Feelings about anti-American drivel

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Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by BKKSTAN » August 31, 2008, 8:47 am

Reading the Bangkok Postbag,this article struck a chord in me.I don't suffer from a Nationalistic point of view that thinks The USA does everything perfect,but when I read the constant anti-American rhetoric,I often ask myself why everything reported or submitted seems so one sided against the USA!

Anti-American drivel
It is tiring to read the anti-American drivel published almost on a daily basis. It just goes on and on. Most of it stems from the Iraq war and the war on terror. However, those in opposition to the war on terror must tell us exactly how they will approach this evil and evolving menace.

The list of daily attacks is endless: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Algeria, Lebanon, China, Thailand, Somalia, Israel, Palestine, Turkey and many others. Last week three young militants were arrested in the UK for plotting to murder the British leader Gordon Brown.

It is ironic that the two nations at the forefront of the war on terror, namely the USA and Israel, are portrayed as the pariahs of this world. The US does much good in this world for which there is never any appreciation, only attitude.

Without any doubt the liberals of this world are undermining the Western world's ability to tackle this growing menace. Perhaps the monsters at Guantanamo Bay should be relocated to a five-star hotel.

I wonder if there are others on the forum that feel as I do?And I wonder if those on the forum that don't feel the same,have any solutions and approaches to situations facing us in the war against Islamic extremist terror attacks?

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by WBU ALUM » August 31, 2008, 9:00 am

If the US quit doing for others in the world (close all bases, defend only its own borders, stop sending financial aid for any purpose, stop taking calls from the UN for military and humanitarian aid, etc.), the US would be hated for that, too.

America is far from being always right, but they are always there when called. Who else?

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by BobHelm » August 31, 2008, 9:05 am

Stan, the last thing in the world anyone could accuse me of being is anti-American.
I am, however, anti Iraq war. Personally I feel that the war had absolutely nothing to do with the 'war on terror' and, rather than making the world a safer place has generated more terrorists.
Because of the world media focus on Iraq the president has concentrated a huge amount of the US military & financial resources on winning that war. If Iraq had never been invaded then maybe more effort could have been concentrated where it would have produced better results - Afghanistan & Pakistan. This is still the base of the Islamic extremists & little has been done to clear it out. I am NOT blaming USA for that (the EU & United Nations could have/should have done far more) but the war in Iraq has made the US far more enemies than friends on the world stage.
Guantanamo Bay??? Either they are guilty of something & should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law or they should be set free. The military have had more than enough time (by any stretch of the imagination) to gather information & facts, if it isn't enough to prosecute then who exactly is deciding that these people are a danger to anyone???

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by mortiboy » August 31, 2008, 9:18 am

I applaud BS with his defence of his homeland.I am british but I think America does a lot of good work around the world and it seems to go unnoticed.
People are quick to criticize US especially the war on terror.The day when these uncivilized countries become unaggressive and friendlier nations,The US maybe more tolerant towards these evil inhuman menaces.
When there is a catastrophe, in some countries,Who sends aid and relief?Even though these countries are abusing human rights and treat their people like Sh..? Nothing said much there!
USA is a great country.and they want keep it that way!

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by bumper » August 31, 2008, 10:06 am

I will say two things as to Iraq Hind sight is always 20/20..

It's much easier to be critical then constructive

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by BobHelm » August 31, 2008, 10:22 am

git wrote:I will say two things as to Iraq Hind sight is always 20/20..

It's much easier to be critical then constructive
True git.
However it is expected that governments will act with foresight, that was sadly lacking with regard to the Iraq war. If any of the claimed reasons for going to war had been validated then maybe the lack of foresight could be excused however they were not. :(

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by aznyron » August 31, 2008, 10:40 am

if GWB was never picked because he was NOT elected President there would be no IRAQ war and the WTC would be still standing of course I can not prove my statement so just for the sake of argument we will call it my opinion.
ask your self why did Congress get false reports from Bush administration and yes they were lies from the get go
and they knew 100 % they were lying so GWB could have a war continue for 4 years guarantees him to get elected in 04
the world could forgive the USA for Bush first term but they will not forgive the USA for the second term they look at Americans as idiots for election a idiot and sadly they are correct. even if I was a republican I could not honestly voted for GWB in 04 after seeing what that idiot did to the USA that why the swift boat B/S came out to attack John Kerry Honorable service to the USA what a disgrace the Bush administration did that was the dispectible thing I have ever witnessed in Politics along what they did to Max Cleland Senator from GA who lost his limbs in vietnam they disgust me just as much as GWB does when GHWB bailed out of his plane in WW 2 he should have banged up his willy so bad that he could not produce any off spring this way the world would be better off with out Neal George Marvin all 3 scum bags

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by mortiboy » August 31, 2008, 11:28 am

There is a web sight where you can see the kind of people the west is dealing with.
But if you want feel sorry for these people,let them carry on in their evil ways.This is going on Now!
This is the low life sick disgusting crap the west is facing.Does this go on at Guantanamo bay?

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by merchant seaman » August 31, 2008, 12:43 pm

Seems like the Americans get blamed for just about everything. But when a natural disaster strikes some where in the world ie. eartquakes in china, India, Typhoons in Miramar etc.who is the first to respond with aid relief? How about when the U.S.A. gets hit with a disaster ie. Katrinia, forest fires, World Trade Center etc.. Who sends aid to the U.S.?
No man has a good enough memory to be a succesful liar.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by jackspratt » August 31, 2008, 1:23 pm

mortiboy wrote:There is a web sight where you can see the kind of people the west is dealing with.
But if you want feel sorry for these people,let them carry on in their evil ways.This is going on Now!
This is the low life sick disgusting crap the west is facing.Does this go on at Guantanamo bay?
Who are "these people", and who is feeling sorry for them?

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by TJ » August 31, 2008, 1:43 pm

IMO George H.W. Bush, the 41st president, should receive the greatest criticism because of his personal decision to initiate and lead an invasion of the mideast. The US and other democracies should have learned from history that military intervention and occupation of foreign nations will always have enormous and tragic repercussions.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by aznyron » August 31, 2008, 2:52 pm

mortiboy wrote:There is a web sight where you can see the kind of people the west is dealing with.
But if you want feel sorry for these people,let them carry on in their evil ways.This is going on Now!
This is the low life sick disgusting crap the west is facing.Does this go on at Guantanamo bay?
I watched the video and I totally agree with you but the fact still remains the same USA invaded the wrong country
Saddam was not responsible in any way of 9-11 he did not fund terrorist. but saudi Arabia does and is protected by none other
the Bush Family. did we have terrorist in Pakistan before the invasion of Iraq I don't recall hearing or reading about it
now the country is loaded with them I can ask why but I already know the answer to my own question. I want to make this know I love my Country with all my heart but I hate GWB and sadly he got a second term after he stole the first one with B/S and the Supreme court. and to my Republican friends it not about taxes it about getting our Honor back after GWB lost it in his cowboy way he reminds me of a keyboard commando hiding behind a wall of B/S and protected by fools

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by westerby » August 31, 2008, 3:31 pm

A world super power is going to attract criticism because it has the muscle to reinforce its policies and those policies will be self serving. Russia is doing the same thing at the moment in Georgia as it bids to become a new world super power.

Iraq - it's happened and we've got to move on from wagging our fingers at Dubya and telling him that we should never have invaded. I envisage the US military will be present in Iraq over the next decade at least, because they can maintain a level of influence in the Middle East that's crucial to their oil supply. Obama will realise the stark realities of the mantle that he assumes if/when he gets into power and tailor his policies accordingly. Reality check, chaps - what do you think will happen if all US troops pull out of Iraq by 2011?

Afghanistan - something similar to 911 was going to happen eventually, it was a culmination of events that began as far back as the Iranian Revolution. However, what some friendly nations don't understand is that it's a Western war, not just America's. There are European nations that shelter under the US tent who take some shoving to step out and take some risks (like supplying fighting troops for Afghanistan) and who are also quite happy to p*ss into it at times.

So I have some sympathy for Americans when when they get tired of the never ending drivel, but it does come with the territory.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by beer monkey » August 31, 2008, 5:48 pm

I thought it was a spoof vid i was going to watch.... but then that ****** video clip made my heart pound then i came out in a cold sweat when i realized what was going on, i didn't need to see that...and half wished i hadn't watched it twice :(
Can You Dig It Dug.?

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by westerby » August 31, 2008, 7:02 pm

merchant seaman wrote:How about when the U.S.A. gets hit with a disaster ie. Katrinia, forest fires, World Trade Center etc.. Who sends aid to the U.S.?
See my BBC attachment below. The UK sent aid for Katrina but the Yanks rejected it because they were concerned about Mad Cow Disease!

I don't what they're worried about, vCJD never affected me :freak:


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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by Udon farang » August 31, 2008, 7:57 pm

I am American....... and probably reflect the opinion of most of us living here in America. We wish we had stayed the hell out of Iraq too and kept our money right here rebuilding our own roads and bridges. Sure Saddam was a brutal dictator, but that was a problem for the "Useless Nations" to resolve. (which of course they never have the balls to do, ie: Darfur) I do not want to be the "policeman of the world". And I recognize that there are different cultures in the world, very unlike those in the west, that need to be "accepted", even if we cannot understand them. There is nothing wrong with being different.
We need to accept that countries in the mid-east are different and just accept it.... not change it.

Let's not confuse the American government with it's people. The American government has an abysmal approval rating. Both Bush AND the legislature. And, deservingly so. But the American people are still among the best i the world. Thai government is corrupt and ineffective, but Thai people are very nice. I have met very nice Iranians, Russians, Cubans and others, but their governments are terrible. Let's remember to separate the two so that we can get along as "citizens of the world".

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by jackspratt » August 31, 2008, 8:00 pm

Udon farang wrote:I am American....... and probably reflect the opinion of most of us living here in America. We wish we had stayed the hell out of Iraq too and kept our money right here rebuilding our own roads and bridges. Sure Saddam was a brutal dictator, but that was a problem for the "Useless Nations" to resolve. (which of course they never have the balls to do, ie: Darfur) I do not want to be the "policeman of the world". And I recognize that there are different cultures in the world, very unlike those in the west, that need to be "accepted", even if we cannot understand them. There is nothing wrong with being different.
We need to accept that countries in the mid-east are different and just accept it.... not change it.

Let's not confuse the American government with it's people. The American government has an abysmal approval rating. Both Bush AND the legislature. And, deservingly so. But the American people are still among the best i the world. Thai government is corrupt and ineffective, but Thai people are very nice. I have met very nice Iranians, Russians, Cubans and others, but their governments are terrible. Let's remember to separate the two so that we can get along as "citizens of the world".
Hear, hear =D> =D>

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by aznyron » August 31, 2008, 8:11 pm

very good post udon farang I also applaud you =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by westerby » August 31, 2008, 8:12 pm

Udon farang wrote:I am American....... and probably reflect the opinion of most of us living here in America.
But you don't reflect the opinion of most of the people in the US because Dubya managed to win the Presidential race twice despite roughly half the voters casting against him. The invasion of Iraq did not stop him from winning again.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by jackspratt » August 31, 2008, 8:37 pm

westerby wrote:
Udon farang wrote:I am American....... and probably reflect the opinion of most of us living here in America.
But you don't reflect the opinion of most of the people in the US because Dubya managed to win the Presidential race twice despite roughly half the voters casting against him. The invasion of Iraq did not stop him from winning again.
Westerby you are confused between then and now.

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