Is a motorcycle a reasonable option?

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Is a motorcycle a reasonable option?

Post by seesibet » January 29, 2006, 12:54 pm

Hi all,
This is my first post on this site as i have been able to find out the answer to most of my queries just by reading the threads. But i do have a question that needs some local input.
I have never been to the North and I have two Thai friends that live in Khon Kaen and Nong Kai that heve come to the South to vist me so i want to visit them both while i am there.
My first port of call will be Chiang Mai so i thought that Udon Thani would be the obvious place to arrive in the North East due to being able to fly direct to there from Chiang Mai.
One of my friends is a school teacher and the other works in a department store so i will probably only have evenings and Sundays to spend with them and i thought if i was based in Udon Thani then i could get to visit more of the region through the days and be centrally located to be able to go North or South to their homes. It is also a central location for them to come to on Sundays to catch up as they are also friends.
So my question is, if i wanted to base myself in Udon Thani for a couple of weeks and travel up and down between Khon Kaen and Nong Kai, would a motorbike be a feasable option as far as transport goes? Back home i am a keen motorcyclist so to me just being on a bike is fun enough but i have no idea of travel times, road conditions or even if you can hire a bike and take it out of Udon Thani. Sorry for the long winded babble but i am a Northern novice and just want to be clear regards my query. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks! :D

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Post by Bump » January 29, 2006, 1:16 pm

If your a proficient rider motorcycles are the best mode of travel here. The area you spoke of are easy rides, once you get used to people coming headon you at night with no lights on and dodging water buffalos. Take it easy until you adapt and you shouldn't have any problems.

Rentals are available a long as your talking 125 CC, they are suficient to do what you are talking about, just not as comfortable. They usually are rented on a weekly basis and I don't thnk you would have any problems taking to the places you are talking about.

A lot of the road signs are in english on these routes, may I suggest a ride down the Mae Kong, beautifyl area and not to difficult to ride. A day ride to the Loie area would be well rewarding for you as well.

There may be a place to rent a larger bike but I have no idea about that.

The answer yes come have fun

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Post by seesibet » January 29, 2006, 2:27 pm

Thanks for the info ray, i'll be sure to visit the places you mentioned. Water Buffalo and a motorbike, interesting combination! I have tangled with the odd Kangaroo in OZ but never anything the size of a Buffalo. I might stick to day time rides until I get orientated with the area. Once again, thanks.

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Post by beer monkey » January 29, 2006, 5:43 pm

Udon to nong khai, no probem for a smaller bike,125cc as for udon-khon khen IMO thats a lot further for a smaller bike the back-side is going to get a bit numb, :shock: i would'nt want to do it on any thing less than a 600cc or similar and not sure if they are available in Udon,motor-cycling around udon is great, would consider a hire car to go further a field though, best not travel to long a distance at night on bike, as aready said the oncoming un-lit dog's,buffaloe,sugar cane trucks,motor-cycle side car,and the, they own the road Tour-bus's :yikes: just a few of the hazards to look out for. :shock: and pot-hole's also road-kill thats already been hit by some-one else. :wink:
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Post by BangkokButcher » January 29, 2006, 5:57 pm

:lol: you make it sounds so easy BM

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Post by wokkawombat » January 29, 2006, 5:59 pm

I regularly go to NK on a Honda 100 c c without any problems.

Beware if you are renting in Udon, Be sure both you and the cycle are insured as the average Thai will not stop if they hit you and you could be left holding the bag for both your body repairs and the cycle repairs.

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Post by Paul » January 29, 2006, 7:03 pm

I think I remember from a while back that someone said Honda Phantom 200cc's are available for rent and if I remember too i think it was one of the bungalow owners (Erwins?????)

Perhaps you can do a search through the threads or maybe someone can enlighten youwho remembers better than me.

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Post by Dakoda » January 30, 2006, 8:19 am

KK is 150k on a moto bike does not sound like much fun, but there are a lot of places to stop on the way. (best Barbecue chicken in Thailand along the way, so I have been told, and it's not bad)

there is a couple of places to rent Phantom's - one is Mr. Neng his number was posted at city lodge, or you can PM me and I will send it. think it rents for 1000 a day, but am pretty hung-over today, so not sure!

happy year of the dog, everyone! 8)

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Post by Bump » January 30, 2006, 11:04 am

If you can find a bigger bike it's much fun, becarful on the insurance a standard policy won't coer repairs on the bike or you. Just thiord partied and yes you will probably be left laying in the road to work throught he mess.

Night riding is not something I recommend unles you really know the area. My favorite story wa trying to put the bike and myself up the back side of an elephant at nigh Theyave few they bring around town and charge you to feed them a night time activity. They are supposed to have a refelection device on the back side or I supposewhat could be decribed as a tailight. this one didn't wiht it's color blends riight in and hard to see until your on top if it. Fortunalty I was travling slow and got around the fella.

I seem to recall a guy getting killed in Bangkok on a bike the same way. Glad I missed the big guy that would be a hard one to explain.

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Post by seesibet » January 30, 2006, 6:59 pm

Thanks for the replies everyone! i like the sound of the place already and have never been there. Buffalo and Elephants walking the streets, makes the Roos and Sheep back here look pretty whimpy and with that in mind, i think i might be whimping out on the night riding scene as well. From what you have all said though, it looks like using a bike as my mode of transport will be a viable option as long as i stick to riding through the day or as BM mentioned, grab a car for the longer trips or at night.
Dakoda, I will send you a PM as mentioned and that way i will be able to get a bit more info from Mr Neng about the insurance issue. Hope the hangover settles down! Thanks again guy's!

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