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Post by caster1 » January 27, 2009, 5:33 pm

I have Recently noticed more Mosqitoes in and around the house lately,
Any new methods out there, apart from the norm, Sprays, Coils,etc

Does anyone have any unique methods to get rid of them?



Re: Mosquitoes

Post by laphanphon » January 27, 2009, 6:03 pm

let me know when you find out, also notice the same. can't figure out where/how they are getting in. worst ever. 8)

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by papaguido » January 27, 2009, 6:04 pm

You could try this little DYI project:

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by Prenders88 » January 27, 2009, 6:38 pm

Perhaps the buggers have all hatched out at the same time after that cold snap.

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by jepp » January 27, 2009, 6:43 pm

YOU have probably heard of it but just in case - Citronella. (google citronella mosquitos) Smells :-&

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by rick » January 27, 2009, 7:09 pm

Try a uv light - may kill a few and also will get the other bugs. Put a gecko in each room - natural control, but lizard crap instead. Finally, make sure you have no standing water in your garden - if you have a water feature, keep small fish in it.

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by konba » January 28, 2009, 8:15 am

caster1 wrote:I have Recently noticed more Mosqitoes in and around the house lately,
Any new methods out there, apart from the norm, Sprays, Coils,etc

Does anyone have any unique methods to get rid of them?

Tell me about it, they got me good this year, my legs are full of bites and its very itchy, is there a good product against the itch?
Recently im starting to wear long pants in the evenings but sometimes i have the feeling they also bite during day :(

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by mortiboy » January 28, 2009, 8:21 am

I have been in Thailand 12 years,in that time, I been bitten about 3-4 times! Why, I dont know.
Could be my affliction? :? :?


Re: Mosquitoes

Post by laphanphon » January 28, 2009, 9:02 am

systral cream/chlorphenoxamine 25g 90 ish baht at lotus. does a good job. they got my ankles also, give it 15-30 minutes and itching goes away, then easy to fall asleep. :lol:

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by aznyron » January 28, 2009, 9:25 am

mortiboy wrote:I have been in Thailand 12 years,in that time, I been bitten about 3-4 times! Why, I dont know.
Could be my affliction? :? :?
Morti get a blood test make sure you have some that what mosquitos like :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by martynsnowman » January 28, 2009, 9:43 am

i used to get bitten very badly , when ever i came over here , but now my body does,nt react to the bites . but if they do itch you cant beat tiger balm .( smells good too ) imo .

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by Geordie » January 28, 2009, 10:24 am

laphanphon wrote:systral cream/chlorphenoxamine 25g 90 ish baht at lotus. does a good job. they got my ankles also, give it 15-30 minutes and itching goes away, then easy to fall asleep. :lol:

Excelent stuff LA works as you say. Also try Chlorpheniramine 1 tablet every day after a while the bites dont react as bad as before. Its a antihistamine and safe to take on a long term basis, can also get at Lotus 19 bht for 100 tabs. Small white plastic box with a yellow label.

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by arjay » January 28, 2009, 11:04 am

Prevention is better than cure though, as mossies can carry diseases.


Mossies seem to like dark colours, - so don't wear dark or smelly socks!
don't sit near plants or shrubs at dusk or in the corners of rooms
close doors and windows before dusk
wear a mossie repellant - lots available at pharmacies.
wear long trousers in the evening, unless you've got very hairy legs and ankles
sit in the draught of a fan

there are also plug-in electric mossie repellents available about 150 baht, as used at Roy Suk Mansion

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by cali4995 » January 28, 2009, 11:43 am

They do seem "unusually" bad now. I also couldn't figure out how they were getting in the apartment
and then I decided they must be coming in under the door, where there is almost a 1/2 inch gap. You
get weary of waking up with little red welts all over. I've been trying the coils (baygon) available at 7
but they are only mildly effective and you really have to get up a head of steam with the things to
ward off the pesky little critters. Needless to say, I wad a towel under the door and also I've posted
"no trespassing signs" everywhere. :razz: bring it varmints! they'll be no mercy here! yeeaaahhh! :razz:

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by polehawk » January 28, 2009, 12:10 pm

One of the houses we rented was loaded with mosquitoes this time of year. I used one of the tennis racket zappers and killed 63 mozzies one night. Possibly can claim the Udon Thani record? It does take a lot of effort and quick feet, however.

The electric cylinder zapper (uv as rick suggested?) works best, IMO. We have a couple of those and leave them plugged in all night long. Find lots of dead mozzies, flies, etc. every morning. Hardly bothered at all by the pests now. Tesco, Big C and the home improvement places stock the electric cylinders. Think Homepro and Global House stock the replacement bulbs.

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by GEC » January 28, 2009, 12:23 pm

Yes- I too have been bitten nearly everywhere, why me and not my husband ???
I have started using Thiti phuri Insect Repellant, Citronella Oil Extract which seems to work, smells nice too.
Mossie's seem to favour me wherever I am though, so it's nothing unusual :(


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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by trubrit » January 28, 2009, 12:44 pm

GEC wrote:Yes- I too have been bitten nearly everywhere, why me and not my husband ???
I have started using Thiti phuri Insect Repellant, Citronella Oil Extract which seems to work, smells nice too.
Mossie's seem to favour me wherever I am though, so it's nothing unusual :(

It could be because you wear perfume and presumably , your husband doesn't. It has been known for a long time that mossies are attracted by scents. One survey even indicated that the more expensive they are , the greater attraction for the pests. :lol:

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by arjay » January 28, 2009, 3:52 pm

Lemon Grass is supposed to work well too, - some sprays contain it. Unfortunately I hate both the smell (and the taste) of it.

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by Shado » January 28, 2009, 4:25 pm

I'm certainly no fan of mosquitoes. I hate the little pests! Mark Twain observed that God made mosquitos so humans would have a higher opinion of flies. Personally, having a mosquito problem in JANUARY is something I can live with. I don't particularly like it, but I'm content in the knowledge that folks back home are chipping ice from their car windows while I am swatting bugs. I wouldn't trade places.

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Re: Mosquitoes

Post by konba » January 29, 2009, 10:56 am

Well, i went to the pharmacy and they gave me a cream that would help against the itch, also tablets and i bought a citronella spray, i dont like the smell so much but hey if it helps :razz:

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