H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
flu vaccine, now there's a waste of resources and money, though plenty of profits to be made. every year a new flu, every year a new vaccine. doom and gloom profits.
short one, worked in memphis, and of course the yearly flu shots offered by company, of course i always refused, my friend always accepted, i never got sick, he always got sick, hmm, think his immune system or hygiene habits needed upgrading.
it's the flu.............big deal. sounds like one of the mildest out there to catch at the this time, common cold/flu sounds a bit more uncomfortable.
short one, worked in memphis, and of course the yearly flu shots offered by company, of course i always refused, my friend always accepted, i never got sick, he always got sick, hmm, think his immune system or hygiene habits needed upgrading.
it's the flu.............big deal. sounds like one of the mildest out there to catch at the this time, common cold/flu sounds a bit more uncomfortable.
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
Interesting article I came across in the Las Vegas Review Journal, excerpt below. Good news for us old timers, if it is to be believed. Or maybe it was just written by an old guy whistling in the dark. :-"
Oh well, I'm off to Ubon for the Asarna Bucha festivities. Catch you guys late next week unless the flu or the elephants get me.
By the way, I talked to a couple of friends back in the USA today. They had vaguely remembered something about the swine flu but didn't think it was a big deal. Then I checked a few online newspapers around the country and found little coverage. Apparently it is not getting the attention it is getting in LOS and in some other countries.
Jun. 21, 2009
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal
Exposure to swine flu now may have silver lining later
As the swine flu spreads across the United States, fewer than 1 percent of the cases are in people older than 65, even though the elderly remain the group most susceptible to typical seasonal outbreaks of influenza.
The best explanation for this seeming contradiction came in late May from CDC researchers who had tested stored blood samples from various age groups for antibodies to the new H1N1 strain.
"Results among adults suggest that some degree of pre-existing immunity to the novel H1N1 strains exists, especially among adults aged over 60 years," they said in a report.
Researchers suggested that many older adults were either infected with or vaccinated against an older seasonal flu strain that closely resembles H1N1.
Oh well, I'm off to Ubon for the Asarna Bucha festivities. Catch you guys late next week unless the flu or the elephants get me.
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
have to blame the higher prices of meat and low tourism on somethingnot getting the attention it is getting in LOS

Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
My daughter informed me that her school is considering staying closed next Friday and Sat.,after the Buddhist holidays because 10 kids have the ''new'' flu!
- fussychunk
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Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
The news in the UK comments about the flu in 1957 being a very close strain to this, anyone born before this date will more than likely have built up a resilience to the H1N1 strain. It appears to affect the young and the ill more than the old in the UK.
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
News this morning, Flu is a very mild strain, Panic Not, so if yopu get it, be ill , but dying is NOT on the cards.
Despite the Thai's stating 6 people have died from the flu, other factors are also in play with their deaths.
Despite the Thai's stating 6 people have died from the flu, other factors are also in play with their deaths.
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
Latest in UK says that containment is not possible and expect 100,000 cases here by August. Also, as already said, not severe, only people who have died in UK all had existing health problems. Therefore, no point any country or school wasting its time/money with preventative measures, accept it and get it over with. Only need to worry if you are already in poor health. Flu jab? Up to you, maybe someone benefits; like LA, I think biggest beneficiary is the drug company who sold it.
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
I'm thinking it may be time to buy shares in the drug company 

Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
Same in France. Health autorities say healthy adults should not over worry about it because it is not very strong. But be carrefull for kids and also with people who have already health issues. And be very carrefull for babies as they can deshydrate very fast.
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
Anyone hear that schools might be closed July 13 - 28?
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
Closing applies to tutoring schools only. Seems strange the cabinet would order the closing of these schools but not the regular schools.
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
Internet cafe's also are going to be closed for a fortnight so i believe. But knowing Thailand it's probably just hear say 

Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
had a briefing last night from the Deputy Director udon Thani Health deptartment, the Flu ( cos that is what it is called by many names but it is FLU) is mild, many people may be exposed and not even know it.
It is similar to Flu which occurred in Europe in the 50's so many Europeans may al;ready have immunity.
Deaths attributable to flu are rare, ther is always some other factor but papers report them as flu deaths, not many people in the owrld have died from just flu. The strain of flu if it attacks u healthy people who suffer from other illnbesses which by thgenselves could be terminal, exacerbates the inital illness thereby in some cases hastening the demise of the person.
Healthy people shgould not worry, and do not forget that when the first perwson in Udon was discovered they beloged to a school with over 6000 puplis and had been mingling with them for at least 24-48 hours prior to becoming ill.
The rest is simple mathematics 6000 children at least average 18000 in families thejn quadruple that for mixing in the town by the time we knew at least 72000 odd thousand people had been exposed put the figures into some sort of perspective.
Don't panic, hygenie high at all times, take care, was the final comments.
Quite honest I thought.
It is similar to Flu which occurred in Europe in the 50's so many Europeans may al;ready have immunity.
Deaths attributable to flu are rare, ther is always some other factor but papers report them as flu deaths, not many people in the owrld have died from just flu. The strain of flu if it attacks u healthy people who suffer from other illnbesses which by thgenselves could be terminal, exacerbates the inital illness thereby in some cases hastening the demise of the person.
Healthy people shgould not worry, and do not forget that when the first perwson in Udon was discovered they beloged to a school with over 6000 puplis and had been mingling with them for at least 24-48 hours prior to becoming ill.
The rest is simple mathematics 6000 children at least average 18000 in families thejn quadruple that for mixing in the town by the time we knew at least 72000 odd thousand people had been exposed put the figures into some sort of perspective.
Don't panic, hygenie high at all times, take care, was the final comments.
Quite honest I thought.
- wazza
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Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
Here is the latest comment from my company issued today and quoting WHO sources
" As per its last update on 6th of July 2009, World Health Organization informed that have been officially reported 94512 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection around the world, including 429 deaths. Is clear that these numbers don’t reflect the real amount of people affected by the disease, considering that must of suspected cases had been fully recovery at home an is also considered that must of them don’t even ask for medical support.
Status of pandemic level is still Level 6 and there are still no changes in the consideration of severity of the disease, still considered as moderate.
Few cases have been reported as resistant to Oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) but still responding to the alternative medication Zanamivir (Ralenza®). There is also no any change in the recommended therapeutic protocol from WHO.
Many pharmaceutical companies are currently working in the development of a vaccine for this virus and some previsions talk about availability of that vaccine, no in large amounts at the beginning, for the end of the year
Bearing in mind that main route of transmission of the new influenza A(H1N1) virus seems to be similar to seasonal influenza, via droplets that are expelled by speaking, sneezing or coughing, you can prevent getting infected by avoiding close contact with people who show influenza-like symptoms (trying to maintain a distance of about 1 meter if possible) and taking the following measures:
avoid touching your mouth and nose;
clean hands thoroughly with soap and water, or cleanse them with an alcohol-based hand rub on a regular basis (especially if touching the mouth and nose, or surfaces that are potentially contaminated);
avoid close contact with people who might be ill;
reduce the time spent in crowded settings if possible;
improve airflow in your living space by opening windows;
practice good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and keeping physically active.
Don’t travel if you are ill
Please consider to keep always with you the contact details of the nearest medical facility to your current location. Many countries have activated Support Lines for answer questions and provide guidance about this current epidemiological situation "
" As per its last update on 6th of July 2009, World Health Organization informed that have been officially reported 94512 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection around the world, including 429 deaths. Is clear that these numbers don’t reflect the real amount of people affected by the disease, considering that must of suspected cases had been fully recovery at home an is also considered that must of them don’t even ask for medical support.
Status of pandemic level is still Level 6 and there are still no changes in the consideration of severity of the disease, still considered as moderate.
Few cases have been reported as resistant to Oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) but still responding to the alternative medication Zanamivir (Ralenza®). There is also no any change in the recommended therapeutic protocol from WHO.
Many pharmaceutical companies are currently working in the development of a vaccine for this virus and some previsions talk about availability of that vaccine, no in large amounts at the beginning, for the end of the year
Bearing in mind that main route of transmission of the new influenza A(H1N1) virus seems to be similar to seasonal influenza, via droplets that are expelled by speaking, sneezing or coughing, you can prevent getting infected by avoiding close contact with people who show influenza-like symptoms (trying to maintain a distance of about 1 meter if possible) and taking the following measures:
avoid touching your mouth and nose;
clean hands thoroughly with soap and water, or cleanse them with an alcohol-based hand rub on a regular basis (especially if touching the mouth and nose, or surfaces that are potentially contaminated);
avoid close contact with people who might be ill;
reduce the time spent in crowded settings if possible;
improve airflow in your living space by opening windows;
practice good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and keeping physically active.
Don’t travel if you are ill
Please consider to keep always with you the contact details of the nearest medical facility to your current location. Many countries have activated Support Lines for answer questions and provide guidance about this current epidemiological situation "
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
That was a very comprehensive update internationally, thanks from all of us, to you for taking the time to do that.
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
Just for info, the Influenza A (H1N1 type) map by the World Health Organisation :
http://gamapserver.who.int/h1n1/atlas.h ... ,confirmed
http://gamapserver.who.int/h1n1/atlas.h ... ,confirmed
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
well, you know me, i am skeptical and any and all news, especially doom and gloom reporting, such as the other thread, stating 30 mill in thailand could get flu and 1200 could die. also siting latest victime was 63 and had blood circulation and kidney failure problems, better to be diagnosed as dying, but got the flu right before death. RIP. and condolences.
now this item, hopeful false, but a bit scary, as going against what is reported and accepted, as the flu is usually just a last straw for those already on the way out.
now this item, hopeful false, but a bit scary, as going against what is reported and accepted, as the flu is usually just a last straw for those already on the way out.
http://www.upi.com/Top_News/2009/07/12/ ... 247376711/Young Indiana man dies of swine flu
CINCINNATI, July 12 (UPI) -- A 19-year-old man has become the first person in Indiana to die of swine flu, health officials said.
Matthew McIntosh died in a hospital in Cincinnati after collapsing in a barn in Dearborn County in southeastern Indiana, The Indianapolis Star reported Saturday.
McIntosh's death was unusual because he was healthy with no underlying illness, health officials said. Most of the 211 people believed to have died from infection with the H1N1 virus have suffered from conditions that made them vulnerable.
O'Dell Owens, the coroner in Hamilton County, Ohio, said an autopsy showed McIntosh had no other adverse health conditions. Owens said McIntosh's sister, who became ill around the same time and is in intensive care, tested negative for H1N1, but McIntosh tested positive.
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
It is difficult to determine how serious the ''flu'' really is.From all the reports I had read or heard about,it was supposed to be a ''mild'' flu,but without an antidote at the moment,so there were expectations of a ''pandemic'' expansion until a vaccine could be developed(October,being frequently mentioned as a timeline)!
If ,in fact,the Indiana man died from the flu alone,that raises all kinds of thoughts about whether or not we are getting the true facts about the seriousness of the strain!
I'm not prepared to mask up and isolate myself,but I do worry about my daughter attending school,if there is a serious problem with the actual effects of this strain!
If ,in fact,the Indiana man died from the flu alone,that raises all kinds of thoughts about whether or not we are getting the true facts about the seriousness of the strain!
I'm not prepared to mask up and isolate myself,but I do worry about my daughter attending school,if there is a serious problem with the actual effects of this strain!

- wazza
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Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
1 fit and healthy person dying is a sad and tragic event , but in the bigger picture, people die from other nasty diseases every year . easy to contract, no vaccination available for some of them, and its a communal transmission.
I have seen young peopel literally dying in front of me from meningitis , in the rear of Paramedic ambulances, despite the AB's being given IV by us.. Young tragic lives lost here as well, but it happens every winter all over the world.
I have seen young peopel literally dying in front of me from meningitis , in the rear of Paramedic ambulances, despite the AB's being given IV by us.. Young tragic lives lost here as well, but it happens every winter all over the world.
Re: H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus udon Thani?
Hello all. Think we all worry a little where this will go. The birdflu got us worried even if nothing much happened in the end. I used a facemask during a couple of flights back then. Here are some tips Ive picked up along my 23 years in asia. First thing I do when arrive in Bkk, I put the remote control for TV in a plastic bag or plastic wrapping. The remote must be the dirtiest thing around, just think of it. How many nosepoking, buttscratching people pawed it before me? And of course the maids always use it. Then I change plastic wrapping every day.If staying longer than a few days in one place I wipe off handles and buttons with windowcleaner. Then comes the hardest part, getting people around me to wash their hands when in my place. Thai people usually think that there is no need to wash hands unless they have done no 2 when using the toilet. And also its easy to forget greasy handlebars on shoppingkarts and other stuff we touch when out shopping. Have managed to make it a game with my gf as to whom remembers first about washing hands upon entering our place. Now some of you are probably thinking that Im a nutcase, but truth is that Ive been much healthier since trying to follow these steps. Almost no more colds and throat infections. Plien