Property disputes

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Property disputes

Post by jonstarjon » December 27, 2012, 7:12 pm

Dear all
I wonder if you might be able to help me understand something. My wife owns a sizeable chunk of land near Nonghan. It's basically faming land. She has been in dispute with an adjacent owner over the position of the boundaries of the land on one side. The disputed amount is close to 3 rai which isn't really a little bit at roughly 70K per rai. The owner of the adjacent land says that my wife has moved the marking posts (which i am convinced she hasn't). The owner is a third owner of the land at least so there is a possibility of some sneaky stuff before this guy acquired it by a previous owner. To cut a long story short, the land inspector has been and remeasured in my wife's favour and the police have been in attendance to try and fix the problem but no nearer any kind of agreement that can be accepted by either side.

Does anyone have any idea what the true process should be or any idea where to go from here?

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Property disputes

Post by Bonanza » December 27, 2012, 10:17 pm

The boundaries should be clearly marked on the land deeds. They might be unclear to a yard or two, but not three rai! Get the land office inspecter to determine the boundaries and then put in the concrete data post from his sat nav. This is all assuming that your wife has a 'Chanote' for the land.

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Property disputes

Post by maaka » December 28, 2012, 3:18 am

yes you havent told us the Class of land it is..has it been offically surveyed, or is it still Tor Bor land?

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Property disputes

Post by bluejets » December 28, 2012, 6:29 am

Bonanza wrote:The boundaries should be clearly marked on the land deeds. They might be unclear to a yard or two, but not three rai! Get the land office inspecter to determine the boundaries and then put in the concrete data post from his sat nav. This is all assuming that your wife has a 'Chanote' for the land.
Positioning from sat nav can be up to 1 metre error. (purposely integrated by the powers-that-be)
I understand there are ways to compensate for it using different satellites to gain a bearing but for that you need nav equipment that identify which satellite and an aircraft to get around.

So if error is 1 yard and the land is 1600 metres long, then there is your 1 rai.

I remember my wife's Dad informing a builder that his stringline was on the wrong tree. Dad had planted the tree where the corner post used to be. The reasoning I guess, the tree was going to be there long after the rotting corner post. Then again there is the need for timber for charcoal, but that's another story. ;)

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