Feelings about anti-American drivel

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by westerby » August 31, 2008, 8:39 pm

We'll see, Jack...

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by Pakawala » August 31, 2008, 9:52 pm

I'm an American too, and do NOT wish to be thrown into the same category as Udon Farang in terms of how MOST?? of us feel. Udon Farang may feel that if we leave them alone, they'll leave us alone... how quaint. While I agree, we probably did not actually need to invade Iraq, it was an opportunity to rid the country of an evil dictator who was committing atrocities against his own people. It also provided us a starting point for bringing down the al Quaida element rather than to let them bring this war to our own shores... again. Udon Farang is correct, there's nothing wrong with being different but when their 'difference' means they want to eliminate all infidels, then that difference is NOT acceptable.

Go ahead Udon Farang, and cast your allegiances to the guy that promises you "Change", what ever that means. I'll stick with the guy that's willing to continue protecting our shores from the Jihadists, because the 'Change' I'm looking for does not include conversion from our current Constitution to Sharia Law in the not too distant future if we decide to just ignore our enemies.

(Sorry, no smiliess on this post... there's nothing 'cute' about it.)
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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by aznyron » August 31, 2008, 10:09 pm

I get a laugh at all you Republicans the guy not even elected yet and you all have a crystal ball as you know what he is going to do as President if elected you all published the same old B/S in 1992 when Bill Clinton ran for president and it turned out he did more good in 1 year that Bush did in 8 all we got from Bush is a war in two countries and deficit they will take years to pay off we lost all our friends & allies he divided the country between have & have nots he cause more business to go belly up if you want more of the same then you elect a Republican & republican congress
I am getting off topic the fact is GWB created the whole world as his enemy when he in fact is his own worst enemy
the man is idiot and should have never been President nor he should not ever been Governor of Texas and Obama look good to me but I am not voting

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by Pakawala » August 31, 2008, 10:28 pm

Hey Ron, I think your Kool Aid has been spiked. :D :D :D
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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by cryptic » September 1, 2008, 12:54 am

aznyron wrote: Obama look good to me but I am not voting
Here you are, going off on our present President with all your rantings and ravings. Election time is where it counts and YOU are not going to vote,............ oh please spare us.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by Udon farang » September 1, 2008, 1:29 am

I respect your opinion Pakawala. But best i can remember, there were no Iraqi's involved in the 911 attack. Nor was there, at that time, any Al Qaida inside the country of Iraq. They were mostly Saudi's and were based in Afghanistan. The issue of Saddams brutality is separate from the attack on the World Trade Center and should have been addressed by the "international community", or it's Paper Tiger, the UN.

Nobody was happier than me to see Saddam and his demented son's done away with. But war on the people of Iraq was wrong and misguided and did nothing to rid ourselves of extremists. On the contrary, as we now "do" see Al Qaida in Iraq.

For the record, I vote Republican 90% of the time and will likely do so again this time. But I will say that Bush has done more harm than good on the international front. You cannot have a foreign policy theme of "my way or the highway" and not expect resentment towards the USA and it's fine citizens. I just hope we can see a little diplomacy in our next administration. Not just the strong arm tactics we have been using.

And before you jump down my throat again Pakawala, I am "generalizing" here. When it comes to Al Qaida and terrorists there can be no diplomacy. Unlike you, I can differentiate between a national foreign policy and a war with extremists.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by saint » September 1, 2008, 7:55 am

heres a thing for you anti americans to ponder , that is still this topic i take it, as it seems to be all politics and elections again !!!!!! if you took the 40,000 american troops of the border between north and south korea and the ever preasant threat to the north koreans of a war they would never win away with those troops . how long do you think it would be before they invaded the south, and threw all of south east asia into chaos ? and ron , you make bush sound like a thatcher clone , we suffered 13 years of the bitch, and the country never recovered , be warned.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by bamakmak » September 1, 2008, 8:13 am

aznyron wrote:I am not voting
Ron - you surprise me!! Growing up, my mom always told me if you don't vote, don't complain about who is elected. I've voted in every presidential election since 1972 and won't miss this one. Figure it gives me the right to complain as much as I want to about how the country is run.

It's very easy to get an absentee balot.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by jackspratt » September 1, 2008, 8:20 am

saint wrote:heres a thing for you anti americans to ponder , that is still this topic i take it, as it seems to be all politics and elections again !!!!!! if you took the 40,000 american troops of the border between north and south korea and the ever preasant threat to the north koreans of a war they would never win away with those troops . how long do you think it would be before they invaded the south, and threw all of south east asia into chaos ? and ron , you make bush sound like a thatcher clone , we suffered 13 years of the bitch, and the country never recovered , be warned.
You seem to be a bit behind the times saint.
WASHINGTON: The commander of American forces in South Korea is urging the Pentagon to allow thousands of troops stationed there to have spouses and children live with them during tours of duty.

The proposal by the commander, General B. B. Bell, is a recognition that the military must do more to improve the quality of life for troops and their families. It would reverse decades of policy for South Korea, recognizing that an attack from the North has become unlikely given the enduring American presence as a deterrent and the growth in size and sophistication of the South Korean armed forces. In any case, American troops have been shifted away from the front lines.

Only about 10 percent of the 28,500 troops deployed to South Korea .................

In recent years, the American military has been relocating from bases near the demilitarized zone to new posts farther south, leaving South Korean troops to take over a majority of the responsibility along the front.

"As we move into these sanctuary bases — and they are sanctuaries — they are not up under the guns," Bell said.

The American military presence in South Korea has dropped by about 9,000 troops over the past five years, as two brigades previously based there have joined the rotation schedule for Iraq and Afghanistan.
http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/03/11/ ... litary.php


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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by aznyron » September 1, 2008, 8:59 am

Good Morning poster Bamak. to answer you why I am not voting Yes I agree if you don't vote don't bitch but in my case which makes sense to me I voted last in the State of Arizona well John McCain will win the state with out any problems
and that the state my vote will be registered in so it does not make sense to me spend my money to send in absentee ballot no matter who I vote for go to John McCain To my fried Pakawala I see your a Bill O"Rielly fan good I like him also but my kool aid may be spiked but my eyes are open to what GWB did and to my friend Saint I remember
Margeret Thatcher and even tho she was your P.M I did not like her because of her extreme conservative views
she also was in bed with my President his name was Ronald Reagan which she groomed Ronald in many ways to pick up her torch here in the USA. and to CRYTIC go haunt some one else I find your remarks inflammatory

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by WBU ALUM » September 1, 2008, 9:06 am

cryptic wrote:aznyron,
Here you are, going off on our present President with all your rantings and ravings. Election time is where it counts and YOU are not going to vote,............ oh please spare us.
Ron has said many times that he would support John McCain.

But he's the same guy who the Democrats claim is just another George Bush.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by WBU ALUM » September 1, 2008, 9:10 am

Pakawala wrote:I'm an American too, and do NOT wish to be thrown into the same category as Udon Farang in terms of how MOST?? of us feel. Udon Farang may feel that if we leave them alone, they'll leave us alone... how quaint. While I agree, we probably did not actually need to invade Iraq, it was an opportunity to rid the country of an evil dictator who was committing atrocities against his own people. It also provided us a starting point for bringing down the al Quaida element rather than to let them bring this war to our own shores... again. Udon Farang is correct, there's nothing wrong with being different but when their 'difference' means they want to eliminate all infidels, then that difference is NOT acceptable.

Go ahead Udon Farang, and cast your allegiances to the guy that promises you "Change", what ever that means. I'll stick with the guy that's willing to continue protecting our shores from the Jihadists, because the 'Change' I'm looking for does not include conversion from our current Constitution to Sharia Law in the not too distant future if we decide to just ignore our enemies.

(Sorry, no smiliess on this post... there's nothing 'cute' about it.)
I don't want to be lumped in with "most Americans" either.

My perspective of what most Americans want is different that UF's view. Most Americans want their borders protected. Most Americans want lower taxes. Most Americans want illegal immigrants to pay their way and contribute, not just be allowed to stay illegally. Most Americans want the war in Iraq and Afghanistan to be over. Who doesn't want wars to be over? But most Americans want victory. Most Americans want the job finished with terrorists.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by aznyron » September 1, 2008, 9:45 am

WBU after hearing and see John I still love him he a great American and a U.S. Senator from my former home State
he also got my vote with out me voting the electoral college did that not me but I do want to quote former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura who said the John McCain today is not the same man in 2000 and I believe him he also said 2 planes can not knock down 3 building I also believe him on that he also said he might run for president in 2012 I will support him if I am alive I will campaign for him I will travel around the USA for him I will leave Thailand to help him be come the President of the USA why because he believes like I believe GWB is NO F**** Good and sadly my HERO will pick up the mantle of Bush

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by Guns482 » September 1, 2008, 9:47 am

Hi, I have been accused of having all the answers, but to that I reply, if you look at USA now and consider that in the 17th-1900 britain was a world superpower, having beated just about everyone that they fought, before that it was verious empires form various countries which were on top,
Those on top always get knocked, aftere the USA who else will aspire to be the top dog, the Chinese maybe or even another Asian country with billin or so population.
At the moment it is the USA with all its faults that try to be the worlds policeman sometimes with help other times alone.
We know eeveryone hates police so what is new.
In time attitudes will change and we will become focused on a more worthy opponent to harry, insiult or write about .
Americans please do not get so uptight just because people are having a go at you, just do the best you can and say nothing.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by bigwavedave » September 1, 2008, 9:52 am

Who doesn't want wars to be over? But most Americans want victory. Most Americans want the job finished with terrorists.[/quote]

I seem to remember that there were NO terrorists in Iraq before the coalition invaded it!!!!!! I also remember the reason why the coalition invaded it.... WMD... No other reason, no mention of terrorists, no proof of WMD needed as it was clear from the various satelite images that were shown around the world by the US intelligence agencies (so it must be true), Saddam had WMD and it was a grave threat to the world!!!! And i am ashamed that my prime minister fell for the Bush/Cheney B/S...
It seems to me people dont hate americans persay, they hate the facts above and we all know it was Bush who was the loudest voice for this illegal regime change/War. Thats Fact, not anti american drivel.... You may say there was a terrorist in Iraq.... Saddam.. true but not a threat to the west, but so is Mugabe but he doesnt have oil!!!!
So i dont believe that people dont like americans as such, its the idiot you elected i think that people associate americans with and therefore tar with the same brush....

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by Guns482 » September 1, 2008, 10:05 am

It really matters not whether WMD was a factor or not, it is percieved by the major Muslim nations that USA is a bad boy, when speaking to Arab friends that is only a perception perpretrated by various agencies and media outlets worldwide, linked together with the problem of radical whatevers in the world, the USA ids fair game as my last post explains, being there is not always the easy option.
The American people are not by themselves hated nor depised just envyed some-times .
I'd say keep a weather eye on the Chinese, and read the bible, it really is an eyeopener expecially Revelations.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by bamakmak » September 1, 2008, 12:02 pm

Ron - I don't agree with your reason not to vote - although I should be glad since it's one less democratic voter :lol:

I'm from South Dakota - a whopping 3 electoral votes. It is safe to say that my state has never had any impact on the final outcome of the presidential election. But I have never missed a vote. I guess it's the principle.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by WBU ALUM » September 1, 2008, 12:14 pm

bigwavedave wrote:I seem to remember that there were NO terrorists in Iraq before the coalition invaded it!!!!!!
You remember? There was always evidence that terrorists were in Iraq before the invasion. I never believed that Saddam or those terrorists had anything to do with 9-11; and I never recall my government stating such. The threat had to do with a possible "hand off" of WMDs.
I also remember the reason why the coalition invaded it.... WMD... No other reason, no mention of terrorists, no proof of WMD needed as it was clear from the various satelite images that were shown around the world by the US intelligence agencies (so it must be true), Saddam had WMD and it was a grave threat to the world!!!! And i am ashamed that my prime minister fell for the Bush/Cheney B/S...
It's my understanding that the world community believed that Iraq had them. I also recall that military intelligence in Great Britain supported it. Didn't Sadam insinuate that he did have them and tongue-in-cheek claim that he did not? He didn't want Iran to think he didn't have them. That was already shown to be the case in a CBS interview. And CBS is a very liberal arm of the news media in the US.
It seems to me people dont hate americans persay, they hate the facts above and we all know it was Bush who was the loudest voice for this illegal regime change/War. Thats Fact, not anti american drivel.... You may say there was a terrorist in Iraq.... Saddam.. true but not a threat to the west, but so is Mugabe but he doesnt have oil!!!!
So i dont believe that people dont like americans as such, its the idiot you elected i think that people associate americans with and therefore tar with the same brush....
Well, Bush may have had the loudest voice. So? It is apparent that with the exception of France and Russia doing business with Saddam that violated the "oil for food" program, and Spain's decision to forego the coalition due to their train bombing, most of the rest of the world democracies contributed in some way to the regime change in Iraq. It wasn't just troops. Money, intelligence gathering, spying and other contributions were made that were very silent, but important. Have you ever wondered why there wasn't a loud outcry from the surrounding Muslim countries? It's because even they were silently helping to rid their region of a bad neighbor.

The threat to the West was never that Saddam would fire missiles at the US or launch any type of invasion. Saddam had already been linked to financing suicide bombers and paying their family members after the deed was done. There was further concern that if he did have WMDs that he would make them available to terrorists who would bring them to the US and use them. That was the threat, and it was and is still real through the efforts of others.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by BobHelm » September 1, 2008, 12:32 pm

WBU ALUM wrote:Saddam had already been linked to financing suicide bombers and paying their family members after the deed was done. There was further concern that if he did have WMDs that he would make them available to terrorists who would bring them to the US and use them. That was the threat, and it was and is still real through the efforts of others.
I would be really interested to know where you got that information from. It is certainly the first time that I have ever heard that.

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Re: Feelings about anti-American drivel

Post by WBU ALUM » September 1, 2008, 12:38 pm

Reminder: Saddam Used Oil-for-Food $$ for Suicide Bombers (Chart of Payments)
By Andrew Cochran

When U.S. Senators debate and vote this week on the confirmation of Dr. Rice to be Secretary of State, they should keep in mind that one clear "collaborative relationship" that Saddam Hussein had with terrorists was through the Oil-for-Food program. In the hearing held by the House International Relations Committee last November 17, Rep. Henry Hyde, committee chairman, stated that "Saddam paid $25,000 rewards to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers through the Iraqi ambassador to Jordan out of accounts in the Rafidain Bank in Amman which held kickback money Saddam demanded from suppliers to his regime." The committee displayed the following chart of the payment scheme, which has, to the best of my knowledge, not heretofore been released on the web (click on thumbnail).
January 24, 2005 06:08 PM

http://counterterrorismblog.org/2005/01 ... forfoo.php

http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2002/ ... 65039.html

http://www.defenddemocracy.org/in_the_m ... _id=224275



http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/11/ ... rchStories


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