Fancy a kick-about?

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Fancy a kick-about?

Post by Eazy-Going » July 11, 2010, 4:12 pm

OK, so I know the world cup is nearly over but this isn't the reason for this post! Being relatively new to Udon, (5 months), it would be great to increase my social circle of 'farang' friends whilst also participating in some fun exercise.

Would any of you ex-pats out there be interested in maybe participating in some 5/6 aside football, (soccer), games? Obviously I understand the heat here may be an issue but surely a gentle kick-about cannot do too much harm. It seems to me that the only sports offered to ex-pats in Udon are either golf or fishing, there must be some of you here who would like to do something more physical whilst 'indulging' in some 'male bonding', as opposed to sitting in a bar? If not, does anybody know any Thai teams in Udon who enjoy the occasional game and if so where?

Failing this, anybody can suggest any other team sports that may be viable, i.e Rugby (maybe touch), Cricket - or something more beneficial to the body and heart than sitting on your backside all day and having some fun at the same time?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

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Re: Fancy a kick-about?

Post by Eazy-Going » July 14, 2010, 9:21 am

I'll take the response as a definate 'NO' then!!!

Guess apathy rules in Udon with respect to any form of exercise other than between the sheets or sat on a bar stool.

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Re: Fancy a kick-about?

Post by lee » July 14, 2010, 9:40 am

Eazy, the local tourist police and a group of resident expats used to play football every Monday. I'm not sure if they still do but it may be worth giving them a call anyway. Tel. 042-211-291

There is a magazine article written about one of the matches in the 2007 magazine guide. ... eport.html

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Re: Fancy a kick-about?

Post by Galee » July 14, 2010, 10:02 am

I did consider saying I was interested, but I know what I'm like when it comes to any ball game. I give it 100% and in this heat that's a recipe for disaster when your not fit.

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Re: Fancy a kick-about?

Post by Eazy-Going » July 14, 2010, 11:15 am

Lee, thanks heaps for the info, may pop in and speak to them next time I'm passing, btw do you know if they've had any ex-pats playing for them before therefore would be susceptible to the idea?

Galee, understand your concerns ref the heat, mine too but would take it gentle until getting aclimatised to too much exertion in this humidity, obviously taking lots of fluids on-board whilst playing.

Maybe something less perhaps?? But then again may be too difficult in obtaining the equipment for this!

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Re: Fancy a kick-about?

Post by easterneye » July 14, 2010, 12:08 pm

Easy ,,,,,, I think you will find some kind of cricket set up allready here ,, when I retire in a few years time I will willingly ( if body able ) join up for a bit of that ,,,,,,, as for the 5 a side if I can loose half me body weight between now and reitrement I join in that as well 555555555 good luck mate ,,,,,,I will be on a daily basis swimming and cycling around the parks, you are on the right lines mate we all have to excersise more than we do ,oh well off to work now on me bike ,cheers

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Re: Fancy a kick-about?

Post by Eazy-Going » July 15, 2010, 8:39 am

Easterneye, many thanks for the heads-up ref the cricket, I had seen the thread but as it was quite old I was not sure if this was still going on, I now see a recent post regarding this so think it must still be a regular meet. Will have to give it a look see.

Admire your attitude, we all have to try and do a little bit to keep fit even if it can be a bit of a chore at times. Take it easy mate and good luck with the weight loss. All the best.

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Re: Fancy a kick-about?

Post by clooneyhurler » September 9, 2010, 10:23 am

call into THE CLAREMAN bar there 4 or 5 irish lads interested in a kick about,
also Tom & Jan in A Beer Too Far, we used to play behind the police station
with some of the Tourist Police, if we can get enough interested again we can make it a regular
once a week game .

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