Do you feel secure in Udon?

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by BKKSTAN » March 4, 2009, 1:57 pm

Paul wrote:Most crimes are petty and opportunistic crimes and as a result of leaving something expensive lying around (say perhaps in the garden, or a window open in the night times).

The kind of house ransacking that goes on in our home countries is relatively rare here and of the very few people I know who have had something stolen from their house - mostly was things like phones and cash and was a result of leaving an 'open opportunity' for the thief.

I am wondering how many forum members have been burgled ?and of those how many were major house ransacks? where the whole house gets trashed and turned upside down - everything of value is taken - TV, computer etc etc .....

lets see how many respond..........
Well I have been burglared and it cost me 80-100K baht!But I assume complete responsibility as I didn't check a unused doors locks after workman had been in and out of the house for 3 consecutive days.He was in and out in probably one minute as soon as we turned the lights out downstairs and while we were still awake.We mage it easy and desirous to them by our relaxed habits of leaving valuables,keys and purses in plain site.We lost the wifes purse,all her gold,my gold ring ,watches ,3 cell phones,cash and our keys to the house and cars!

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by rickfarang » March 4, 2009, 3:20 pm

No - Crime, quality of healthcare, road safety, food safety, insecurity over immigration policy. I don't feel safe.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by Aardvark » March 4, 2009, 3:29 pm

polehawk wrote:Happened before we moved out here in paddyland but a German neighbor's dogs were poisoned and his house was burgled while he slept. Cleaned out from what I heard, secondhand information. Other neighbors think it was an inside job.

Personally, never been burgled. Suspicious night-time "visitors" a couple of months ago. Doorbell rang at 12:30 am while we were sleeping. Walked out into the yard and yelled, "Who is it?". Wife followed me and began having a loud conversation with at least a couple of Thai guys. She said they sounded drunk so I told her to tell them to go away or I was calling the police. They kept yakking so I went inside and released our two dogs (kept them inside during a cold spell) and the dogs began to bark aggressively. Heard the motorcycle outside the wall take off. Maybe just a couple of lost drunks, I dunno, but dogs stay outside every night now earning their kibble. Removed the doorbell the next morning. Neighbors advised that we shouldn't open the gates if we don't know who it is out there.

Senior Rambos? :lol: Wait a minute. Rambo is now 60 years old! My weapon of choice is the Toyota remote with the Panic button. Ever hear one go off? Will wake the dead and the neighbors. Damn, forgot to use it the night we had visitors. Paranoia? Yeah, maybe a little of that, too. Doesn't hurt to have some sort of plan though.
No offense PH, but dogs outside mean Poison, dogs inside mean second line of defence ;)

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by polehawk » March 4, 2009, 3:49 pm

Think I'd rather take my chances with the burglars than let our two dogs run loose inside the house, Aard. :lol:

Hope no burglars are reading this but, truth be told, our Thai Ridgie patrols front, back and sides of the house, close to her sleeping cage with open-door. A good watchdog so whenever she barks I get up to check. The pit bull will bark all night long for any reason so she gets locked in her cage after about 10 pm. We're still working on correcting her behavior. Where's the Dog Whisperer? Both cages are in an enclosed and screened area next to our bedroom. Usually, when the ridgeback starts barking I let the pit bull out. Thankfully, it doesn't happen that often.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by rick » March 4, 2009, 5:19 pm

Well, in UK, have been burgled about 5 times in 35 years; probably pretty typical. 3 minor losses, 2 ransackings. Threatened with a gun once. I now take the Mortiboy approach - never have anything worth stealing! The wife's gold is all gone in the last ransack; my Mum lost all the antique jewellery about 12 years ago; nothing valuable left now. In the UK, footballers get there houses done regularly, because everyone knows they have way to much money. Kids with the latest mobile phones soon 'loose' them. Keep a fast car anywhere near a big town or city, you better keep it locked up really well.

So, now i only have to lock my car up to stop the contents being stolen - no self respecting car thief would be seen dead in my car. TV is only 19" crt - no one steals that. Computers are old and cheap with one exception. Watches are for telling the time, not boasting. My phone is B/W. Rarely carry cash. The only thing i worry about is the debit card! ( where the wealth really is).

So maybe burglary slight problem in Thailand, but maybe no worse than UK. Most old people will not open there doors at night in UK, either.

Violent attacks, other than after an argument? how common in Udon?

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by parrot » March 4, 2009, 8:30 pm

This probably doesn't qualify as a response to the question, "Do you feel secure in Udon?", but while sitting in the ultra-clean bathroom in the back section of the first floor of Robinson's, it suddenly occurred to me that the gleaming white walls were completely free of graffiti. Best of all, there weren't any footprints on the toilet seat!

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by ULICK MC GEE » March 4, 2009, 9:06 pm

WEAPON'S.People tend to forget if you produce any weapon espeically a gun you must be fully prepaired to use it,you cross a line which usually result's in death or serious injury.Pool cues,bb bats,batons are for scare and repell,gun or knife if not prepaired to go limit could get you killed.Think carefully everybody

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by Juan Kosoff » March 4, 2009, 9:16 pm

I installed alarm system last month,with ir passives plus 4 cameras with night vision cctv with dvr 250g memory. Let everyone see what i was doing made loads of noise tested the klaxon several times, sam rot drivers watched me do it and had a natter about it.
IMO visible deterrent does make a difference, the whole lot under £300 and worth it.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by LoongLee » March 4, 2009, 9:22 pm

Wow, when I asked the question about security alarms, I didn't expect to see one this complicated. Hopefully, there are others more economical available?

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by Juan Kosoff » March 4, 2009, 9:25 pm

How much is your security worth ? How much did your fridge or tv cost or flight, how much to replace the items ?

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by Rod & May » March 4, 2009, 9:29 pm

Lads 32 years on the Force in Hong Kong one of safest cities in the world.
Crime is a problem the world over but you cannot even start to plot Asian cities against Europes .
In brief they have lost control
USA ... they are going to mass release prisoners due to overcrowding!
The economic problems will lead to an increase in crime
Saint is right basic security system triggering a couple of lights and loud alarm
Decent locks, outside lighting and lock up when you go out
I would not recommend anything more than a golf club for self defence, or you will make a mess on that pricless rug
No harm in an insurance policy and safe or bank for the family jewels
Keep the local nick or someone who can call the boys in brown on the speed dial

Do you think there is money in this if I set up a consultancy. Cheers

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by LoongLee » March 4, 2009, 9:42 pm

Juan,,,, very good point =D>

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by ULICK MC GEE » March 4, 2009, 10:26 pm

Got a mate live's in nicaragua,shortly after he moved there while living in managua (capital) shareing a 4 bed house they awoke late one evening feeling groggy and not happy as they had overslept,not so they were gassed during the night and house stripped the only things not stolen were the bed's and clothes they had slept in.All the door's tv furniture security grills off window's everything else gone clothes everything.The police there are well judge for yourself,while visiting we were perched at the bar of a very popular watering hole mostly gringo's a massive bang was heard from toilet's,then a local upstanding member of bib emerged soaked from head to toe,he said he tried to clean his magnum.357 when it went off blowing toilet bowel out of the floor and into dust.
Getting caught up in a gunfight in a casino in panama will keep for another day.


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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by LoongLee » March 4, 2009, 11:29 pm

Deleted for being off topic

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by cali4995 » March 5, 2009, 2:50 am

the trouble can happen anywhere, don't forget all those young thugs in pattaya are from all
these different places in issan. and they have to go home sometime. crime there is magnified
because there is a higher density of farangs. it can and does happen all over the country. :(

people talk about how safe issan is but they're finding it necessary to have their homes fortified
like a medieval castle because farangs appear to be "popular" targets for burglary attempts.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by macduff » March 5, 2009, 4:36 am

I'll just send the wife if i hear anything.She's as snappy as any pit bull :D

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by bugseda » March 5, 2009, 6:05 am

I felt safer when I lived in the states than I do living here for several reasons.

1. I was younger and stronger.

2. I owned guns and knew how to use them.

3. In the states once you call 911 (direct line to the police) they would respond even if you could not explain what the problem was. And response time on a 911 call was within 5 minutes, and a lot less at night time because of the lack of traffic.

4. In the states, police would patrol and would make contact with people who were just hanging around housing projects and would also stop vehicles that appeared "suspicious". I have never seen police in Thailand conduct what in the states were referred to as traffic stops to contact the drivers and/or passengers other then the road blocks. Has anyone ever had a police car or motorcycle cop pull behind them and flash the red lights in your rear view mirror? I have never seen that happen in the few short years I have live in this country.

For these reasons I felt safer than I do here in Thailand.

However, I do feel safer in Thailand walking around during normal hours (5 AM - 10 PM) taking care of business, jogging visiting friends etc. I do feel safer here walking around the parks / shopping malls / outside markets then back home.

At this point in time I still choose to live here than back home in spite of the various challenges that face farangs here in Thailand.

But if unemployment continues to rise (for whatever reasons) and the locals start getting hungry, then things will take a turn for the worse.

When I lived in Pattaya, my home was burglarized once. They didn't take much, a camera/stereo/small amount of cash. Most likely some girl that had visited me and told her boy friend about my home. Most likely didn't have a car so took only what they could carry on their Honda wave. \:D/ \:D/ \:D/

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by bumper » March 5, 2009, 7:57 am

One thing I want to point out there is huge difference form being paranoid and being Naive. I take the same security precaution here as I did in LA might be why I haven't had a probem.

Places like Radio Shack if you can order from them make simple systems. Probably made right here.

I been have been burgalrised, it's not as a general rule what has been taken that gets to you. It's that someone has violated that one place in the world where you always feel safe. What the value of that.

We use a house sitter because she takes care of the dogs as well. It our houskeeper and her entire family they get extra for doing it. Plu they enjoy some UBC TV and I Aircon so a bit of a vacation for them to. The house is never vacated so never a problem. But we have had the same houskeeper for years and never so much as a satang has been missing.

Me I hate bars, I have yet to see to a set here tht allow a quick release fro a fire escape. Ya I know bricks dont burn but furniture does.

Whatever gives you peace of mind is good. But assuming that things can't and do happen here is rose colored glasses. Don't worry they will fade when the new wears off.

The one in first homes definetly a sit up the items taken were only in the house for hours and never meant to stay there.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by aznyron » March 5, 2009, 9:03 am

Rod & May wrote:Lads 32 years on the Force in Hong Kong one of safest cities in the world.
Crime is a problem the world over but you cannot even start to plot Asian cities against Europes .
In brief they have lost control
USA ... they are going to mass release prisoners due to overcrowding!
The economic problems will lead to an increase in crime
Saint is right basic security system triggering a couple of lights and loud alarm
Decent locks, outside lighting and lock up when you go out
I would not recommend anything more than a golf club for self defence, or you will make a mess on that pricless rug
No harm in an insurance policy and safe or bank for the family jewels
Keep the local nick or someone who can call the boys in brown on the speed dial

Do you think there is money in this if I set up a consultancy. Cheers
I did not quote to disagree with your post except for self defense tool I am strong believer in using what ever it takes to protect your property and your life and if that means keeping a firearm in the house so be it I also believe 100 % if you pull it use it don't play around shoot first and let the chips fall at least your alive

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by trubrit » March 5, 2009, 9:17 am

Well I hope this is a related topic.I was told by a senior policeman that reports of thefts from parked cars show a considerable month to month increase over last years stats. In town, most are taking place in the car parks of big shopping complexes, Tesco, Big C and opposite Chareonsri center.The latter, especially at night.In the villages it appears to be more widespread. Normally eateries and entertainment places are targeted. During our recent mango festival there were several reported incidents. The thing about this sort of theft is often the damage caused to gain entry costs more than the value of the items taken. He advises that nothing of apparent value is left where it can be seen and if in a car , put them in the boot.
Car alarms are not a deterrent with this type of theft ,as normally the vehicle is in an isolated spot and it is a smash and grab what you can, opportunist crime. The thief is long gone before anyone investigates the ringing alarm.

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