Are Americans THIS sick...

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Re: Are Americans THIS sick...

Post by DuiDui49 » July 14, 2017, 7:55 pm

*Don't assume bad intent.

*Ask questions

*Stay calm.

*Make the argument

...we are all a product from our upbringing..

Thank you Paul for..a bit off topic ;-) i forgive you and everyone else here for being ,just that,a bit off topic..but you bring something important to the table Khun Paul,all wrapt up in the 4 point mentioned above.Just by taking time to listen to this clip i've learnt something,and i like to learn new things.I hope people who posted so far in this thread take their time and liten to what this lady has to say.

"We are all a product from our upbringing..YES..but with help from people around us who give because they are willing to give moore then they takeand they don't excpect anything back because they give with heart and good intent..only.I want to become one of those people who gives moore then i take WITHOUT expecting anything back..because if i do that i can't be angry at anyone..I want to be able to stay calm while sharing my day/thoughts with people that care,care because they like me stive to become givers moore then takers,i like that very much.We meet with no BAD INTENT,we are just willing to share our diffrences for the sake of GIVING and willingness to learn.And to do just that we need to ASK QUESTIONS..Make your argument for the sake of love between us humas/friends and love one..I DO NOT want to be a product of MY own upbringing with all the bad things that i have been going thrue..rejected from my mother and father put on orphanage home from birth,then childrens home andd fostercare home..i know for sure that without Jesus in my life i would not have the attitude i strive for today..Be a honest guy,not lie,beeing faithful to my wife..if i can try and listen moore then i talk,non confrontable,staying calm..share my experiences,good and bad,for the sake of becomming a better husband/friend/human,well then i feel i'm on the right track in life,maybe for the first time in my 59 years..and i like it ;-)

Thanks again everyone willing share....And thank you Paul for the food for thought thing you just gave me by your input/link you just shared.

God night all..sharing IS caring..Sorry not spellchecked :-)

UdonExpat wrote:
July 14, 2017, 6:22 pm
While a bit off topic, this T.E.D. talk addresses some of our common problems in sharing our thoughts, hopes, and dreams. ... l%20issues

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Re: Are Americans THIS sick...

Post by ninja007 » July 18, 2017, 4:58 am

DuiDui49 wrote:
July 8, 2017, 9:35 am
Americans make up roughly 5% of the global population, but consume an estimated 80% of all opioid pharmaceutical drugs on the planet.
Absolutely agree with you. They are consuming such things up-to addiction level.
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