Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by Wisdom » March 16, 2009, 8:47 pm

747man writes: if there is ANY other solution apart from the Care Home for your mum.....Take it, Don't put her in one...
Thanks 747, yes in fact i'm seeing hospital doc later today with my brother to discuss future for my mum. Granny flat not possible but maybe if care workers from social services could call at mums home to help, along with help family friends and neighbours already give, perhaps care home could be kept at bay. But my mums health has gone downhill fast since christmas, so, well we'll see what doc says. It is a very distressing situation for all the family, but mainly my mum of course, but believe me, we'll really try to work out the best for my mum. Thanks again for your thoughts. :D

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by old-timer » March 16, 2009, 9:12 pm

PhilR wrote:Will have money, will have honey. TIT? Is that a comment, an insult, or a mis-spelling! :confused:
sorry philr for the misunderstanding, first, the saying no money - no honey is a widely used expression, there are
t- shirts with no money on the front and no honey on the back being worn all over the place, secondly, TIT means "this is thailand" - that's all - an abreviasion that's often used, no offence intended \:D/

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by arjay » March 16, 2009, 9:15 pm

Phil, My Dad too is 88 and can no longer get around the home easily.

He is suffering from emphasima, and has oxygen in the home. (http://copd.emedtv.com/emphysema/emphasima.html)

He has deteriorated over the last 6 -12 months to the extent that he can now no longer do the necessary home chores. He gets from one room to another with the aid of a Zimmer type frame, but is no longer able to prepare his own meals etc. He wanted to stay in his own home if at all possible and not go into a nursing home.

The local social services have been very helpful. They provide a team of carers/helpers who come in singly at different times. One helps him get up and dressed and gets him his breakfast. Another gets his lunch etc, and another his evening meal. He has to pay an amount towards the costs, but it's not excessive and much less than going into a nursing home. He also employs a lady who does shopping and cleaning etc for him.

So you are right to research matters through the local social services, who will come out and do an assessment of your mother's situation/circumstances.

Good Luck and chin up.

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by FrazeeDK » March 17, 2009, 6:15 am

ah, I've been reading the Stickman for years and he always has had a liking for isaan and despite his disdain for the any scrofulous Farang lurking about Udon, he was quite fulsome in this week's column about how friendly Thai folk are in good old UdonThani.. And remember, the advice column purportedly written by his TW is "Ask Miss Udon".. Perhaps he's got Thai kin up this way and any bad press he throws Udon way is indeed a defensive mechanism to keep the true low-lifes away......

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by Paul » March 17, 2009, 7:46 am

I am sure that in any large city in Thailand there will be a similar proportion of Farangs.
Old farangs, 'louts', middle aged working farangs, and every kind in-between.
I don't think Udon is a 'one-off' city

Whatever city rocks yer boat I guess, or as the great Paul Young once sang - "wherever I lay my hat, thats my home"

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by izzix » March 17, 2009, 11:33 pm

[quote="old-timer"][quote="PhilR"]Will have money, will have honey. TIT? Is that a comment, an insult, or a mis-spelling! :confused:[/quote]

sorry philr for the misunderstanding, first, the saying no money - no honey is a widely used expression, there are
t- shirts with no money on the front and no honey on the back being worn all over the place, secondly, TIT means "this is thailand" - that's all - an abreviasion that's often used, no offence intended \:D/[/quote]

just for your information , this is a very ancient expression ,Tavern mugs in old London town in the 17th century had the expression ,'no money no cunny' as a decoration in the glaze. The V&A museum have an example .
over the centuries it has now become 'no money no honey' .

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by pf-flyer » March 18, 2009, 1:50 am

Well, maybe it is a farang graveyard - because most of us would be happy to die in Udon (eventually!).
My Thai wife and I have had extended discussions about this. We plan to spend our retirement in a small village that is about 20 Minutes east of Udon Thani. Ricks comment that I quoted is how we both feel about it. Execpt for our Son & Daughter and two granddaughters; there is not much holding us in Pennsylvania any more.

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by rick » March 18, 2009, 5:37 am

Nice to see my comment was in tune with a few of you. My only problem is also my children, so will need to commute between continents for a while; hope they will in the future come see me!

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by Laemthong » March 21, 2009, 7:43 am

What a strange topic. Most chaps that I chatted to were quite young... Even the ones that I met that were over 50 or 60 were certainly very active and put me to shame. I just hope I am as in as good a shape when I am over 60.

Sok dee... :D

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by hey you » March 23, 2009, 9:06 pm

does stickman ever go anywhere either than bangkok and pattaya// i ask this because two years ago his website was still advising tourists going outside these areas not to use the atm machines for cash as they are all old and worn out.

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by westerby » March 24, 2009, 3:51 am

hey you wrote:does stickman ever go anywhere either than bangkok and pattaya// i ask this because two years ago his website was still advising tourists going outside these areas not to use the atm machines for cash as they are all old and worn out.
I'm sure he's well versed in the art of flaming, mate. He writes drivel to get a reaction (if you'll forgive the irony).


Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by laphanphon » March 24, 2009, 6:20 am

does stickman ever go anywhere either than bangkok and pattaya
does stickman even live in thailand :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by mike-maulicino » March 24, 2009, 11:15 am

beer monkey wrote:Issans Answer To Eastbourne.....A beige cardigan brown troosers and a game of bingo anyone.. :lol:

but in Eastborne the ladies are as old as the men

so this must be the place the men wish for

aged farangs that die with smile on there face........sometimes

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by BKKSTAN » March 24, 2009, 11:30 am

laphanphon wrote:
does stickman ever go anywhere either than bangkok and pattaya
does stickman even live in thailand :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: According to Sundays site posting,he has permanently quit is 150K a month teaching position at Bangkoks finest High school.On to bigger and better ''things'',I guess!Poor fella :lol:

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by LoongLee » March 24, 2009, 6:59 pm

BKKSTAN wrote "According to Sundays site posting,he has permanently quit is 150K a month teaching position at Bangkoks finest High school.On to bigger and better ''things'',I guess!Poor fella "

Maybe he quit in order to move to Udon :-k

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by westerby » March 25, 2009, 5:10 am

Digressing ever so slightly, chaps, is there a Farang graveyard/cemetery in Udon or do your common or garden ex-pats get cremated at the Wat (like the Locals)? :-k

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by beer monkey » March 25, 2009, 5:31 am

Excellent question Westers i have thought about that before..just to add..and what about if you don't want a cremation...and what about if you don't have the cash to be sent home to your original country..? never heard of a farang body burial in Thailand....anyone..?

a little on here regarding death..

http://www.udonmap.com/udonthaniforum/a ... 12704.html

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by wazza » March 25, 2009, 7:08 am

My only recollection of anything like this is Kanchababuri and thats a Commonwealth Grave cemetry and memorial only.

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by papaguido » March 25, 2009, 8:35 am

westerby wrote:Digressing ever so slightly, chaps, is there a Farang graveyard/cemetery in Udon or do your common or garden ex-pats get cremated at the Wat (like the Locals)? :-k
On St Mary's (school/church) grounds. I know of someone who was laid to rest there, that's all the info I have.

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Re: Udon Thani the Farangs Graveyard

Post by saint » March 25, 2009, 8:40 am

westerby wrote:Digressing ever so slightly, chaps, is there a Farang graveyard/cemetery in Udon or do your common or garden ex-pats get cremated at the Wat (like the Locals)? :-k
there is a farang graveyard in udon . but its chinese . not sure if westerners are allowed in there when deceased though !!!! its located behind prajak park , on the same road as the F B I real estate office i think .

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