chips are cut to a 6 portion

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chips are cut to a 6 portion

Post by yartims » December 1, 2018, 10:57 pm ... -0k3525bcq

Piles of chips have been an integral part of one of Britain’s favourite meals since “Granny” Duce opened the first fish and chip shop in Oldham in 1854.

A Harvard professor suggests that to preserve our health, however, we should cut down a bit. Or, indeed, a lot — to portions of no more than six chips.

Eric Rimm, of the university’s nutrition department, called chips “starch bombs” and said drastic reductions to our intake were needed to avoid life-threatening heart conditions. His comments were supported by medical professionals.

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Re: chips are cut to a 6 portion

Post by dunroaming » December 1, 2018, 11:37 pm

So if we don't die from chips or cancer or heart attack or that driving or coffee or alcohol or smoking etc we will live forever! I think not better to enjoy the time you have than worry worry worry just my thoughts

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Re: chips are cut to a 6 portion

Post by dunroaming » December 1, 2018, 11:40 pm

Should have added for years my ex wife's granddad was told he smoked too much 60 to 80 a day and drank even more dark rum minimum bottle a day and it would kill him! Dr's were right he did die at 93

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Re: chips are cut to a 6 portion

Post by saint » December 2, 2018, 4:23 am

dunroaming wrote:
December 1, 2018, 11:40 pm
Should have added for years my ex wife's granddad was told he smoked too much 60 to 80 a day and drank even more dark rum minimum bottle a day and it would kill him! Dr's were right he did die at 93
=D> =D> Ive been around for a while now , and for the last forty or so years there has always been a health alert on something or another .
These scare mongers get paid for coming up with this tripe .
I see this latest is American , and i would say that the amount of salt they put on your chips does more harm than the starch in the chip itself . =;

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Re: chips are cut to a 6 portion

Post by Faraday » December 2, 2018, 5:35 am

Well at least they call 'em Chips, & not poncy French Fries!

Flipping American doctors don't even understand about Blood Pressure! ... 105450.htm

Now, before you lads across the pond get upset, I am joking - ok na?

:D :lol:

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Re: chips are cut to a 6 portion

Post by stattointhailand » December 2, 2018, 5:27 pm

If you buy the multi pack s of "Lays" then you only get about 6 American "Chips" (Crisps to the rest of the world) in a packet anyway (13g) \:D/

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