Udon schools

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Udon schools

Post by caster1 » January 21, 2009, 2:19 pm

Can anyone tell a good school to send a 3 1/2 year old boy, tryed Don Bosco, but couldnt get him in, i heard the other Christian school is hard as well, i would like him to learn as well as English language, as his mums Thai.
are there any others worth trying

Thanks in advance

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Re: Udon schools

Post by BobHelm » January 21, 2009, 2:26 pm

This place is new, but seems to be building a good reputation.

http://www.udonmap.com/udonthaniforum/p ... 10521.html

But I think your son is too young to join yet - maybe worth a look for the future though!!

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Re: Udon schools

Post by Prenders88 » January 21, 2009, 4:40 pm

Don Bosco was our first choice, to get our Grandson in the kindergarten, the popular school was full.
We got him in Udon Christian school and are very pleased with his progress.

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Re: Udon schools

Post by jane_doe » January 21, 2009, 5:50 pm

Pattana Panya now accpets anuban students.

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Re: Udon schools

Post by canuck-viking » January 21, 2009, 6:48 pm

As a teacher, I would urge parents here to check schools out very carefully. I remember reading one time that one critic one time described Thai schools as brain dead. If you check the world ratings provided by UNESCO Thailand ranks well down the list. Generally from my viewpoint schools are poorly funded and teachers are poorly paid. Class sizes can be huge by western standards--I have seen grade one classes of over forty! Check for the classroom materials and check if if reasonably modern (less than ten years old). Also look at the facilities such as toilets and general maintenance. Take a walk around the campus and watch some lessons in progress--it may shock you. I remember one private school which has a good reputation-- the school executives drove Mercedes Benz... on a teacher salary? In Thailand the school reputation is the most important aspect --teaching and the students take a back seat...

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Re: Udon schools

Post by stoneman » January 21, 2009, 7:15 pm

BobHelm wrote:This place is new, but seems to be building a good reputation.

http://www.udonmap.com/udonthaniforum/p ... 10521.html

But I think your son is too young to join yet - maybe worth a look for the future though!!
Our son, who is just over 5, is a student here...We moved here 7 months ago and we put him there and he loves it...Great school and great staff...Half the classes are taught in English by native English speakers and half in Thai by native Thai teachers...And the total school enrollment is about 30 students...Great place for a child to get personalized attention...If you are interested, I would certainly have a discussion with the administration..


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Re: Udon schools

Post by uktolos » June 9, 2009, 9:06 am

What are the fees ?

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