mmmmmm Food for Thought !!
1) Last night I drank 6 bottles of beer in a bar, that had it not been for the pool league, I would not have been in.
2) I could have purchased the same beer at 7/11 for B200 less (B360 - B156).
3) Even if the Ave consumption is half of mine (in many cases it is more) that's B100 profit per person.
4) 4 to 6 persons per team, and occationally a gf/wife drinking an extortionate Spy or two and the B300 to provide food looks like a pretty good deal !!
5) I don't mind paying for my food if that's what it takes.
6) Could the bars with no facilities get a member of staff to take orders and get a take away from one of the other bars?
The problem, as I see it (I may be wrong), was that in previous years, the food had to be prepared for 20 or so people, because of "freeloaders" who just happened to be in the bar on a Tues when the food was served, and expected to be fed, even though they only stayed 20mins and had one drink.
Why not make individuel packs of sani's or containers of stew/curry that can be handed out to the players and proper supporters, thus leaving the others to buy their food if required.
Just my thoughts guys, I'm just a player, so do not see the problem from an owners point of view, although I have tried my best.