Do you feel secure in Udon?

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by LoongLee » March 28, 2009, 11:20 pm

JuanK,, Just because the Thai police said they got a DNA response doesn't mean they did. Police all over the world use more simple ruses than that to get a confession from a subject. Police have been known to get a confession using a copier machine after putting in a prior note saying guilty. Criminals aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer usually. The fact so many people know about DNA doesn't mean they fully understand the process or what it can or can not do. I don't know about the rest of the world but it is perfectly acceptable for the police in the US to lie to get a confession.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by pompui » March 28, 2009, 11:28 pm

I think Juan there were obvious signs that led the police to go to the fishermen,finding her mobile phone near where the boats were moored according to archived reports,maybe dna later to be done but confessions always come first.Only thing I supported thaksin was when he made sure they died of lethal injection.
Anyway at moment feel safe and secure here in Udon until I venture out now and again into town and come across drunken farang, both local and the 3 day visa runner farang.The main thing here different than back in UK is that trespassing on your property is taken very seriously here and from me anyway they would not be able to walk again- my understanding of reasonable force as opposed to back in UK where they can sue you for large damages!
Tempted to put in some cctv for my home as it is being used more on tv these days to nail crime and Thais do not like being on film,luckily most estates have cctv at the entry and exit points of the main entrance so much better than having a security guard that spends more time asleep than awake checking the traffic coming in and out. 8)

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by BobHelm » March 28, 2009, 11:33 pm

LoongLee wrote:I don't know about the rest of the world but it is perfectly acceptable for the police in the US to lie to get a confession.
As all interviews in the UK must be recorded & a copy of the recording given to the accused, & so to their legal representatives. An outright lie by an interviewing officer would almost certainly invalidate any confession received after it in a court of law in the UK. The accused could still plead "Not Guilty" and have his case heard by a jury with little (if indeed any) reference being made to his confession.
However it would be quite acceptable for an interviewing officer to infer that he knew more than he actually did - an astute legal representative (who is permitted to be present at the interview) would be within his clients rights to demand to know exactly what was actually known before allowing his charge to answer any questions..

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by LoongLee » March 29, 2009, 12:05 am

BobH,,, that's why the most important thing one could do when being interviewed by the police is to keep one's mouth shut and use your constitutional right to having an attorney present. In the US, a lie by the police would also be on video/tape but is not cause for invalidating a confession. Even the police telling a lie does not mean the subject has to agree and confess. The police routinely tell the subject they have witnesses or corraborating evidence to break them.

Again, I guess I've strayed from the topic. IMHO, I think the single biggest impediment to catching criminals in Thailand is a lack of computerized data bases with fingerprints, photos, etc and widely available nationwide. It seems they rely more on old fashioned police work and first hand knowledge of the local area. This is only my impression but I think the most important thing in Udon would be police contacts, a personal relationship with someone there or family ties.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by Juan Kosoff » March 29, 2009, 4:26 am

pompui wrote:I think Juan there were obvious signs that led the police to go to the fishermen,finding her mobile phone near where the boats were moored according to archived reports,maybe dna later to be done but confessions always come first.Only thing I supported thaksin was when he made sure they died of lethal injection.
Anyway at moment feel safe and secure here in Udon until I venture out now and again into town and come across drunken farang, both local and the 3 day visa runner farang.The main thing here different than back in UK is that trespassing on your property is taken very seriously here and from me anyway they would not be able to walk again- my understanding of reasonable force as opposed to back in UK where they can sue you for large damages!
Tempted to put in some cctv for my home as it is being used more on tv these days to nail crime and Thais do not like being on film,luckily most estates have cctv at the entry and exit points of the main entrance so much better than having a security guard that spends more time asleep than awake checking the traffic coming in and out. 8)
Agreed Pompui,Though With the eyes of the world being able to watch almost immediately it does not give confidence and looks keystone, perhaps thats where LL comes in as he thinks its normal. It is a different case in fact if you are the defendant or it's dependent on what the government policy is, some african states and according to LL the united states operate the same policy, though wisely don't broadcast it.
My response was to the poster claiming high security measures means it more dangerous where he lives, i disagree having lived in other countries with corrupt law enforcement and little security it was far more dangerous, as dead men don't tell lies.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by WBU ALUM » March 29, 2009, 4:41 am

LoongLee wrote:I don't know about the rest of the world but it is perfectly acceptable for the police in the US to lie to get a confession.
Actually, it depends on the context of the lie.

For example, a group of robbers/rapists were told that one of their co-conspirators had been released from custody because authorities believed that he had nothing to do with the crime. The co-conspirators objected loudly and began to implicate both themselves and the one who had been released (he really hadn't been released). Before the statements could be accepted in court, those accused had to have their rights read to them according to the Miranda Warning. Afterward, all of the accused criminals pointed the finger at each other.

All perfectly legal in US courts, but some states have certain "truth laws" that jeopardize law enforcement officers. In some states, if an undercover police officer is asked if he is in an undercover agent in the execution of his investigative duties, he has to answer truthfully or any evidence collected afterward will not be able to be used in the case. Answering truthfully could also cost the officer his/her life.

Criminal activity and the law is quite a maze.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by udonthani » April 6, 2009, 3:37 pm

Secure in Udon, ohh yes, I do feel very secure even when I am walking in dark alleys, and regarding my house, I have purchased, in my home country, an electrical cattle fence, and this is active during night hours, and when I am away. Any intruder will be very surprised, when he get an 15000 volt chock and this should keep him away. The fence is remotely operated, and it is impossible to see for any not knowing to an electrical cattle fence, as all feed trough is done via a small rubber hose and even my gate is done on an electrical insulating delrin/nylon bearings, so be aware you dogs. Once I forgot to remote switch it of, and I can guarantee you guys I got almost an hart attack, just the sound is scaring.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by LoongLee » April 6, 2009, 7:06 pm

??? Can't the intruders just climb a power pole and cut your power off??

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by arjay » April 6, 2009, 7:08 pm

Or throw a metal wire over it? :? ;)

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by LoongLee » April 6, 2009, 7:16 pm

I would also be afraid some kids might come in contact with it?

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by Geordie » April 6, 2009, 8:34 pm

OK, But anyone hurt by this thing should not have been there anyway. I agree with any security measure to protect ones property & have no sympathy for anyone hurt by these systems. They should not have been there.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by LoongLee » April 6, 2009, 8:41 pm

Where does Thai law stand regarding this electric fence? Can the owner be prosecuted if someone is hurt or killed? I tend to think a farang would be held responsible,,,,, and prosecuted.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by Ter » April 6, 2009, 8:50 pm

Be interesting to find out maybe, but what if you had a sign warning electrified fence.
Anyway most I've come across are low voltage but high current enough to give you a fright, a bit like static shock.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by LoongLee » April 6, 2009, 8:58 pm

It wasn't really clear where the poster (udonthani) had placed the electric part,,, maybe it was a few strands on top of a wall. Can't you just see some drunk Thai guy coming home late at night and touching it if it was at ground level? :lol: I'm sorry but that's funny.

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by fun44 » April 6, 2009, 10:47 pm

:lol: :lol:

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by BKKSTAN » April 7, 2009, 12:25 am

LoongLee wrote:Where does Thai law stand regarding this electric fence? Can the owner be prosecuted if someone is hurt or killed? I tend to think a farang would be held responsible,,,,, and prosecuted.
:lol: I'm not positive,but I believe that in conversations regarding this topic over the years,I sense that it would ,or is ,totally illegal and injuries resulting from it ,would have grave consequences for an expat especially!

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by saint » April 7, 2009, 6:13 am

LoongLee wrote:It wasn't really clear where the poster (udonthani) had placed the electric part,,, maybe it was a few strands on top of a wall. Can't you just see some drunk Thai guy coming home late at night and touching it if it was at ground level? :lol: I'm sorry but that's funny.
there more likely to pee on it !!!!! :yikes: :yikes:

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by LoongLee » April 7, 2009, 7:14 am

Saint,,,,,,, that's even funnier ! :lol:

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by rufus » April 7, 2009, 8:29 am

LoongLee, that is not funny a. A friend of mine owns a goat farm with electric fences to keep the goats in. I tried stepping over the fence one day not knowing that it was an electric fence - I am not a country boy. It hurt!

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Re: Do you feel secure in Udon?

Post by udonthani » April 7, 2009, 2:46 pm

Well nothing is 100%
1. what has kids to do in the night at my house? or on my ground
2. They could throw a wire over it but the fence is of course in segments and it would only be the top wire that is disconnected, and if I am home the alarm would sound (silent) in the house, if I am away, an orange rotating lantern on the roof would start.
3. yes an intruder could climb the pole on the road and cut wire, and he could hope no one would notice.

But before an possible intruder would try to sabotage the fence, he would painfully had discovered that there was for him unknown obstacle he has to overcome, and this should probably make him think twice, and when I say painful, I can assure you it is painful, also because the fence is barb wire. (old and slightly rusty)

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