by cryptic » July 8, 2009, 12:47 pm
We are living in a modern world. Mankind needs meat from fish, cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, although some are vegetarian, but not many I would assume and do not rely on red meat. Those meats are cultivated and intended for slaughter.
Some people live in isolated parts and have no access or money to purchase the above, so they rely on local food whatever that may be and that to me is OK.
This ritual thing, killing those sea creatures by the Danes is disgusting and barbaric and those involved should be stoned at every corner and left to rot. I am not like some here and sit on the fence and say, "its their culture", that is crap, it is the wanton slaughter in the most barbaric manner of beautiful animals by crazed blood thirsty savages and thats all they are blood thirsty savages. I thought humans in a proper society had progressed, but this lot are still in the era of pagan rituals.
They have access to meat of properly slaughtered animals for human consumption, there is no need whatsovever for this carnage of beautiful creatures. And lets not go down the path of, 'that cow is pretty or that lamb is lovely, they are accepted as human food'.
And for those people that sit on the fence, well you just sit there and say nothing, because your comments are not worth the paper their written on.