​Why mindfulness and meditation?

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​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by DuiDui49 » May 31, 2017, 12:15 pm

This is what i've been tying to learn,to silence my brain from "trash thinking"

"We go through life distracted.

​Whether you realize it or not, it's our normal state.

All of us are immersed in a never-ending stream of thoughts and emotions. They hijack our attention, and cause the struggles we deal with every day:

> Stress
> Anxiety
> Self-doubt
> A lack of focus
> Fear
> Regret
> Depression
> Endless worry
> Sleep issues
> And on and on...

What we fail to understand is the root cause of these struggles is our mind and its non-stop activity.

​As a result, we try to cope in different ways:
We acquire material things.
We change jobs.
We end one relationship and start another.
We go to therapy.
We drink or self-medicate.
We take vacations.
We bury ourselves in work, games, or other activities.

At best, these deliver temporary relief. But, our struggles always return because no matter what we do, we can't escape our minds.

There's no healthy way to suppress thoughts and emotions. Burying them under motivational platitudes doesn't work. And, it's impossible to force yourself to "think positive" on a consistent basis.

What you can do, however, is learn to understand your mind's compulsive nature. You can stop indulging the stories playing in your head. And, you can distance yourself from an inner narrative that comments on and judges everything.

Mindfulness and meditation - properly taught and applied - help you do exactly that.

Or, you can accept the status quo: going through your day on autopilot, held hostage by the next thought, emotion, or urge that pops into your head.

This mental noise weighs you down with worry, fear, self-doubt, and regret. It leads to struggles with stress, anxiety, and depression.

Accepting the status quo means you continue to suffer, whether in relationships, at work or school, in your health and well-being, or with the experience of everyday life.

But, it doesn't have to be this way."

Have a mindfull and good day all of you...:-)

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by semperfiguy » May 31, 2017, 8:12 pm

So, where are you going with this Dui Dui and what is the solution? Do you have a particular source from which you are reading or taking therapy? If so, please share it with us.
Colossians 2:8-10...See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. For in HIM dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily; and you are complete in HIM, who is the head of all principality and power.

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by Hoopoe » June 1, 2017, 3:36 am

I expirienced this years back , i found meditation tapes very helpful , the hardest part was dealing with my self clutter and healing ,using tapes as a given direction, MAKING TIME for this ,Once you've got the meditation achieved , ( ha the falling asleep at the begining is normal then you will progress through that ) then and only then learning of Energy's , for me attaining the INNER PEACE was the most amazing expirience ever ,

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by DuiDui49 » June 1, 2017, 7:36 am


I've always been a searcher in life,born in a Christian home so i have that as a pillar in my life..and very greatful for that.BUT,i use to say that i'm not Gods whitest cheep in the heard..That said,during my younger days sport has been my way of tackling my demons/hot temper..And during my sports days i got to know one of Swederns first woman Bodybuilders..she gave me a tape that one of Swedish most famous Psychologist, and have a PhD in psychology.

This tape that i got to borrow was a 30 minut tape,i listen to it maybe 1-4 times a day,and after 1 year it really start working for me.Way moore relaxed/focuse,sleep and dreams was awsome,well i can say that tape helped me to calm down and refocus on things in life that was important to ME...Slowly tapping in to my Christian belives..BUT feeling good i thought i could give myself some "slack",thought i knew everything there was to know..NOT.

Fast forward,5 month ago i started this mental training again,looked up on Internet some relaxing music and toghether with music and using the triggers from the tape (that i only had in my head and couldn't find it Online)and the body &Mind didn't dissipoint me,slowly the mind of me kicked in and told me...were have you been,i've missed you....i was in tears..tears of joy.

Now i start my morning whith a -Thank you (in my case Jesus)for everything he gives me in life..health,peace of mind,i go thrue,step by step,thanking for everything we/me usually take take for granted in my dalily life.Beeing grateful to be able to hear the birds singing,the morning smells,whatever they are,smell of coffee,smells of morning fresh air,my dogs..Thanking for my wife in life,customers in the her Resturant,not beeing involved in any accidents,healthy...and moore.
Just doing THAT for 15-->30 min..Is my dayly kickstarter..and for me it works really good.

And now i just downloaded (paid with PayPal 19 US)


Maybe it's something there that i can try,something moore that i want to experience/learn in my life,time will tell.

Maybe YOU reading my lines find something else,but the thing is that you HAVE TO HAVE A PLAN to make it work,and you have to comitt to the plan,that's it..Love is caring,love is sharing..I still fight with my "demons in life..racing thoughts and hot temper beeing the biggest problem for me..

Happy that my post found atleast two friends-in-life that maybe want to try something new,goodluck brothers in searching and wanting to maybe try something that will not only benefit yourself but maybe moore important,it will benefit the way you think and act towards OTHER people around you.

As English is not my native language i still hope that you can excuse me for my sometimes badly written English and the way i use/format my writing..and btw..i didn't spellcheck..Have a great day each and everyone of you reading my lines.
"When you stop letting thoughts and emotions control you, you become a lot happier.

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” 

Love you all,well atleast that what i want...not sure i'm there yet..;-)

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by Hoopoe » June 1, 2017, 9:55 am


I've always been a searcher in life,born in a Christian home so i have that as a pillar in my life.

This could be considered a restraint , in the fact that WE are all conditioned ( wether we like it or not ) from birth ,from where ever , you only need to look at babies they are all born the same ( maybe different colours ) they all make the same sounds , they all start to learn how to crawl /walk etc ,,then the conditioning begins ,ways of life , religion , beliefs etc etc ,Reality ,Ha there's another one , take time and you'll find that the friend you've had for year's ,his/her reality is miles away from what you percieved it to be , , therefore for me getting rid of the conditioning is paramount ( through meditation ),TRUST me this is not easy , , once your senses are awakened ,walk amongst the flowers , go hug a tree , ha ,most of all enjoy , I believe in the spirit of EACH individual person ,non of this mask of religion (by the way i have preached on market squares before today , long long time ago ,, then to be told by the church that i'd gotten lost , HA wrong i'd only just begun )fog of predudiced hatered , GET SHUT oF THE CONDITIONING ,,,,,,MIND BODY SPIRIT is where i go ,,,,,,,,,,, and a little Sang Som from time to time , LOVE LIFE ENJOY ,

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by DuiDui49 » June 1, 2017, 10:18 am

THIS helps me to started in the morning/day...Reflect and think about the meaning of these words.
"God, grant us the...
Serenity to accept things we cannot change,
Courage to change the things we can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference
Patience for the things that take time
Appreciation for all that we have, and
Tolerance for those with different struggles
Freedom to live beyond the limitations of our past ways, the
Ability to feel your love for us and our love for each other and the
Strength to get up and try again even when we feel it is hopeless."

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by tamada » June 1, 2017, 3:34 pm


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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by UdonExpat » June 2, 2017, 3:41 pm

I find this thread interesting. I've been following a spiritual path for more than 40 years, working on quieting the chatter in my mind, taking control of my inner narratives, and developing a sense of compassion. While I have many shortcomings, I have also made many improvements in my experience of life and in the way I relate with others.
Learning to concentrate at will has been very beneficial in quieting the chatter. Recognizing and diverting harmful thought patterns seems to be a lifelong endeavor. Using the power of my breath for cleansing, purifying, and healing is a daily activity, as is prayer, the repetition of sacred phrases, and managing energy. I've long preferred starting my day with these practices. It's a bit like tuning an instrument before playing it. These activities help me to tune up and prepare for the day. In the evening I do a breathing practice, a prayer, and repeat a sacred word a few times. Sleep usually come easily.

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by DuiDui49 » June 2, 2017, 4:11 pm

Thanks alot brother in mindfullness and prayers ;-)

My meaning with starting this thread was to keep myself "on track; and hopefully engage some moore people to try something "new".Maybe we can support each other to do just what you/UE wrote in this post.I love to explore myself,even if it hurts..no pain no gain..Happy to read your post UE,seems that we have alot in common judging your post..keep it coming.

UdonExpat wrote:I find this thread interesting. I've been following a spiritual path for more than 40 years, working on quieting the chatter in my mind, taking control of my inner narratives, and developing a sense of compassion. While I have many shortcomings, I have also made many improvements in my experience of life and in the way I relate with others.
Learning to concentrate at will has been very beneficial in quieting the chatter. Recognizing and diverting harmful thought patterns seems to be a lifelong endeavor. Using the power of my breath for cleansing, purifying, and healing is a daily activity, as is prayer, the repetition of sacred phrases, and managing energy. I've long preferred starting my day with these practices. It's a bit like tuning an instrument before playing it. These activities help me to tune up and prepare for the day. In the evening I do a breathing practice, a prayer, and repeat a sacred word a few times. Sleep usually come easily.

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by Hoopoe » June 2, 2017, 5:49 pm

[quote="UdonExpat"]I find this thread interesting. I've been following a spiritual path for more than 40 years, working on quieting the chatter in my mind, taking control of my inner narratives, and developing a sense of compassion. While I have many shortcomings, I have also made many improvements in my experience of life and in the way I relate with others.
Learning to concentrate at will has been very beneficial in quieting the chatter. Recognizing and diverting harmful thought patterns seems to be a lifelong endeavor. Using the power of my breath for cleansing, purifying, and healing is a daily activity,

HA , hi UE , the use of breath , cleansing and releasing , grounding , centering , is basically were i started , after having expiriences ,out of body & energy's , seeing things , scary stuff when ya don't know what's happening ,so with a little direction from a good friend in Newzealand ,( she supplied the tape's , )it was difficult to say the least at the begining ,experimenting with different meditation technique's , then onto working & understanding the Energy's & Charkra's , developed a form of reiky along with other methods of healing , HA and being the subject of all the mockery , to which most came to see me individually ,ha ha ,I"M NOT PRACTISING at the Mo ,but ya never know maybe i'll start again , :wave:

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by UdonExpat » June 3, 2017, 8:51 am

DD49, Thanks for starting this thread. It may lead us somewhere we want to go. Time will tell.

HP, Thanks for sharing. Openings can be disconcerting and confusing. You have been fortunate to find guidance that was helpful. Of course, practice is what helps keep us on track and progressing.

Tam, I recall seeing this cartoon some time ago on Facebook. We do live in interesting times.

SFG, Perhaps we'll discover where this is taking us as we embark of the journey.

I can offer my own experience of what has and has not worked for me, and my presence to this process we are initiating. I hope you are happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise.

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by tamada » June 3, 2017, 1:33 pm

I would suggest that finding it easier to find one's inner peace and get a great night's sleep as one grows older has a fair bit to do with one's naturally declining testosterone levels.

That and the Sealy Posturepedic mattress.

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by maaka » June 3, 2017, 1:57 pm

is that why I cant get to sleep, to much testosterone..
I have to keep telling the missus, I have a headache

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by UdonExpat » June 3, 2017, 3:28 pm

No doubt about it, lowered testosterone can be of benefit to a sense of peace and well being. The old pecker just doesn't demand as much attention, except for more frequent pissing, but that's another side affect of aging. Don't you love it?

I doubt telling the missus will result in better sleep.

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by semperfiguy » June 3, 2017, 3:43 pm

Dui Dui, I want to thank you for starting this topic and for being so personally transparent with the fact that we all struggle with the chatter that goes on in our minds from day to day. I'm sure that each person has his/her own definition of mindfulness and meditation, and I would like to share my own experience here.

As a young man I struggled horribly with that chatter inside my head, and I could never find a moment's rest. In my case it was as if I had a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other that continually spewed commands in my ears, and I couldn't resist the temptation to do evil. When I began my business career after returning from the Vietnam war, I lived a double life as a very successful entrepreneur by day and an alcoholic, drug addict and s*x addict by night. I lived a lascivious lifestyle that left me empty and without any inner peace for years. The sin in my life took me all the way to the bottom and led me to the edge of a 12th floor balcony in Makati, Philippines where I hung over the railing in an attempt to end my life on Aug 5, 1988. In my search for peace I had listened to Christian TV evangelists for years, but I couldn't bring myself to accept Jesus Christ and give up my sin. But at 3 AM that morning while staring death in the face, I came back over that balcony, got on my knees, and with childlike faith I asked Christ to forgive me, save me and change my life. He immediately led me over to my bedside table where I had hidden away a Bible that I had stolen out of a hotel room in Hong Kong years before. I used to carry it around the world in my luggage like a good luck charm, but I had never opened it up to read from it. But, that morning I began to read, and the peace of God came over me, the likes of which I had never experienced in my life. I laid in my bed for three days and nights and read that book from cover to cover, and when I had finished I was a changed man forever. Philippians 4:7 says: And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Without going into all the detail, at one point within the next few years I found myself living in a rooftop bungalow in Taipei, Taiwan, and for 18 straight months all I did was submerse myself in the Word of God day and night...almost like some Benedictine monk in a mountaintop monastery. I came back to the USA in Jan '92, pursued a new career and adopted the habit of getting up every morning at 4:30 AM and reading my Bible until 7:30 when I prepared to go to work. I am so obsessive-compulsive that I actually used to keep a log of how many times I had read through the Bible, but when I passed the 300 mark for the New Testament and 8 times for the Old Testament, I quit counting. I don't say that in a braggadocios manner, but simply to make the point that it is absolutely necessary to discipline oneself to maintain a daily mantra of sorts if one is compelled to practice mindfulness, meditation and prayer. At this stage of my life I have to admit that I have slacked off from the routine, and I will be the first to admit that if I don't stay focused, the demons will return. I still have my good days and bad days, but there have been times when I felt as though I was actually floating and didn't have a care in the world.

So, in closing, wherever one chooses to place their faith, develop a daily routine and don't stray from it for very long. Those demons are never far away from any of us, and they are sitting and waiting for the opportunity to rob us of our peace and joy. Don't give them place! They know our weaknesses, and they will prey on us at our most vulnerable moments like a lion that separates a lame buffalo from the herd and devours it. The word "demon" is not just a simple metaphor. Demons are real, and if you don't know and understand your enemy, then you are destined to lose the battle for a life filled with joy, peace, contentment and happiness.

Ephesians 6:12 says: "For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world."
Colossians 2:8-10...See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. For in HIM dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily; and you are complete in HIM, who is the head of all principality and power.

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by trubrit » June 3, 2017, 4:47 pm

Just waded through these posts, seems I have lived a very sheltered life in comparison. Not wanting to take anything away from previous posters but I have lived 82 years and never experienced any of these devils and demons, neither in mind or reality, okay I have had periods of depression but have always conquered them by my own actions, either by work or a holiday to overcome them. I have tried most major religions starting with Christianity as a youngster, even was a choir boy for a time, don't laugh I was in it for the money, got paid half a crown per service or wedding, lot of money for a youth in those days . Gave that up when the new vicar told us we should be doing it for the love of Christ and stopped our pay.didn't think then or now, I could live on love, for anyone. Looked at Catholicism but the nuns constantly telling me I was evil rather put me off that, didn't think me drinking the communion wine was too bad anyway.Went from then until fiftyish as a non believer, got me out of church parade during my military life .After 50 I discovered Buddhism, even did a period in the monkhood .Whilst I found the teaching of getting what you give quite understandable and good practise I couldn't get my head round the religous aspect of being pious but living in golden palaces whilst all around was acute poverty. So I suppose you could say to this day I am still a non believer but I don't believe that makes me any more evil than those that get down on their knees to an almighty being .
So am I worried about whether I will go to heaven or hell one day soon, not a bit, dead is dead as far as I am concerned and I am too busy enjoying the remaining days of my life to worry about it .Off out to my garden now to enjoy the sights and sound of nature around me whilst I sip a wee dram.
Ageing is a privilige denied to many .

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by kopkei » June 3, 2017, 6:46 pm

well indeed trubrit , mindfulness ?meditation?...i do not really understand this ....
no stress after moving to los
> Anxiety? what?
> Self-doubt, never had this
> A lack of focus, dito above
> Fear? i surely do not need a gun :D
> Regret, we all regret somethings sometimes,everyone makes mistakes ..
> Depression?, most depressions are self inflicted...
> Endless worry, dito above
> Sleep issues, when building our home and swim...
> And on and on...no way ...
We acquire material things... not materialistic at all , only things we really need , different to everyone
We change jobs....haven't worked in 16 years
We end one relationship and start another.... not my style , been married for 20 years
We go to therapy... this is for really sick people or weak minded people , therapy will make it worse ...
We drink or self-medicate.... a good drink regularly does not destroy you...
We take vacations....i am on vacation for 16 years ...
We bury ourselves in work, games, or other activities....surely not , i will do what ever i feel to do , every day...,other culture ,other way of life , so i am not whining how everything here is not according to the way of the life at my home country , i am at peace and surely do not need to believe in any invisible man (god buddha,allah) as religion is to me an invention to keep the people stupid and busy (sorry) ,if there was a god and he created flora and fauna ,he must be an idiot(sorry again)because later he created humans to destroy it all and each other , he must be a sadist .... only technology has evolved a lot, human kind still same stupid ...
so with these thoughts i will try to live the rest of my remaining time here without any mindfulness or need of meditation ...i will leave this to others....life is simple if you can keep it simple .... ;)

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by Jello » June 3, 2017, 11:52 pm

While it is a part of many eastern religions, meditation itself is not a religion and its benefits are backed up by scientific research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_act ... meditation

You can practice meditation without any religious aspects. Check out Dan Harris:

Last edited by Jello on June 4, 2017, 1:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by Jello » June 3, 2017, 11:56 pm

One benefit that may be of particular interest to this audience:
There is also evidence to suggest meditation plays a protective role against the natural reduction in grey matter volume associated with aging. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_act ... meditation

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Re: ​Why mindfulness and meditation?

Post by Hoopoe » June 4, 2017, 4:02 am

Jello wrote:While it is a part of many eastern religions, meditation itself is not a religion and its benefits are backed up by scientific research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_act ... meditation

You can practice meditation without any religious aspects. Check out Dan Harris:

Absolutely correct , , religion , ha ,people who believe in religion's ,IMO are looking to belong to something , so with the Words of IMAGINE , John Lennon ,of i pop ,

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