip of No Mans Land between our house and the scrubland behind it of weeds. However, there’s a wall separating our yard from it so I can’t get on it. We’ve seen snakes and scorpions coming into our yard over this wall and my GF is terrified.

I’m therefore thinking of killing the weeds with a herbicide (Roundup, Gramoxone, Basta), but don’t know where to obtain it.

Any suggestions, please?

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Weed Killer

Post by parrot » September 19, 2011, 3:30 pm

Several garden stores on Makkaeng Rd, in between Phosri and Srisuk Rds, on your right hand side as you're going from Phosri to Srisuk (grid J11 on udonmap). They have roundup and a Thai version that's slightly cheaper. Both seem to work equally as well. Comes in one liter and larger sizes. Give it a week or two to work before applying a second spray (if necessary). It's not the best time to be spraying, as any rain within 24 hours will diminish the impact. Wait about 2 more week for the rains to pass would be best.

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Weed Killer

Post by Asiaphile » September 19, 2011, 3:45 pm

I'm going to get it now. Thanks.

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Weed Killer

Post by Calaude » December 6, 2011, 2:18 pm

Lots of people find it difficult to get rid of the weeds in their lawns as well as landscapes for the reason that they don't want to use a ready-made chemical substance herbicide.
The safety of utilizing these types of commercially available weed murders isn't completely known. While the producers and even government departments appear at first sight secure the long term impacts of the continued utilization of these types of toxic chemical substances as well as their impacts upon individuals and other residing creatures is not entirely known.

For all those people who don't want our kids as well as domestic pets exposed to these poisonous chemical substances trying to find a way to kill the unwanted weeds overgrowing our hard disks as well as landscapes can be hard. Exactly what lots of people do not realize is that there are lots of non-toxic ways to kill weeds right around their house.

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