by Laan Yaa Mo » April 1, 2009, 5:21 am
Why should anyone be surprised that this takes place in Thailand or anywhere else around the globe?
Some of us might remember that Canadians, Americans, English, Scots, Welsh, Australians and other farangs are pretty good at doing this to one another, and to foreigners as well.
Who cannot remember at some point in their life hearing someone in farangland saying, or thinking, I can take advantage of this guy because he/she is a foreigner and does not know our customs. Subsequently, the buyer is conned into buying an inferior product at an inflated price.
This morning the Greek cook at the high school where I work mentioned how the Greeks will cheat the tourists left and right. She gave the example of restaurants selling food at two to three times to foreigners that it would normally cost Greeks.
I am sure that I have been cheated in Canada, the United States, England, Scotland, Spain, Germany, Denmark, as well as in Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Japan, Burma, and yes, Thailand. It comes with the territory of being a foreigner in a foreign land.
So, no surprise here. Long-term residents, and those who can get by in the language, will (should) survive the pitfalls better.