Obama aims for oil independence

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Obama aims for oil independence

Post by westerby » January 27, 2009, 3:09 am

Source: BBC


President Barack Obama has called for the US to become energy independent, saying its reliance on foreign oil and global warming posed threats.
Outlining his energy priorities, he said the country would not be held "hostage to dwindling resources, hostile regimes, and a warming planet".
He called for greater fuel efficiency and an "energy economy" aimed at creating millions of jobs.
He also ordered a review of whether states can set car emission standards.
This challenges a Bush administration decision which favoured a national standard for vehicle pollution.
At his first White House news conference since becoming president, Mr Obama said he would reverse America's dependence on foreign oil while creating jobs, but warned there was no "quick fix".
"We will commit ourselves to steady, focused, pragmatic pursuit of an America that is freed from our energy dependence, and empowered by a new energy economy that puts millions of our citizens to work."
He added: "Now is the time to meet the challenge of this crossroads of history, by choosing a future safer for our country, prosperous for our planet, and sustainable."
Mr Obama ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review its refusal of a waiver which had previously allowed California to set its own - stricter - vehicle emission and fuel efficiency standards.
He said California had taken bold moves in implementing the standards.
Mr Obama said: "The days of Washington dragging its heels are over.
"My administration will not deny facts. We will be guided by them."
His statement that the US would lead on climate change was a clear swipe at his predecessor's sceptical view of global warming, says the BBC's James Coomarasamy in Washington.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had asked Mr Obama to reverse the Bush administration's insistence on a single, national standard.
California wants a 30% reduction in motor vehicle greenhouse gas emissions by 2016, achieved by improving fuel efficiency standards.
President Obama also ordered the transportation department to come up with new short-term rules on how carmakers can improve fuel efficiency.
A 2007 law required that new cars and trucks produced by 2020 obtain 35 miles per gallon of fuel (about 15km/litre).
However, then-President George W Bush did not put in place the regulations to enable the law to be carried out. The new rules Mr Obama wants to put in place would mean the new standard is reached by 2011, the New York Times said.
The president also announced plans to make all federal government buildings more energy efficient, and pledged to cut families's energy bills by "weatherising" 2.5 million homes.
He also said the US would double its capacity for "green" energy generation, from sources such as wind, sun, and biofuels, over the next three years.
More than 3,000 miles of transmission lines would be established to transmit the energy.
In the European Union, a recently agreed climate package set out average emission targets for the whole car industry of 120g of CO2 per kilometre by 2012 for new cars, compared with current levels of 160g/km.
The EU target for 2020 is 95g/km. But CO2 emissions vary from car to car, and manufacturers have been given until 2015 to meet their specific targets for each model.
According to media reports, the state department is to appoint a former Clinton diplomat as its "climate change envoy".
Todd Stern served under Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001 and was involved in Kyoto climate change talks.

An interesting policy that's bound to be popular with other nations but there's little in detail. For example, how will he 'double the nation's capacity for green energy generation' over three years and how will he finance it?

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by izzix » January 27, 2009, 3:33 am

easier said than done ,all talk .
companies that make wind turbines are flat out and cant deliver more capacity as it is .
solar is limited .more nuclear ?

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by westerby » January 27, 2009, 5:14 am

izzix wrote:solar is limited

...and also expensive, Izzie. ;)

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by BKKSTAN » January 27, 2009, 5:21 am

I think it was mentioned on another thread that Solar and Wind output doubled would cover 4% of the USA energy needs!Along way from independence #-o

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by Aardvark » January 27, 2009, 7:35 am

There was also a story in "Time" magazine recently that said the cost of a Nuclear power station would be 1 trillion dollars and over 3 years to complete ! How much oil would be used in the construction of just one of these Reactors ??

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by WBU ALUM » January 27, 2009, 7:49 am

BKKSTAN wrote:I think it was mentioned on another thread that Solar and Wind output doubled would cover 4% of the USA energy needs!Along way from independence #-o
I posted it. I got the information from Bob Brinker, a radio financial planner. He rarely gets involved in politics, but there had been a question from a listener on his program that asked about investing in wind turbines and solar energy due to the new president's ambitious statements. Brinker used those stats to discourage the caller from those investments.

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by Pakawala » January 27, 2009, 8:16 am

It's all smoke and mirrors! If he REALLY wanted oil independence (as this forum topic indicates) he'd open up the opportunity for drilling within our own borders. Using our current oil reserves to hold us over while we got these newly discovered oil reserves tapped. We could be completely 'independent' within 5 years. This would have a tremendous effect on Saudi, Mexican and Venezuelan oil production - to which I can only say, "So what!". Using our own oil producing capabilities would drastically reduce the cost of oil for US use and the savings could then be directed towards 'other' means of power production. :guitar:

It just seems so simple to me but then, I'm a simple person. :-"

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by aznyron » January 27, 2009, 8:52 am

Well if I recall every President from Nixon to the GWB spoke about energy independence in there
State of Union address and then forgot what he said at least BHO is trying to do some thing
as for drilling in Alaska and other parts of the USA I agree except for one problem it called
GREED oil companies will ship the oil to India China Japan because they can get more revenue
that what is happening to Alaskan oil now so IMO we have to pass laws to stop it like if it comes
out of USA ground it stays in the USA. I also believe it time for Nuclear as for other I think
it also time to expand on solar wind turbine and oil from the ocean and the new one
is algae oil they excrete from algae growing in the ocean & rivers how much will it reduce
energy independence from what I think very little but it will produce jobs which in turn
means more tax revenue it a good start let get behind him instead of criticizing him

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by banpaeng » January 27, 2009, 10:39 am

Someone does not understand regulations in the US. First to move oil from Alaska to the mainland it has to travel by US flagged tankers. Lets see, thanks to OPA 90, there are only a handful left due to increased liability. Second if a tanker leaves Alaska to a foreign port, (most going to Japan), then that country will have to compensate with another Barrel going to the US. True that is bought in a third country.

To another poster. I could be wrong but if you could even drill all the fields in US territories at once, you could not produce enough oil for the amount we inport. However there are just not enough oil rigs around to do this. Again this is because of the liability involved due to OPA 90 and a few other regs. It is also the result of the deeper drilling that is going on now, which takes bigger and more expensive rigs.

Another thing a lot of the oil in the US is sour. Not all refineries can handle sour crude. Then you have the Canadian sands. Hell it takes about all of the current price to get one bbl out. Now if we get oil back to about 60 to 70 per bbl then it might be profitable.

Now I know nothing of the nuclear industry, however how many bbls of oil would that take out of the inventory for the one reactor. I would really like to know that and not some jerk spouting off on utube or Rush and his cronies.

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by aznyron » January 27, 2009, 11:07 am

well it seem Brazil is doing off shore drilling and it also seems to me they are quite successful
as for get Alaskan oil down to the 48 we built a pipe line when Nixon was president or was
that just a waste of money to pay back some rich friends I will admit I don't know the answer all I can do is guess like every one else is doing in this thread. I don't know how much oil will be saved by going
Nuclear but I would assume there would be a substantial savings to people who will be using the
energy it produces I guess this debate will go on until some one produces good results and actually get us off oil independence

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by banpaeng » January 27, 2009, 11:54 am

Sorry but no pipeline across Canada. A fact.

Got a pipeline from the North Slope to the ocean.

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by BobHelm » January 27, 2009, 12:17 pm

Now I know nothing of the nuclear industry, however how many bbls of oil would that take out of the inventory for the one reactor. I would really like to know that and not some jerk spouting off on utube or Rush and his cronies.
Indeed an interesting question Brian. One which I do not have an answer for but found this on the net..
Every 1,000 megawatt reactor, the NEI says, saves 7.9 million barrels of oil or 3.4 million tons of coal a year and eliminates 34,000 tons of polluting sulfur dioxide and 11,000 tons of nitrogen oxide.
(Interesting article as well, if anyone wants to read - it is about the drive towards nuclear power stations in Asia)

http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2006- ... lear_x.htm

Also in my search I discovered that USA actually produces the most electricity (quantity) by nuclear power of any country in the world. Not by % though that is either Japan or France. Japan produce 30% of its' electricity this way & has plans in place to double this!!

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by cookie » January 27, 2009, 2:16 pm


a long term energy plan presented by a smart US President that clearly has the right highly qualified people around him!!!! =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

The Obama-Biden comprehensive New Energy for America plan will:

* Help create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.
* Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined.
* Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars -- cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon -- on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America.
* Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.
* Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.

Energy Plan Overview

Provide Short-term Relief to American Families

* Crack Down on Excessive Energy Speculation.
* Swap Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Cut Prices.

Eliminate Our Current Imports from the Middle East and Venezuela within 10 Years

* Increase Fuel Economy Standards.
* Get 1 Million Plug-In Hybrid Cars on the Road by 2015.
* Create a New $7,000 Tax Credit for Purchasing Advanced Vehicles.
* Establish a National Low Carbon Fuel Standard.
* A “Use it or Lose It” Approach to Existing Oil and Gas Leases.
* Promote the Responsible Domestic Production of Oil and Natural Gas.

Create Millions of New Green Jobs

* Ensure 10 percent of Our Electricity Comes from Renewable Sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.
* Deploy the Cheapest, Cleanest, Fastest Energy Source – Energy Efficiency.
* Weatherize One Million Homes Annually.
* Develop and Deploy Clean Coal Technology.
* Prioritize the Construction of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline.

Reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions 80 Percent by 2050

* Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.
* Make the U.S. a Leader on Climate Change.
http://www.whitehouse.gov/agenda/energy ... vironment/

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by bigwavedave » January 27, 2009, 3:11 pm

BKKSTAN wrote:I think it was mentioned on another thread that Solar and Wind output doubled would cover 4% of the USA energy needs!Along way from independence #-o

Yes but if all your cars got 35mpg how much oil would that save??? A lot i think, also weather proofing houses, govt buildings how much will that save, simply replacing every light bulb with an american made energy efficient one would save a heap of energy or OIL!!!!

And yes his "looney" idea of checking tyre pressures??? that would save oil....
in this day and age we have more knowledge than we did about saving fuel when nixon was pres!!!

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by BobHelm » January 27, 2009, 3:55 pm

Certainly an ambitious plan. Will be interesting to see exactly what strategies he actually comes up with to achieve this.
The two huge consumers of oil are electricity generation and transport.
My understanding is that the most efficient way is to actually use nuclear - which he seemed to rule out during the elections. Wind is efficient (cost wise) but would require a huge number of 'wind farms'. Solar (from the figures I have seen) is an expensive way of producing electricity.
Transport will equally be a problem to reduce. The motor industry (& the local one is already in a dire condition) would have to produce some radical changes to the machines that they are producing &, at the same time, make them attractive for customers to buy. In addition the local manufacturers are probably a long, long way behind their Japanese rivals (who aren't exactly that far forward themselves!!!!), and, if the Government is not careful then it could just sound the death knell for local manufacture - not exactly an employment improving opportunity.
Just to give an idea of the scale of the issue - here are the 2008 oil imports (accurate to November).
US Oil.jpg
US Oil.jpg (108.85 KiB) Viewed 1129 times
As can be seen from the "To be replaced" column this is a hell of a lot of oil. Assuming that this is all used in electricity generation (and I know that it is not, just to give an idea of the scale of the issue) then the 171.5 number represents the number of nuclear power stations that would have to be built to eliminate the oil imports from the countries indicated...

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by BKKSTAN » January 27, 2009, 3:57 pm

If you can get the collective mindset to focus on fuel savings,it would indeed help and i am all for it!The sooner we have independence from imported furls the better.
Look at the power of Putin behind fuels and one can see the future :yikes:

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by cookie » January 27, 2009, 4:29 pm

BKKSTAN wrote:If you can get the collective mindset to focus on fuel savings,it would indeed help and i am all for it!The sooner we have independence from imported furls the better.
Look at the power of Putin behind fuels and one can see the future :yikes:
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

on top of this, the US has already the necessary technical know how to tackle some of the transport problems.
Perhaps the US is lagging Japan for the manufacturing of economic cars,
but I want to argue that the US is lagging Japan concerning green technology and inventions...
I would dare to say that the US is even more advanced than the Japanese.
It is only a question of the necessary policy and incentives because we have seen during the past years that the US car manufacturers went clearly the wrong way....

here you have the most recent example of the superiority of the US inventors.
I hope that this "electric powertrain" will soon go in mass production.
January 21, 2009 2:42 PM PST
Shelby announces world's fastest electric car
Posted by Wayne Cunningham

Shelby is working on an electric version of the 2009 Ultimate Aero supercar.

In conjunction with the release of its 2009 Ultimate Aero at the Abu Dhabi International Motor Show, Shelby SuperCars announced details of an electric version of this same car, due to be launched in the second half of this year. We hope the oil barons of Abu Dhabi took the news graciously, as Shelby's move seems kind of like walking into a convention of cigarette makers and announcing a cure for tobacco addiction. But maybe they merely smiled at the fairly outlandish-sounding claims by Shelby SuperCars.

Ultimate Aero engine

The Ulimate Aero EV won't need one of these.

According to Shelby, the powertrain developed for the Ultimate Aero EV uses a lithium ion battery pack, which can be fully charged from a 110 volt AC outlet in 10 minutes. This powertrain can be scaled from 200 up to 500 horsepower, with a special, dual-motor configuration that could produce 1,200 horsepower.

On top of that, Shelby claims a 200 mile range. If this powertrain can truly meet these specifications, Shelby will revolutionalize electric cars. Fortunately, we only have to wait about 10 months to see if it happens.

The details of this powertrain follow an announcement in July of last year that Shelby was working on turning the Ultimate Aero into an electric car. In that previous announcement, Shelby said its electric powertrain "will feature a revolutionary power source allowing for extended time between charging intervals with the possibility of several years between charging."
pictures on this link:

more on the shelby website


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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by bigwavedave » January 27, 2009, 6:58 pm

I use Lipo (Lithium) in my rc plane, a very dangerous battery if not handled correctly, i had one go bang in a plane, what a mess!!!!

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by banpaeng » January 28, 2009, 8:53 am

I do have to ask where you dig up some of your stuff Cookie. I am so glad you believe it. It is one in particular that is just a lot of hot air.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve. If you take all the oil out of the caverns,(yes it is stored underground), It will last 10 days. Now for a more interesting look, most of the crude is heavy/sour (heavy API and high H2S) of which most refineries can not refine it. Kinda funny here to as companies would buy sorry crude and swap the govt for light sweet crude.

The whole thing is a joke. Another socialist program I am sure you would like to see however it is pure bunk as usual.

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Re: Obama aims for oil independence

Post by aznyron » January 28, 2009, 9:23 am

let me ask you Banp exactly were do you get your knowledge from ? I will admit I know NOTHING about
oil & it refinery but I do not think they would go public with some thing if it was a total dumb remark
or idea Just to let you know some thing different they are growing algie to extract the oil and
will be able to produce fuel from it to run automobile it may not be enough but every little bit helps IMO
besides the 5 oceans are loaded with it if it works there would be enough to supply the world again IMO

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