Pub quiz coming your way!

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Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by ScorpioPower » October 3, 2010, 11:35 am

I will be the quiz-master at a new pub quiz that will be starting at The Bookhouse in a few weeks time.

It will be an audio-visual extravaganza and great fun all round!

You can come as a team of one, form a team of your own, or just turn up and join a team on the night.

I would like to work out the number of budding participants to expect, so please either PM me to express your interest or let Jeremy know if you happen to be in The Bookhouse.

First come, first served. There are only so many people that can comfortably fit into the courtyard!

The quiz will start as a one-off and if successful, it will become a monthly or even fortnightly event.

Prizes will be on offer at all times!

In the meantime, here are some amusing team names to choose from, but of course you're always free to pick your own!

Pub & drinking related

* 3 Must Get Beers
* Alcohooligans
* Bar Flies
* Bar Stewards
* Beer Today, Gone Tomorrow
* Bloke at the bar
* Blood, Sweat and Beers
* Born To Drink Mild
* Don Quizote
* Eternal Moonshine of the Spotless Behind
* Gin'll Fix It
* Know it Ales
* Last Orders
* Never been Quizzed
* Smarty Pints
* Tears for Beers
* The Saga Louts
* Them in the corner
* Up Jacob's Creek without a paddle
* Veni, Vidi, Whisky - I came, I saw, I drank

Quiz & intelligence related

* 3 Degrees and an A level
* And in last place...
* Blunders never cease
* Bright Sparks
* Crash Test Dummies
* Does Grey Matter?
* Dyslexic Brians
* E for Idiot
* HTTP Hardly any Time To Prepare
* Inferiority Complex
* Intel inside, mental outside
* It's not big, it's not clever
* Memory Lapse
* Mental Blank
* No Eyed Dears
* Nobody Likes a Smart Alec/Arse
* One wheel short of a unicycle
* Quizmasters
* Quiz Park Rangers (QPR)
* Les Quizarables
* Smart Alecs
* Snow Chance
* The In-quiz-itors
* The Scrambled Eggheads
* The Sidelights (Too dim to be headlights)
* The Simple Minds
* The Smarties
* The Winning Team
* We thought it was a Disco!
* Wooden Spoons

Popular Culture

* Agatha Quiztie
* Baldrick's Cunning Plan
* Beauty School Dropouts
* Bonfire of the Profanities
* Clangers
* Dude, where's my answer?
* E = MC Hammer²
* Eddie Quizzard
* Electric Sheep (do androids dream of?)
* Hasselhoffs
* Homer's Oddities
* Humber and District Catholic River-Wideners Club
* Natural Born Losers
* Paranoid Androids
* Quiz Eubank
* Quizteam Aguillera
* Quiztopher Collumbus
* Scooby Dooby Don't
* The A Team
* The Z Team
* The Dead Parrots
* The Good, The Bad and we left (insert name of absent friend) at home.
* The Holy Hand Grenades
* The Knights who say Ni
* The Muppets
* The Stooges
* The Usual Suspects
* Thin Quizzie
* Universally Challenged
* We Shot JR!!!


* 664 the Neighbour of the Beast
* Anonymous plus 3
* 'armless lepers
* Dracula Versus the Big Wobbly Jellyfish
* Elvis's Killer Sandwiches
* Fat Kids Always Win At Seasaw
* Fat Kids are Harder to Kidnap
* Inhabitants of Nancy Regan's Left Nostril
* Instrumentallists
* Matthew Pooley Appreciation Society
* Ken Dodd's dad's dog's dead
* Oh no, my pen's running ou.....
* Sod Gave the Queen
* Stephen Hawking's Karaoke Machine
* The Hindenburg Ground Crew
* The Homogeneous's
* The Lip Readers
* The Philharmonic Double-Barrelled Steam-powered Nose Flute
* The Saharan Kayaking Club
* The Shergar tinned dog food company
* The Titanic Deck Chair Attendants
* The Venetian Road Sweepers
* Tipton taliban
* Tourettes team
* Tulip Benders
* Wet Spillage in Aisle 7


* Axis of Ignorance
* The Passion of the Quiz
* The Natural Disasters
* The Robert Maxwell Swimming Club
* Coalition of the Swilling

And for the would be 'Udon Thani Comedy Clubbers'...

Battle of the sexes

* Clitoris Allsorts
* Girls On Top
* No Men Wisdom
* No Oestrogen Here
* Pre Mensa Tension
* The Menstrual Cycle Display Team


* 4play
* Beef Curtains
* Chalk McHugh
* Crouching Woman Hidden Cucumber
* Cunning Linguists
* Din Kiddick
* Drew Peacock
* Dudders Pump
* E.Norma Snockers
* Fact Hunt
* Federal Bureau of Insemination
* Gash machine
* Global Missionary Positioning System
* Gusset Sludge
* Hoof Hearted
* Hugh Janus
* Hugh Jarce and Willy Feeler
* Hugh Jardon and Miss E Norma Stitz
* I'm not a gynaecologist but I'll take a look
* Immaculate Misconseption
* Jenny Telia
* Johnny Forskin & The Pullbacks
* K9 Plums
* Liquor round the front and poker in the rear
* Lord of the Rogerings
* Love Machine
* My wife can't wrestle but you should see her box
* Purple headed yoghurt slingers
* Phil Mc'avity
* Roger Knightly
* RRRRRRRs about face
* Save A Mouse Eat Pussy
* Save A Tree Eat Beaver
* Scoregasm
* Shaving Ryan's Privates
* Soft & Salty
* Stop The Bus And Let My Brother Jack Off
* The 4 Skins
* The Beefeaters
* The Fellowship of the Jizz
* The Master Debaters
* The Rowers' New Cox
* They're Off as the Monkey said as he sat on a Razorblade

Sweary Team Names

* Arson Fire
* Beating Chastards
* Betty Swollocks
* Big Willy n Mike Hunt
* Cupid stunts
* Cunning Stunts
* Hit a Shedgehog
* I. McHunt
* Its For Our Souls
* Mary Hinge and Carey Hunt
* My Best Friend Is Mike Hunt?
* Norfolk 'n' Good
* Norfolk 'n' Chance
* Pheasant Pluckers
* Polly Tartan's Dits
* R. Slicker
* Shevver Clites
* Shy Teds
* Suffolk 'n' close
* The Four Canals
* The Rucking Funts
* The Weigh Anchors
* Well oil beef hooked
* White Rankers
* Woozy Bankers


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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by 21again » October 3, 2010, 12:31 pm

Hi Scorpio,
Must have taken you some time to think of all the team names.
Sounds okay but sorry to ask,
What night are you proposing?
What time?
Are all questions going to be audio/visual?

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by Galee » October 3, 2010, 12:43 pm

No Thanks.

I'll stick to Udon's "original" Pub Quiz venue. The Englishmans Retreat. :D

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by ScorpioPower » October 3, 2010, 12:46 pm

21again wrote: 1. What night are you proposing?
2. What time?
3. Are all questions going to be audio/visual?
1. Probably a weeknight but not Friday

2. Probably about 7-9pm or thereabouts

3. No, not at all, but the audio/visual stuff will be a lot of fun!


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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by 21again » October 3, 2010, 12:51 pm

Sounds alright Scorpio, all the best as i know it takes time and patience to do a audio/visual, put me down and i'll keep looking on forum for date.

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by Librarian » October 3, 2010, 1:17 pm

Scorpio suggested , and very kindly offered to organise , a Audio /Visual Quiz Night here at The Bookhouse .
all i need to do is provide the venue and the prizes ;)

it will be a free to enter , something to do on a weekday event .
the prizes will probably be FREE Booze and /or Food , or even a FREE month pass to our vast selection of Books .

the idea is to provide fellow ex-pats with something to do in the week . just for a bit of fun .

those that for whatever reason dont like having fun- dont come :D

i,m sure many will though ! ;)
its not often you get something for nothing .

Librarian :D

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by Eazy-Going » October 3, 2010, 9:48 pm

Englishmans Retreat been holding an excellent quiz for some time now, last Thursday of every month. Well put together, lot's of fun and with a very congenial quizmaster, (Glynn), so I will agree with Galee's post, however good luck. You're even allowed to use your own imagination to choose your own team name at the Retreats quiz, without the use of condescending prompts...but then, they do not have a know-it-all as a quizmaster, (marketing Guru)!!!

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by Librarian » October 3, 2010, 10:09 pm

I,m truly baffled sometimes by the kind of responses some guys give - and question the motives behind some of the posts made
whilst the Loyalty to one business owner against another , is admirable , there is no malicious intent on our part to do harm to anyone -

we are simply suggesting to put on a free quiz with prizes , for customers who are looking to find something to do on an occasional evening. just a bit of fun :D

what if i say i want a pool table , or darts board , is there a monopoly on these ? No , there is not .

did we say we are going to hold a quiz on the last Thursday of each month ? definitely NOT . ( that would be inviting some internet flaming )

simply a quiz night , if it goes down well, it will become a regular event , if it doesnt , we,ll try something else , like a crib night , or dominoes or backgammon .


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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by ScorpioPower » October 4, 2010, 10:16 am

Actually, Librarian, I'm no longer baffled by anything that happens on this forum! :lol:

It would probably be a good idea to also recruit players via a notice board in your courtyard. :D

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by DesertStorm » October 9, 2010, 2:03 pm

Some of those team names have got me a chuckling!

Will the questions be American friendly?

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by stattointhailand » October 9, 2010, 3:01 pm

Will the questions be American friendly?

I dare say there may be a few questions about the rest of the world, so it may be a good idea to have one non American on your team

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by ScorpioPower » October 9, 2010, 4:11 pm

DesertStorm wrote:Some of those team names have got me a chuckling!

Will the questions be American friendly?
Thanks for liking the team names!

As clearly stated in the OP, however, you are very free to choose your own team name of course!

Yes, the questions will appeal to an international audience.

And there will be lots of oohs, ahs and wows along the way, too.

Watch this space! :D

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by Bilko » October 10, 2010, 12:43 am

Can you believe someone would enter a post informing the forum he would NOT be going. Amazing! :confused:

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by ScorpioPower » October 10, 2010, 7:48 am

^ :lol:

This is Thailand?


This is Udon Map!



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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by 21again » October 23, 2010, 2:50 pm

Any nearer to a date, sorry for being a pest, but want to be sure i don't miss it, and i always need to plan ahead, well sometimes.

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by stattointhailand » October 23, 2010, 5:37 pm

21again wrote:Any nearer to a date, sorry for being a pest, but want to be sure i don't miss it, and i always need to plan ahead, well sometimes.
It's easy ....... just keep the next couple of months clear, and I'm sure you will be free for it :D :D :D

If the OP is anything to go by, with the time it must have taken to come up with so many team names, sorting out the right questions and answers must be a nightmare :-"

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by ScorpioPower » October 24, 2010, 11:33 am

There was Jeremy's investment in the 58" screen TV, that is suspended from his bar and is swivel mounted so that everyone can see what I put through it from a laptop.

Now there's the consideration of what type of PA system to invest in.

And me putting the finishing touches to the audio-visual stuff and the dry run that we're going to give it all.

Watch this space!


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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by Librarian » October 24, 2010, 11:58 am

Hey Scorps -

you gave me 8 inches too much :-"

its a 50 inch and not a 58 ;)

Librarian :D

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Re: Pub quiz coming your way!

Post by ScorpioPower » October 24, 2010, 1:23 pm

Well, you mind your 50 inches then... there's plenty of things I can do with 8!

Yes, that's right ladies, EIGHT inches!

First come, first served will not necessarily be the case, but book in advance to avoid intense disappointment. ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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