I think that once all the newness hoopla is over and school is back in session, etc., things will settle down there. But, I will always go early because that is when I shop.Went back at 9 am today and the parking lot was virtually empty. I guess the key is to get there early to get a parking space.
I thought the cheese selection was good and I found a block of Vintage Cheddar.Also cheese section informed "such a wide range of cheeses".Where was the cheddar?
Perhaps, instead of trying to defend Carrefour, I should be happy about the above sentiments. Less people, less hassle, IMO.IMO Tesco Lotus in general ,wins hands! down.followed by Macro and Big C
Seriously though, I think many of our expectations have been too high. I never expected them to equal the Pattaya store, but from what I saw and purchased today, I am very happy with the store.