How much do you pay for car insurance?

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Post by businessman » November 10, 2005, 12:21 pm

Nope,it was the wife's car and she does not let me drive it.I've got lead feet she says. :)

Anyway,she took it in today and they have ordered a new front end which will be fitted on the weekend which is nice and quick.No need for any diagrams or written exlanations for the insurance company like in the UK.The insurance bod just asked for a signature and a view of her licence.When i first got the car insured the insurance was so cheap i was a little worried but this is the second claim and the premiums go down on renewal. :D Both claims from accident to full repair have been five days.

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Post by BangkokButcher » November 11, 2005, 1:37 am

Thats good to know Marcus :)

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Post by businessman » November 11, 2005, 11:28 am

Here i've got so used to all the paperwork involved with any govenment agency that i thought an insurance claim would be the same.Nice surprise both times. :)

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Car Insurance

Post by arjay » November 24, 2005, 10:23 am

On the subject of car insurance, does anyone know where any of these offices are in Udon? is popular, or National?

A Thai friend told me that it is cheaper to go through an "Agent" as opposed to going directly to the Insurance Company Office, as the latter won't give discount, but an agent will. Does anyone know anything about that. She is an agent, but for a medical insurance company. She doesn't arrange car insurance.

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