Seriously, i KNOW the internet dating scene pretty well from the past both as a single person, and the more kinkier side..... as part of a couplejackspratt wrote: So as not to divert this thread, perhaps gooner would care to open another, based around his statement:
I am sure it will get some interesting responses - as his posts tend to doIf you are silly enough to think you will find real love in a go go bar (well it COULD happen but what are the odds) or an internet dating site, and if you REALLY believe that you can love someone after a few MSN's and the parting of a few grand over the internet, you deserve everything you get...

Paid dating sites are even worse... especially the ones like find my thai love... They are nothing more that money making excersises, often frequented by the very people you lot are trying to warn me against....designed to suck in old geezers with the promise of eternal young booty... at a hefty price that does not stop when you meet the girl of your dream/fantasy in your head
Save your money and go into the REAL world and meet real people.. i repeat YOU CANNOT FIND LOVE AFTER A FEW MSN'S AND A WADFUL OF PAYMENTS TO AN AGENCY IN ANOTHER COUNTRY. It might make you feel good and think like you have found love, but i bet you aint....
Now onto the go go bars, which lets face it are basically whorehouses with a bar and music... i need say no more on that really.. but i will... for i know of no man who has found true love whilst visiting a group of prostitutes in their place of business... and if you know anyone who has.. im all ears. now... I have nothing against working girls at all... i repeat I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST WORKING GIRLS AT ALL and LOTS of them over there in thailand are worth a few baht for the night (or three) but... to think i can make one my partner......... naaaaaaaaaaaaaah PORK AWAY GENTS... as many as you want, but realise that it IS a whorehouse you are visiting and they ARE prostitutes...
Of course there are exeptions to every rule.. but the exceptions in these cases would FAR be outweighed by the blokes who get done up like a wet kipper and drained of all their hope, self respect and cash.. a bit like a Spurs season ticket holder

Im sorry but IMO, people who think these three examples are the way to go to find love.. are pretty damm lame
Comments most welcome