English girl facing firing squad in Laos

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by beer monkey » May 5, 2009, 5:36 pm

Her mother didn't even mention it on TV, or the fact why this has all only just come to light....hasn't she wondered where she has been since August.

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by konstabel els » May 5, 2009, 6:00 pm

It just amazes me how many ex pats are the first to defend these people - when they are just the sort they was escaping from, wait for the ' free whatever her name is' concert in trafalgar square

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by jackspratt » May 5, 2009, 6:07 pm

The people in society that worry me the most are the "hang 'em high" mob.

Unthinking, lacking compassion and selfish - IMO.

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by seymourbutts » May 5, 2009, 6:28 pm

She has admitted her guilt and she is scum... No matter how you try and dress it up she is scum a drug dealer, a dealer of death.... Why are you defending her...
Why on the one hand are the "hang em high" mob wrong for not having evidence and slagging her off but you lot are doing the exact same about her being pregnant (raped by the guards)? First of all i would consider: she is pregnant because she said so!!! She also said she was innocent.. i can bet she hasnt had a pregnancy test!!! oh you pc brigade, never thought of the possibility that she is telling porkies here!!! or that she may have befriended a guy in prison done the deed and is now in the familly way!! shes also training as a doctor so probably knows about these things better than most!!

Who died and made you lot the gods of how justice should be in the world??? She is getting justice as decided by the very country she committed the crime in.. that must be respected by all of you..

another thought i had was: if i wanted to smuggle a load of drugs from asia to uk i certainly wouldnt go to bangkok with them!!! Why not go somewhere that you have a slim to none chance of getting caught!!! i know Laos, then my bag will be transferred in bangkok to my airplane to uk!!! ---- me thats easy,!!! i wonder how many times shes done it before being caught? she has been there before!! Who would go to asia twice travelling and go back to laos and not vietnam or cambodia etc etc a drug dealer getting her gear from laos i suppose.. she could have been doing this on a mopnthly basis for all we know!!!

now if i get caught tomorrow on my way to blighty i will assume the hang em high club will be calling me scum (and rightly so)... and i also expect to see Val with a handful of books at the \Hilton!!!!

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by jackspratt » May 5, 2009, 6:36 pm

seymourbutts wrote: Who died and made you lot the gods of how justice should be in the world??? She is getting justice as decided by the very country she committed the crime in.. that must be respected by all of you..
A country which does not provide even a modicum of due process and justice does not deserve any respect.........and neither do those who defend that country.

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by BKKSTAN » May 5, 2009, 6:53 pm

If it is true that she has admitted knowledge of the drugs,she is obviously guilty!

Guilty of breaking the laws of Laos,subject to the legal process of Laos!Whether we like that process or not,she bears responsibility for her actions and responsibilty for understanding the penalties if caught by Laos authorities!

It is really that simple.Nobody has the right to demand their own countries legal process!

Millions of innocent people are suffering and dying around the World,they deserve the compassion that is being wasted on a guilty individual,even if she is an English woman!

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by letigger » May 5, 2009, 7:08 pm

Where exactly has it been stated that she admitted carrying the drugs ? Can someone please post the link.

As regards a fair trial, I believe that one is innocent until proven guilty, no matter what country you are in.

The people shouting hang her high, would do well do remember that unfortunate things do happen to people and sometimes through no fault of their own. In addition I hope a similar situation never happens to them or their family as I am sure they would start singing a different tune.............................

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by wazza » May 5, 2009, 7:09 pm

Lao Law states you cant be executed if your pregnant.

Mother says she wasnt pregnant before she entered jail.

Conspiracy theorists will argue she got pregnant knowing the law.

http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/mp/5545300 ... eath-laos/

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by beer monkey » May 5, 2009, 7:45 pm

Conspiracy theorists will argue she got pregnant knowing the law.
I already said that at the start... 8-[ see not just a pretty face am I.. ;)

page 2 ,4th post down.

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by wazza » May 5, 2009, 7:58 pm

Monkey of the Yard.

Should have known better,

Must catch up on some more Z cars and Softly Softly task force, before posting again after you.

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by BobHelm » May 5, 2009, 8:42 pm

I wondered if I should reply to this post again - because of the hugely different (& violent) views - but decided that I am a member so I can.... :D
For anyone that has missed it.... Laos "endured" a spell under French Colonial rule & so many of its administrative systems (including legal) are based in the French system of government - largely established in France after the "French Revolution" but especially under Napoleon 1st. Now, at the time, all people of a democratic nature thought that "Liberty, Fraternity & Equality" was the way forward.
An Anglo-Saxon legal system differed greatly from this (A Google search will explain it for anyone who is unsure) and has resulted in a system that UK (& its colonies) & USA have very much adopted.
The French system is different. It does not rely on the "skill" of an advocate to convince a "jury" of inferior intelligence that an accused is innocent but rather on a jury of legally competent personal (3 judges) & lay persons to ask questions of everyone (accused & accuser) & decide a verdict.
Because of this access of anyone who is a "representative" of the accused is totally unnecessary.
People may, or may not, agree with this system but, logically, if you do not agree with it then your recourse is not to enter a country where a French legal system exists..
As for if the lady concerned is innocent or guilty I have no idea.
As long as she undergoes the same "due process" of a legal system as exists for the inhabitants of the country &, if found guilty, suffers an equivalent penalty then that is good by me....

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by wazza » May 5, 2009, 8:53 pm

When in Rome, do as the Romans do, that is, act within the Roman law.

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by LoongLee » May 5, 2009, 9:25 pm

(CNN) -- A British woman who had been facing possible execution in Laos will escape the death sentence because she is pregnant, a spokesman for the Laotian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday.

Samantha Orobator became pregnant in prison, according to a spokeswoman for rights group Reprieve.

The country's criminal law prohibits courts from sentencing pregnant women to death, spokesman Khenthong Nuanthasing told CNN. The woman's trial hasn't been scheduled yet, he said, but is likely to happen next week.

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by beer monkey » May 5, 2009, 10:05 pm

Now theres a surprise....., as i said there is more to this than meets the eye.
Wonder how many women fall pregnant whilst awaiting trial in Laos., is it something that is expected i wonder....a nudge in the right place. :-k

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by arjay » May 5, 2009, 11:09 pm

seymourbutts wrote:To all of you do gooders .... She is SCUM....
Seymour, perhaps you would like to explain your definition of "scum". I wouldn't want to misunderstand your meaning.

I can then check that it falls within acceptable language as per the forum rules and that your post isn't intended to provoke or be hateful. ;) [-X

We are all very good at prejudging the situation. Why not let the Court decide, based on the evidence presented to it, and subject to the accused being able to give her side of the story, whatever that may be. ;) - that's all I ask.

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by ULICK MC GEE » May 6, 2009, 12:43 am

"i was carrying the drug's for someone else,so they are not mine"sound's retarded to me.Where did she think she was,back in school after getting caught with cigs.
This may end badly and shock the world.Unknown Entity's such as laos will not be influnced and rightly so ,by anybody.Did you notice the uniformed police are unarmed,the only other unarmed uniformed police force in the world i know of is ireland.I fear example's will be made.
posession is an offence to.

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by westerby » May 6, 2009, 1:43 am

arjay wrote:We are all very good at prejudging the situation. Why not let the Court decide, based on the evidence presented to it, and subject to the accused being able to give her side of the story, whatever that may be. ;) - that's all I ask.
Yes, I'm trying to work out where all her quotes came from that all these armchair Judges and Magistrates have cited on this thread, has she been on TV or the radio? The Blitish Government have only just found out about her, haven't they...or has she sold her story to Heat magazine already?

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by letigger » May 6, 2009, 4:04 am

Just given out on BBC news that Samantha was carrying the drugs around her body, so was not in a suitacse or bag.............................


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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by konstabel els » May 6, 2009, 4:40 am

Oh well there you go ' complety innocent' , sure harriet harman will take up her 'cause' -try not to forget the decent English people?

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Re: English girl facing firing squad in Laos

Post by beer monkey » May 6, 2009, 4:50 am

Yes just seen that too.
Someone might have strapped the drugs around her body without her knowing when she was queuing up in a shop somewhere... :-k ...nahhh too far fetched that wouldn't happen...would it..? :-

still interested to know why her mother who knew about this for sometime has not shouted from the roof tops before or even travelled to Laos.


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