A few months ago I found a new barber shop, not far from the PEA office on Srichomcheun Rd. Three young guys, AC, good music, and haircuts as you want them, not as they want you to have them. Most of their customers are younger guys who want their hair styled or sculpted or dyed. I leave that to the younger generation......but I'm impressed with what a few young, hard working guys can do if they think outside the box a bit.
And so.......the article below isn't about that particular barber shop, but another one on Srisuk Rd that is doing much the same for young kids over the Songkran holidays (school break).
It may not be the equivalent of landing a rocket booster on a floating platform, but it's a step in the right direction. For those who continue to insist on doing things the way they were done before, and before that......watch out!
Faith in the Younger Generation
Faith in the Younger Generation
Great, i agree 100 % and if may add just look at the way the younger generation dresses... grab a seat at Central Plaza and observe both boys and girls and you will have faith in the coming generations, who will not blindly follow the '' GOOD "" people, the dress code police... I suggest that the '' GOOD "" people .. study carefully the JAPANESE COSPLAY PHENOMENA started over 40 years ago in Harajuku and its overwhelming influence on the Japanese economy, fanmily structure ETC ..to this day...
Faith in the Younger Generation
Ten years ago, while in Siam Square with our visiting daughter, there were 20 or so cosplayers doing their thing in front of one of the stores. I didn't see Lady Gaga there, but wouldn't be surprised if she got her costume ideas from some of these folks.