Travel Agent

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Travel Agent

Post by Jet » August 21, 2023, 5:56 pm

Hi guys, I'm hoping someone can help me out with a recommendation and help booking a short trip before my wife, 2 boys (15 & 10 years old), and myself leave Thailand. On our way back home to Australia the boys want some beach time, and in Phuket, so they tell me.

I'm looking at Udon - Phuket on the 6th of September, returning to Bangkok on the 12th of September.

I've got no issues with booking the flights online, however it's probably 15 years since I've been to Phuket, Koh Samui, etc.... I've got absolutely no idea where to stay in Phuket, but want a preferably family friendly location.

I was thinking Hua Hin could be a possibility as well but I'm unsure of how long it'd take to get there from Bangkok airport. Any suggestions regarding Hua Hin?

Is there a good travel agent in Udon any of you could recommend to book the lot for me, or should I book the flights and accommodation online? Many years ago I used to use the travel agent up from the local bus station near the intersection on the road that leads to Salon Nakhon. I'm so out of touch now as we only come to Thailand for 3 or 4 weeks per year and spend the time at my wife's mother's in Sakon, along with Udon, Nong Khai, and Nakon Phanom.

I'd appreciate if anyone could suggest if it's best to use a travel agent or should I book everything online? And any assistance regarding family friendly accommodation in Phuket would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for any assistance. (I'm in Sakon presently but will be driving to Udon later this week for some dental work.) Thanks, Geoff.

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Re: Travel Agent

Post by deankham » August 21, 2023, 7:04 pm

I've recently started using AGODA to book hotels and flights (within thailand).

They have both a website and a mobile app.

Good luck planning your trip.

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Re: Travel Agent

Post by Jet » August 22, 2023, 7:40 am

Thank you.

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Re: Travel Agent

Post by semperfiguy » August 22, 2023, 9:22 am

Book the flights on your choice of Thai domestic airlines' website. Use for your hotel. I prefer them over Agoda because they include the tax and service charges in their room rate quotes UPFRONT and not after you start trying to reserve the room. All of this should be easier than messing with a travel agent and take a chance at getting ripped off.
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Re: Travel Agent

Post by Ziggy124 » August 22, 2023, 9:46 am

My wife is a Travel Agent based in Udon and we visit Phuket often. Nim, 0815636675

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Re: Travel Agent

Post by Jet » August 22, 2023, 10:05 am

Thank you.

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Re: Travel Agent

Post by sl1ppy » August 22, 2023, 1:39 pm

Bangkok Airport - Hua Hin taxi is around 4 hours and ~1800 baht each way.
Agoda for me includes taxes/fees - this might be region specific though.
Book the flights direct with the airline.

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Re: Travel Agent

Post by Jet » August 22, 2023, 3:12 pm

Thank you

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Re: Travel Agent

Post by gghh » August 23, 2023, 5:26 am

Fees/taxes included is adjustable in Agoda settings

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