Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

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Khun Paul
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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by Khun Paul » September 12, 2009, 7:05 am may be moderator but please do not be a complete fool
Thanks for your very non-informative comment.
I post comments or info as I see fit, i thought the question was silly, but in answering the post i did feel farang food was not expensive.
If my memory serves me right, the question was Is farang food expensive in Udon to which i replied.
Which part of that reply do you NOT understand, often you seem to single me out for insulting comments which in the main I ignore, however this comment of yours needs a strong reply.
If you are a 'Moderator' you have a duty to stop ionsulting comments and ensure the language used is acceptable apart from moving posts to other topics which if I may ay a daunting task in itself.
Telling a postee that his commnets did nothing to move a post forward is , if I may suggest beyond your remit. I was not insulting, neither was my language BAD.
However I do take issue with your remarks, suggest you rethink your strategy, God you are not.
I am posting this on this thread as you saw fit to post your comments on it as well, if this is incorrect, practice what you preach.
May I say thankyou for being a moderator, a job I would not like, but be a moderator not an enforcer, the latter you are certainly NOT qualified to become by any stretch of the immagination.

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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by jackspratt » September 12, 2009, 7:29 am

KP are you able to distinguish between someone posting as a Mod, and the same person posting as them self - which (the latter) is certainly what Bob was doing, both in the OP, and his response to which you took exception.

I saw nothing silly about the OP - it raised a valid issue, and has received numerous responses.

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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by Khun Paul » September 12, 2009, 3:14 pm

Now I know why many people I now have discontinued to use this forum based on the total nosencial c*** many people spout.
I normally go to the spource and try to help people but in mnay cases as per usual, a few postees seem to enjoy belittling many people, as for me I read but in future will not contribute.
WEhether one is acting as a modf or not, if pone has the title mod beside ones name yopu must therefore assume that the person is acting as a mod, which if in this case is not so, why hjas the person themselves not contacted me, or perhaps i was right and you are wrong, either way I do not really give a damm, what you think, I do not get pout of bed nor log on to upset people , but in truth many peoples sensibilities are upset by others and in all honesty it is becoming more like the women who used to sit arounfd the iron maiden in revolutionary france .
Old, scrawney and verbose .

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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by BobHelm » September 12, 2009, 3:17 pm

No Paul you are (as all too often at the moment) completely incorrect.
Nowhere did I indicate in my post that I was quoting as a moderator, in all respects I was posting as myself.
I took umbridge with your post because, as the Original Poster, I took great care to say why (there were a number of reasons) I had started the thread. While you are, of course, fully at liberty to say that all those reasons were foolish (& explain why you thought they were foolish) to just say the question is stupid is a ridiculous comment. A comment that could only be made by a person who had NOT read the thread or one who had a great lack of understanding of the English language. As you portray yourself as a journalist, my conclusion had to be the former.
Trust me I did not post as a moderator & my post was not insulting. It just displayed my despair at the reply of someone who wishes to portray himself as the 'acceptable face' of Falang in Udon and yet cannot understand (or does not wish to understand) a few lines of plain English... :shock:

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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by BobHelm » September 12, 2009, 3:24 pm

Khun Paul wrote: in all honesty it is becoming more like the women who used to sit arounfd the iron maiden in revolutionary france .
Old, scrawney and verbose .
I think you will find that this was the guillotine & not the Iron Maiden. The latter was a British invention & used a few 100 years earlier than the French Revolution.

I have always said that when I am acting as a moderator it will be plain that I doing so - on MANY, MANY posts in the past. I am bemused at how ANYONE could construe my post as being, in any way, a 'moderation' of anything. It was a comment by an individual. If you cannot understand the diference between a comment & moderation then I do despair for you.... :shock:

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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by beer monkey » September 12, 2009, 3:31 pm

Yeah c'mon got to admit you do get a few things incorrect on here, but stick around i enjoy your posts, as i did when 'Guns' was posting you are part of the fabric of the forum (Term stolen from prenders.. ;) )....this is just a thread to get members posting getting views etc....and I know some have been headucated in the cost of breakfast available in Asda and Ikea...nothing like a thread on Food to get things moving, lets face it we all need it...the food that is.
Can You Dig It Dug.?


Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by laphanphon » September 12, 2009, 4:05 pm

I saw nothing silly about the OP - it raised a valid issue, and has received numerous responses.
and for the non UK'ers, quite a bit of information, because i've been to cherm chim a couple times, 1st, just an in out, curiosity run, then later for a lite lunch, went with what i know, mere chicken sub w/pot salad side, mere 85 baht, far from expensive and tasty. now the rest of the offerings, i really haven't got a clue, the info about chutneys, branson pickle, which i thought was a cucumber pickle, have been enlightening. also show, some of us cheap charlies just have to have it, no matter how much it cost. thankfully, no yank shops around, the sticker shock is too much at villa markets in bkk/hua hin, and another market there having yank stuff.

some things i think are reasonalbly priced, as i said, many things just aren't worth trying to make at home, meat pie, irish clock is guaranteed good, and small premium to have done for you. other things if you must have, well a premium of course, up to the individual. me weakness is snickers and baked goods, luckily no good bakeries here. but i'm waiting for my snicker source to restock, and i will clean them out, may last 2 months, good for a box a month.

excellent thread, even for my ignorant self, and as all threads, just like the tv or radio, don't like, change the channel. :roll: :roll:

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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by Fawn » September 12, 2009, 4:19 pm

BobHelm wrote:Yesterday I nipped out to the shop to buy a loaf of bread. I, generally, prefer wholemeal to white so paid £1-75 (so about 96 baht) for a large loaf. I can get a small (in number of slices) wholemeal loaf in S&P bakery for 55 baht. Two small S&P loaves would certainly be slightly larger than my 1 UK loaf. So 110 baht to 96 baht didn't seem much different to me.
£1-75 for a wholemeal loaf? I normally pay less than that in Tescos, see the price check below, I'm looking at the 800gram one at the bottom. Crikey, I accused Stef of being a granny for doing exactly the same thing last week.

Source: Tesco price check.
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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by BobHelm » September 12, 2009, 4:40 pm

You are right Fawn, can buy far,far cheaper. But, this is a village shop - the only shop in the village, so you will pay a premium. I could have driven to Tesco but that would have added 20 odd miles of petrol and my time to do so.... :D

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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by polehawk » September 12, 2009, 7:58 pm

Khun Paul wrote:Now I know why many people I now have discontinued to use this forum based on the total nosencial c*** many people spout.
I normally go to the source and try to help people but in mnay cases as per usual, a few postees seem to enjoy belittling many people, as for me I read but in future will not contribute.

Old, scrawney and verbose .
Keep on posting, Khun Paul. A lot of what you say may be contrary to what members want to believe but it's interesting to read, IMHO. Hell, if we all agreed on everything, who would we pick on, besides BM?

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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by deankham » September 12, 2009, 8:41 pm

I'm not sure if the questions means is falang food too expensive because of the mark up the retailers in Udon put on it or because of the cost of import / preparation / etc / etc?
...Anyway I think a lot has to do with the quality of the product. Yes you can get breakfast and a pint at Weatherspoons for a couple of quid but I find it to taste cheap and have had several dodgy pints in the past. Also you could pay 17.50 for breakfast in a top end hotel and then 15.00 quid for a double premium gin & tonic at the bar.

From what I've seen (and I'm no way as experienced as many on the forum) I find the falang food cooked in the bars in Udon to be very reasonably priced. However as a rule of thumb, I try to eat the local dishes of whichever country I'm in. Otherwise what's the point of being in that counrty in the first place? (Of course I also pick up the odd bit of English food when in LOS).

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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by keith555 » September 13, 2009, 12:03 am

is falang food too expensive in Udon ? compared to the UK i would say NO...But ..compared to some parts of Thailand YES. Only one hours Flight from Udon at a famous Holiday destination,you can still get a full English breakfast at many places for 70-90 bht all day. Now im not sure what the current prices for the same meal in Udon is, but i think about 140bht. :(

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Re: Is Falang Food too expensive in Udon

Post by pompui » September 13, 2009, 6:57 am

Summed it up well Keith,famous holiday destination,more holidaymakers,more bums on seat therefore can offer cheap breakfast all day and will manage to make a profit eventually at the end of the day,that is if using good imported products for the breakfast.None of this english style sausages ie frankfurter,bacon that is mainly fat,baked beans of poor quality.
But when you have a hangover from an all nighter in this holiday destination as opposed to a farmers town up here,do you give a monkeys if the quality is not on the plate? :D

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