Doctor in Udon for Diabetes

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Doctor in Udon for Diabetes

Post by bigwavedave » July 25, 2008, 8:57 am

Hi , Ive recently found out that my blood sugar is "sky rocketing" so i need to find a good, inexpensive, english speaking doctor who knows something about diabetes!!! Anyone suffer from it and has a good doctor taking care??
Thanks in advance


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Post by rickfarang » July 25, 2008, 10:48 am

I am diabetic, as are (I suspect) many older participants on this forum.

Congratulations, you have been diagnosed. This is much better than not knowing.

You would do well with any good doctor, as diabetes is very common, possibly the most "popular" ailment beyond the common cold. You might need medical guidance to bring your blood sugar down.

If I may give some advice:

Spend a lot of time reading about diabetes on the web, try to sort out the BS from the real info.

Be prepared to change your diet. Its not that bad once you get into it.

Buy a glucometer, which is an inexpensive device to measure your blood sugar yourself. Its an invaluable aid in learning how to control your blood sugar.

If the doctor gives you pills to control your blood sugar, work to get off the pills as soon as possible, if it is possible to get off the pills, because they can be very dangerous.

Most important, millions upon millions of us are diabetic, and for the most part, its not much more trouble than having to wear glasses.

Opinions vary.

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Post by bigwavedave » July 25, 2008, 10:53 am

Thanks for the good advice Rick...

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Post by johnbarryseven » July 25, 2008, 12:12 pm

Like me a Diabetic, try the military hospital, they have a very good doc there and have a check up every two months, insulin and tablets supplied.

Take care :lol:

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Post by bigwavedave » July 25, 2008, 12:59 pm

Thanks john.... luckily i live over the road from the military hospital.... Rick i bought a blood glucose meter about 3 weeks ago, thought i would give myself a checkup!!!! My numbers are over 200 every morning for the past 3 weeks, trying to get it down, although its been up to 330, so i am experimenting with diet... i am going to give it one last try until monday!!! I read that a good thing to do id not to eat for 3 days, giving the pancreas a rest?? Any views??

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Post by johnbarryseven » July 25, 2008, 3:47 pm

Only do a glucose test in the morning before you eat or drink. It says that you should have at least 6 hours rest, no drink or eating within that period, then test. Your reading should be in the lower 100's. I had a virus and mine went up to 599 after that it just shows high. Be careful as this is very dangerous, always eat and cut out chocolate and items with sugar content. The body must have insulin either one way or another, by not eating you could collapse with a very low sugar level. When mine is low my hands shake! I think it's best if you get yourself checked out first. Perhaps unlike m you just need tablets or type 2 diabetes, type 1 insulin injection.


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Post by rickfarang » July 25, 2008, 8:44 pm

I'm gald to her you have a blood gluose meter that puts you way ahead of many diabetics who don't bother.

With blood sugar levels of 200 mg/dl and above, I think you would be wise to have a consultation with a medical professional.
bigwavedave wrote: (some text removed) I read that a good thing to do id not to eat for 3 days, giving the pancreas a rest?? Any views??
I've heard the fasting argument from time to time. I don't see how it could be a cure, though it would certainly give your pancreas a rest. I put that in the classification of old wive's tales, to be honest about it.

I would not take medical advice from strangers on a forum (though I am sorely tempted to try and give advice!). You will do well to read up on the subject yourself and check with a doctor.

After you get your blood sugar under control, you will probably be able to manage it yourself with little or no input from medical professionals. And that, in my book, is a good thing


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Post by bigwavedave » July 31, 2008, 1:46 pm

Well thanks for the advise all of you... i went to military hospital today and for 310 baht got a blood/sugar/cholesteral kidney function and liver function test!!! and for another 103 baht got medication for diabetes type 2.... So im on track to sorting this problem out..

Thanks again for all your advise


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Post by BobHelm » July 31, 2008, 2:06 pm

Good luck with the results Dave, I hope it turns out to be nothing too serious...

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Post by rickfarang » July 31, 2008, 5:38 pm

Those are a lot of tests for 310 Baht! I'm glad you are getting care.

Diabetes not serious? If you take care of it, it won't be.

Be careful with that medication. And remember to educate yourself. If you can get off the pills, do it! (my opinion)

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Post by Guns482 » August 5, 2008, 9:00 am

I can say my broither was a diabetic consultant in the UK, he stated and I see no reason to disbelieve him that many diabetics can control their own levels with sensible use of diet and what they eat and drink.
Buying special diabetic foodstuffs and going on a pill regime was useless unless you had a major problem.
The problem was that many diabetics forgot, deliberately abused their bodies ( food wise) or simply ingmored the problem, that led to problems.
he said again an educated diabetic could put him out of business, unfortunately not many are.
So all the advice given about diet, reading and concsious thought are well worth the effore of leading a normal rewarding life.

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Post by jingjai » October 13, 2008, 5:20 pm

bigwavedave wrote:Well thanks for the advise all of you... i went to military hospital today and for 310 baht got a blood/sugar/cholesteral kidney function and liver function test!!! and for another 103 baht got medication for diabetes type 2.... So im on track to sorting this problem out..

Thanks again for all your advise

Is the blood/sugar test the one you have to "not eat or drink after midnight" one? Will a glucometer give one the same results?
Where in Udon can one buy a glucometer?

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Re: Doctor in Udon for Diabetes

Post by rickfarang » October 14, 2008, 10:22 am

From memory, the glucose concentration in capillary blood obtained by poking an hole in your finger to check with a home glucometer is about 10% lower than the concentration you would get from venous blood blood drawn at the same time. So, the two track but are not the same.

I have seen glucometers in many pharmacies around town. There is a variety of meters available. For me, the cost per test is the key parameter. Others (like my son whose insurance pays for his test strips), portability and speed in testing is key.

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Doctor in Udon for Diabetes

Post by Jed » November 4, 2011, 10:00 am

Can any diabetics -- or anyone for that matter -- recommend who they think is the best doctor, or hospital, or clinic, in Udon to help manage diabetes?

I've found AEK to be quite useless, even disgraceful. Nong Khai is hopeless. One hospital charged me for a consultation where the doctor told me to go somewhere else. Thanks. 300 Baht please.

Is the Military Hospital still the best, as mentioned above? Someone recently mentioned a clinic at one hospital -- I'll search for that -- forget which one it was.

I'm not new to this, been dealing with it for years, but just hoping I don't need to keep going to Theptarin in Bangkok twice a year to check things out; they're probably the best, and accordingly expensive.

Would appreciate any updates and experiences anyone has had around here lately. Perhaps mention what kind of regime you're on, and what you're taking? Glucophage? Diamicron? Etc.

Many thanks.

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Doctor in Udon for Diabetes

Post by rickfarang » November 4, 2011, 10:40 am

Unless your blood sugar is out of control or you have complications, then all you would need is a few checks of your hemogoobin A1c a few times a year (some recommend every 90 days). Although AEK has its problems, good physicians work there. I have been seeing Dr. Aram at AEK, who was recommended to me by another diabetic. I find Dr. Aram to be knowledgeable and affable.

I don't know about specialists, such as endcrinologists in and around Udon.

As for your other question: after a year or two, Dr. Aram convinced me to start taking Glucophage. I'm glad I finally listened to him because it helps my control quite a bit.

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