beer monkey wrote:saint seems to like it, did you dress up too saint..?
Don't know about Saint but I thought I looked quite fetching.
I went with the zebra look back then.
Now this is what i mean....cringe cringe cringe....confused..? never been confused,its not right and its not my idea of fun, and what about the lead Trannies name ' Frank N Furter' doubt a sausage joke or two in there too .
beer monkey wrote:Now this is what i mean....cringe cringe cringe....confused..? never been confused,its not right and its not my idea of fun, and what about the lead Trannies name ' Frank N Furter' doubt a sausage joke or two in there too.
Very true - I've never been comfortable with chaps in dresses since my Scout leader came into my tent one night dressed as his Mum.
But you have to agree, BM, Alan has paid admirable attention to his nails.
This don't help, i love Horror movies, and this kinda ruins them, also at a party when this is played most people go mad for it...i make sure i leave the room.
This stuff is More aimed at College/Uni students i fink.
dont you wear frilly undies when your down southampton docks at weekends masquarading as sadie then westers ? im sure you do . and B M the fact that the whole show is O T T is the point !!!!!! but i can tell you that you will never go anywhere and see so many women sexily clad than the audience of the show !!especially if your into leather and f~ck me boots . . you beginning to see the appeal now morti ? and yes i did dress up B M . i went as a leper , stuck corn flakes on with tomato ketchup , very effective , and i had something to nibble on during the evening .
The following video is a useful reminder that corruption in high places is not limited to third world countries and can, and does, occur in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, the Netherlands and so on. It is based on a true story.
I prefer Me' to reggae, but it is all a matter of taste or something like that.
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We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depths of our answers.
saint wrote:dont you wear frilly undies when your down southampton docks at weekends masquarading as sadie then westers ?
Hang on, why are you discussing my underwear on the Favourite Music thread? I'll thank you not to air your building site fantasies about what I pull on (or pull off) on a weekend, Doug.
Meanwhile viewers, here's some more reggae with Smiley Culture singing about the Boys in Blue from 1985. Dig it, Konstabel.
Yes, Khun Westerby, I kind of enjoyed her moves in that video.
There is a story, well two connected with this singer Me'. In my quest to obtain one of her cd's from 2005 I have met two nice Thai ladies, one of whom last week went to a second-hand store and bought the cd and sent it to me free of charge.
Tilokarat wrote:Yes, Khun Westerby, I kind of enjoyed her moves in that video.
There is a story, well two connected with this singer Me'. In my quest to obtain one of her cd's from 2005 I have met two nice Thai ladies, one of whom last week went to a second-hand store and bought the cd and sent it to me free of charge.